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About fkacowboy

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    I like music and the culture that surrounds it.

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  1. fkacowboy

    Ariana Grande

    can't find the leaks :'(
  2. fkacowboy


    ok this project is so cohesive it's hard to separate the tracks into separate concepts, but here's my ranking of the tracklist based primarily just on my taste: 1. la chiquí (feat. SOPHIE) 2. time 3. rip the slit 4. machote 5. watch (feat. shygirl) 6. nonbinary 7. calor 8. mequetrefe 9. riquiquí 10. no queda nada 11. KLK (feat. ROSALIA) 12. afterwards (feat. bjork) it's a great album i don't hate any of the tracks, the only ones i kinda didn't vibe with as much as the rest of the album were the last 2 on my listing (the bjork collab was def a lil disappointing but i think it's a cute extension of their musical universe). honestly, shygirl, bjork, rosalia, AND SOPHIE!!! appearing on the same album is iconic enough on its own. i love hearing arca's attempt at a more pop structured sound, she is so damn creative ugh
  3. fkacowboy


    listening to KiCk i right now!! will edit with my opinions omg so excited do you wanna taste? okay i'm just gonna quote with my opinion hehe
  4. skskdjsk it was a page ahead. i always read a couple of the most recent pages when i haven't been on here in a while, had 2 do it to ya
  5. there's a clear distinction between "omg can't wait for her to release more music" and "wow she's so lazy this mixtape is gonna suck why doesn't she do more" it's natural for fans to crave more from an artist. just be respectful. is it that hard?
  6. why are y'all being so negative? can you let the woman live skskdjsk you're not entitled to anything she does or makes just enjoy as it comes
  7. fkacowboy

    LIZ Y2K

    nobody bullied her. they criticized her for sympathizing with military (dogs) and cops, and not posting about BLM enough when it first was gaining heat online. and her "apology" was basically "i believe in peace <3 don't hate me #blm" and people were not satisfied with that. she's a fake, imo.
  8. fkacowboy


    halsey released a demo on her twitter a couple days ago: https://twitter.com/halsey/status/1272338620955848704?s=20 I think it sounds really good
  9. fkacowboy

    Chloe x Halle

    uhm OP needs to make this an official thread and make it look pretty for these girls. the fact that they didn't have a thread on this site already is weird...... TUH! but yea ungodly hour is another beautiful release from them, they're super talented xoxo
  10. fkacowboy

    Charli XCX

    1. Charli 2. Pop 2 3. HIFN 4. N1A 5. Vroom Vroom 6. True Romance 7. XCX World 8. Sucker
  11. wait is "chemtrails over the country club" the name of her next album??? PLEEEASE
  12. fkacowboy


    WHERE IS SHE?????
  13. sheezus "lacks honesty"..... what are y'all smoking...
  14. fkacowboy


    i just want to say that banks is coming back in 2019 and we are ready to stan!
  15. fkacowboy


    i am losing my shit.... all i want for xxxmas kinda blows (some of) slayyyter's other songs out the water
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