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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Thank god I didn't come out wrong then  because when i was saying she wasn't going to do something that she didn't want i wasn't implying that lana has disappeared to learn korean so she could release a kpop album in 2018.
    I know what a contract entails, and Lana if i'm not wrong, is still also somewhat paying back her old label? But I was only implying that what her labels demands of her most of the time is aligned with what lana likes to do in the first place and she has a huge amount of artistic freedom compared of what i know of the music industry. If we believe what she and Dan say about uv that means she almost produced an album on a whim, during two weeks with a man she met at a party even tho her people at interscope/polydor wanted her to work with someone else (her words). She didn't even know about Dan's music in the first place. I mean that's impressive. Also she pulls a uni student card by including Change, a song at the last minute, a day before submitting her work - on a record that is already one hour long- and scraps away quality songs she already announced because they finally didn't correspond to her vision ...     She at least gives the impression to be very in charge
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    the way i remember it, dan wasn't used to so much hand force from a label and Lana was shrugging it off while he got really angry about this kind of management. (This was after BTD/PE, it was another time.) Her label asked her to meet with another producer and she said yes but went to the meeting too late and the producer she was meant to see (one of Adele's) had time to listen to what lana and dan had already done (which her label hated) and they liked it so much they didn't want to touch it. Then suddenly everyone at the label started seeing the light liking the tracks/production and lana, like the boss she is, continued on her merry way undisturbed without putting a fight. Someone on top at interscope even said that others requested a single/hit from lana and he was like no, you get what you're going to get; that she had her own vision and everyone else only had to follow her way. How I see it, Lana downplayed all that and got the sound she wanted without much of a fuss. 
    Even the management at her indie label company (AKA) said that you couldn't make lana do something she didn't want, that she was headstrong and determined enough. For me, Lana has the talent and the means to have come up with huge hits by now if she wanted. I do think she has some pressure, like everyone of us from work and school, but not what we imagine or to the same level as the biggest pop stars/rappers. Otherwise I can't explain how chill she is. Plus she works so much and she releases (#1) albums at a higher frequency than most these days  lana is the true boss 
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I don't think her label would want to make her do anything, she does what she likes. at least that's how i see it from what happened during the (pre) uv era
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i have a feeling this song sounds incomplete because abel's voice doesn't add too much to lana's, with the way they sing it wasn't complimentary enough, if Abel had dropped the falsetto at some point I would have gotten some closure perhaps
  5. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by softdecay in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    Well, Lana's taste is men is not the best so I can totally see her dating an alien.
  6. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by softdecay in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    Am I the only one who pictured something different for the video? I kinda pictured something desert-esque, not urban. I'm not complaining though, it seems really good, and I do like to be surprised, but I had a total different image on my mind.
    And is the car green or it's just the video's filter? I've been wondering this since I first saw the video and it's been driving me crazy.
  7. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by softdecay in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    There's something in the wind, I can feel it blowing in
    It's coming in sofly on the wings of a ban

  8. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    Um, having an opinion isn't bullying but okay. It's not like she spammed his instagram calling him ugly. Or pointed her finger at him and laughed. My god, get your head outta your ass. This is a forum. We state our opinions. The guy isn't here, nor will he care.
    Celebrities are in the public eye, so it doesn't exactly count as bullying. Do you think all the stars in the world go home and cry about how many people on chat forums are calling them names? They don't give a fuck, they got into the business knowing that they'd get judgment. It was their choice. And if they do consider it bullying, then maybe they shouldn't be in that kind of business.
  9. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    Of course Lana deletes the you're boring me to death and I'm already dead tweet when we need it the most
  10. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    bitch stfu, @Arcadia is a Queen, plus anyone no matter how they look has a right to have an opinion on someone else's appearence. It's a free world and we can all say and do whatever the fuck we like.

  11. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    For the last time, I'm not isnecure. I've tried to bite my tongue but this has gone on for too damn long. Read the private message I sent you for Christ sake and stop clogging the motherfucking thread with your incessant whining. We get it. You hate me. Move along. I'm done. Bye.
  12. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Tragic Rabbit in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    I don't think that the guy is ugly at all (!) but I can understand that everyone has different tastes & I gotta respect their opinions. It's a discussion forum after all.
    I really feel sorry for Arcadia and how her personal life was brought up on a public forum in the name of proving her wrong. You should be ashamed guys. She shared that info on the safe-section of Lanaboards where people have talked about depression, insecurities, addiction & even molestation. You're not supposed to bring that up outside that & use it against them. This is cyber bullying.
    .. & Arcadia, the way you've tried to defend yourself made it worse. You know these guys were not gonna care for what you were saying anyway - plus you don't owe them ANY explaination.
  13. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    Yes you can notice her in a scene at the bar
  14. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    What is wrong with y'all? That guy is hawttttt
    EDIT: and he's from Iceland... no wonder 
  15. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    It's filmed in her house - that's the stone and wood wall from the Billboard shoot. I love that!
    (Someone has definitely already made this observation but I'm too lazy to read through pages of fighting...)
    And it's cute that Stella is part of the video.
    I love the scenes of them on the street.
  16. expandableclitoris liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    a music composer from iceland, i'm shook is lana now also the st patronus of launching careers 
    edit: everytime i watch this i'm mesmerised by lana's glassy eyes it's like she doesn't have pupils 
  17. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    a music composer from iceland, i'm shook is lana now also the st patronus of launching careers 
    edit: everytime i watch this i'm mesmerised by lana's glassy eyes it's like she doesn't have pupils 
  18. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The day I saw your White Mustang, ur white mustang

    Said you're a Wild Mustang

  19. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    Omg I can't at La Douche Vita, #IStandWithArcadia
  20. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    lbr if we're getting a monologue or some type of extended video it needs to be 13 beaches or tomorrow never came, those have pretty clear stories i think
    i'm gonna be happy with whatever she gives us though, i'm mad at myself for complaining lol. it's her album and she can do whatever she wants with it and i'm only here to support her and show love 
  21. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Anita Malfatti in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    Leave Arcadia alone
  22. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    Honey the thing about weight loss is that it's easy to change yourself. I'm not doomed for life, stop the dramatics.
    My anxiety makes me insecure in OTHER WAYS. I'm fine with how I look, that's the damn truth whether you believe it or not.
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that's obvious. If I think this guy is unattractive, then that's what I think. But I know others don't think the same way as me. Why are you coming for me? If you care so much, PM me instead of clogging up the thread.
  23. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by softdecay in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   
    When the thread was at war we just kept dancing
    But seriously, I'm pretty sure the message of the video isn't "hey, look how hot this guy is" 'cause there wasn't a single hot guy in all of Lana's videos, let's be honest
  24. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Groupie Lover in Lana Posts New "White Mustang" Video Teaser   

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