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  1. Trinity liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Music (& stuff) people like that you tried to get into, but can’t   
    American Horror Story- got through the first season, it was good, couldn't finish the 2nd season, not even gonna attempt Coven
    I went through a small Azealia Banks phase but now she's nothing more than a 1 hit wonder to me   (if BWET ever sees the light of day I'll definitely give it a chance)
    I lost interest in Pure Heroine really quickly
    and Night Time My Time is not up to par with a lot of Sky's old stuff imo... i appreciate the album but i just didn't get into it all that much
  2. Trinity liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Music (& stuff) people like that you tried to get into, but can’t   
    Azalea banks is a disaster ... Idk why people like her 
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Trinity in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I only have one question: How could anyone NOT be interested in Lana?   
  4. Trinity liked a post in a topic by rdp in Quotes in Lana Songs   
    "Ah he's/Harvey's in the sky with diamonds and he's making me crazy" probably a spin on Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
  5. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Januli in ROUND 4 - Paradise - Elimination Game   
    Bel Air. I like the song, but it's kinda boring compared to the other ones. 
  6. J.R.OMEGA liked a post in a topic by Trinity in   
    MØ just released the official NMTF album art on her Twitter.. Should have seen this coming!

  7. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Trinity in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    I literally choked omfg       
  8. National Anthem liked a post in a topic by Trinity in   
    MØ just released the official NMTF album art on her Twitter.. Should have seen this coming!

  9. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Trinity in   
    MØ just released the official NMTF album art on her Twitter.. Should have seen this coming!

  10. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Black Beauty   
    I’ve just listened to this song for the first time in a while since it leaked and I’ve finally formed together my complete theory of its meaning. I believe this song is very influenced by Barrie, more specifically, his battle with depression. From Barrie’s lyrics, tweets, and dark influences I think it’s obvious that he is struggling, or at least has at some point in his life, struggled with depression.  Here’s my interpretation:
  11. silver starlet liked a post in a topic by Trinity in   
    I was hoping for something a little more colorful and MØ-esque.
  12. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Black Beauty   
    I’ve just listened to this song for the first time in a while since it leaked and I’ve finally formed together my complete theory of its meaning. I believe this song is very influenced by Barrie, more specifically, his battle with depression. From Barrie’s lyrics, tweets, and dark influences I think it’s obvious that he is struggling, or at least has at some point in his life, struggled with depression.  Here’s my interpretation:
  13. Faded Heart liked a post in a topic by Trinity in   
    MØ just released the official NMTF album art on her Twitter.. Should have seen this coming!

  14. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Bekim in Black Beauty   
    ♥♥♥♥♥ this post
  15. kristinaj liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Black Beauty   
    I’ve just listened to this song for the first time in a while since it leaked and I’ve finally formed together my complete theory of its meaning. I believe this song is very influenced by Barrie, more specifically, his battle with depression. From Barrie’s lyrics, tweets, and dark influences I think it’s obvious that he is struggling, or at least has at some point in his life, struggled with depression.  Here’s my interpretation:
  16. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Fan Fiction   
    Noticed there wasn't a topic about fan fiction so I decided to make one. 

    Do any of you write fan fiction {whether it be Lana related or not}? If so, post it here!
    It seems Lana/Marina {Larina} fics seem to be popular among the Twitter fanbase. Thoughts?
    Have you ever read any Lana fanfics? Care to recommend any?
    For those of you who are avid readers, what's your favorite genre to read?
    I used to write a lot of fics for CATS (the musical)... *runs away in embarrassment* Of course, that was a long time ago, but I must admit it was fun!

    I currently am not working on or reading any fanfictions but I might write something soon if I get the inspiration.

    Happy discussing!

  17. Trinity liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    can we just make this very clear
    if you see a tracklist for ultraviolence
    IT'S FAKE.
    common fucking sense u guys
  18. Trinity liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    lana and chuck posting ASL and 14/f/nirvana on instagram is making me think there'll be a song about hooking up with some 45+ dude via yahoo chat or smth 
  19. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Cleopatra in Orange is the new Black   
  20. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    I don't have an android but for my iPhone I made a custom skin on skinit.com and then got a clear case to go over my phone so now it's pretty & protected
  21. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Sparkle in   
    I would love to get alternate links for
    - When I Saw His Cock
    - Crackwhore
    - Speak No Lies

    The links posted won't let me download them.

  22. National Anthem liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Florrie   
    She didn't mention anything, she just said that she's really going to try to build hype for this EP so in the future she can have charting songs. I'm getting all this from her email newsletter (which you can read below).
  23. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Member of the Month (February): COLACUNT   
    No way! I'm going to school for dermatology, too (although I'd much, much rather be going into artistic production of some sort, like you said)!
  24. 111 liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Florrie   
    After a very long drought in the world of Florrie, we finally have some new! Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with an album. She has, however, announced that she's releasing a(nother) new 3-track EP, Sirens with the first single called Seashells! She says it's, "probably one of the strangest tracks" she's ever worked on. She's also releasing a music video for each one of the songs which she has flmed with Jack Bowden & Ferry Gouw. She's also announced that she'll be redesigning her look with a new logo and such (see above). According to Florrie, each video will be released with only a few weeks in between them and we will be able to buy all the tracks on iTunes by the end of April! What do you guys think of the names Sirens (ironic, huh?) and Seashells? What are you expecting? 

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