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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Perfect - get the publicity and then stop short of having to stand by your words 
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Jack in Member of the Month (January/February): longtimeman   
    I've never been MOTM and I pop up in every interview, when will your favs?
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Member of the Month (January/February): longtimeman   
    Welcome to how I'm running things now I can't promise it's permanent but I've been awful for the past two interviews and done them both a month late. But I could never pass the torch on bc y'all love me dig?
    Anyway never underestimate LanaBoards' idolization of people different from our young gay majority--it is almost a sure thing that any older member will eventually have their name in lights (and share in the collective resentment towards @@Bekim's sidebar acclaim). longtimeman was a breath of fresh air after all you snarky younguns. Stan his level-headedness and wise presence!
    Member of the Month (January/February): longtimeman

  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Pensacola in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    The way Kim comes for Lana is a little bit personal. Sounds like the problem rests with her, taking the Ride video 100% literally, wishing Lana would kill herself, whining about the fact that Lana isn't interested in carrying the burden of always being a feminist role model.
    Lana built her own career, writes her own music, has a mind of her own, and never tries to pretend she is perfect. Sounds like a pretty strong woman to me.  She's open about her fantasies and honest - to a fault - about the things she feels. I bet if someone were to open up Kim's brain and find all of the secrets she's harbored in there, we could make plenty of comments about Kim's relationship with feminism or her own private fantasies/thoughts.
    Her commenting safely from the pages of a memoir on someone else, seemingly for no reason other than to make an example of someone, well... like I said, sounds like she's got the problem, not Lana. Sorry if Lana makes you uncomfortable but hey, you slammed a very popular artist to make yourself (and your book) find some rumblings of attention, so congratulations but I see right through it.
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Jizzy Grant in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    This is interesting. I feel like Lana has made her place in history and not in the way she wanted to.
    Kim seemed not to like Lana, in general, from her tone and wording in the quote. In any case, she's using her version of what feminism is to put down the choices she doesn't like of another woman. It's one thing to have an opinion about someone, it's another to feel the need to shame/humiliate them. I would assume she had an agenda. Based on her twitter feed that would appear so. She had to have known the controversy this would generate and she seems to be taking some form of pleasure in all of it.
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Lana's whole life nowadays amounts to she's either damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.
    It's pretty sad, to say the least. I get people are not into the nihilistic self-destruction elements of Lana's work, to each their own. But at the same time, I kinda detest to the whole "EVERYTHING SHE WRITES ABOUT IS ABOUT THIS" spiel because, well, just as much of her unreleased music says that's not the case. I just personally find it ironic that Lana's every critic's go-to for "We don't mind if anyone else does it, except her" schools of thought. Whether or not it's intentional, I don't know. I just feel like people tend to spot sensitive people who are in the limelight and take advantage of it.
    I could name probably more than a handful of artists and an even larger number of songs not from Lana that have romanticized self-destruction just as much, and the criticism barely exists. And if it does, it's like "Wow, they push the envelope but it's fantastic!" I think that fuels my sympathy for Lana a lot more than just because I love her. She doesn't catch a break for doing what many musicians have done/written about. Yes, I'll admit that Lana's interviews, particularly during the UV-era, were really controversial, but it's how she felt. The lot of these criticisms really just seem to revolve around invalidating her feelings and experiences as much as possible.
    I heard somewhere that sometimes we need to stop explaining ourselves so much because the people who love and care about us, don't need an explanation; and the people that don't love or care about us, don't want to hear one anyway. It kinda applies here; none of these people care enough about Lana to want an explanation anyway.
    I really have no other comment on this. I'm not even Lana and I'm offended by how debasing and brutal this statement is at its core. And that last bit was just absolutely appalling.
    I'm not even going to get into that mess of a contradiction in regards to the feminism statement. I'm just not even going to get into this at all. This was just sad; I try to avoid reading scathing bullshit like this because it makes me feel bad for the person it happens to, and I regret reading it in the first place. I'm really feeling for Lana more than I did when she got all that backlash around the BTD era. I just hope that Lana can brush this off if/when she finds out about it, because this is anything but a humane exhibition of compassion and concern. It's intentional vehemence.
  7. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Kim also went on to talk about her encounters with Courtney Love. Suggesting she has a borderline personality disorder and saying " No one ever questions the disorder behind her tarantula LA glamour – sociopathy, narcissism – because it’s good rock and roll, good entertainment! I have a low tolerance for manipulative, egomaniacal behavior, and usually have to remind myself that the person might be mentally ill.”
    In my eyes Kim is just a vicious,bitter women who knows that attacking/name dropping other artist such as Lana will help her sell more books in the long run.
    Yes she may be a Legend in the music industry but it doesn't give her the right to attack other artist in such a -to be frank- a childish manner.Hell I wouldn't mind if it was said constructive manner but instead she did it in such a demeaning,vindictive spiteful way that the very few remaining good points are forgotten...
    I just feel so sorry for Lana she's had quite the proverbial beating from the press and industry these last couple of months...
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Ugh, I will post about this when I finish work today. So, hold your breath!
    Anyways, for now I will just say
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    is lana just low hanging fruit or do people genuinely have this much of a problem with her?
  10. Summersault liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Haha, so what she said was essentially "she does't even know what feminism is, she can't just do anything she wants as a woman! I will also tell another woman to kill themselves because they are troubled enough to have used/use drugs and have a mental illness (depression)". 
    Edit: Apparently, sleeping with who you want is UNFEMINIST! Kim should stop calling the kettle black.
    Edit: Her twitter is full of this Lana saga, she retweets people saying 'You go girl! I am SO buying this book now!'
    The motives are clear as day.
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    How she gonna publish a book telling someone to kill themselves? Was she raised in a barn?

  12. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    lmao bitch got scalped 
    ok but really i find this surprising coming from kim gordon -- acclaimed musician and visual artist 
    but not so much from kim gordon -- human woman approaching death, somewhat threatened by the vision, intellect (and beauty) of the young pop starlet (currently bleeding into the art-world with increasing credibility)
    i mean its one thing to disparage another artist due to creative differences, but the part about "offing herself" really pushes this into juvenile cunt territory. not to say that that's entirely a bad thing (considering lana can be both juvenile and cunty herself) ... but honestly, i sort of feel like this is a matter of ~ "like disliking like" 
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana + Kanye cover Billboard Magazine Alongside Lucian Grainge   
    Are we really gonna do this?
  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana + Kanye cover Billboard Magazine Alongside Lucian Grainge   
    Lana looks flawless and it's always nice to see Kanyes genuinely smiling but...the chair though. Love it. Need it. Can't afford it.
  15. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Interviews With Inquirer.net: "I was very wild."   
    Source: http://entertainment.inquirer.net/163131/lana-del-rey-i-was-very-wild
    Some pictures:

  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana's staying power   
    It's fun to have a thread of positivity every now and then.
  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Lana's staying power   
    i think lana will be looked back upon as an icon/innovator/part of the 2010s zeitgeist. going forward, i think she will be around as long as she wants to be. we know how prolific lana can be & how a part of her music-making is. i think we have a lot of albums to look forward to.
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Lana's staying power   
    I don't feel smug against the 'bandwagon' or newer fans (I love new fans tbh), just genuinely lucky to have discovered Lana back in late 2011 where I could follow her career from the build-up to BTD and watch her blossom from then on. I didn't like her music at first, but there was something striking about that woman, I thought her live vocals were terrible and shaky but her submissive behavior was what grabbed my attention. As a 13 year old, at the time, she's the first celebrity who I really took an interest in (forgetting about the jonas brothers).
    Back then, I didn't know one person who liked her - people hated her and they seriously hated me for liking her and sure, she still has a LOT of hate but that's part of the package and I can name many people who may have detested her in 2012 but now have a good bit of Lana on their iPod. 
    What some people don't understand is, a musician doesn't have to be a perfect role model. She always gets picked up for having 'surgery' and being 'anti-feminist' etc. but so what? Everyone has controversial opinions and she doesn't have them to preach to all her fans, she has them because she's human, an independent, strong-minded woman who hasn't let herself fall victim to the music industry - this is also present in her music and although I prefer BTD to UV, I was really proud that she made an album which was so her and so NOT just what the pop industry wanted from her.
    Another thing some people don't understand is, she's not a typical pop entertainer. I don't get involved in stan wars because people always insist on bringing out the 'how many awards does your fave have' and 'my fave sold this many copies in 2014' because Lana honestly doesn't give a fuck... And she's still made herself an icon (which she has undeniably always dreamed of). Jesus, I don't even know how she does it.
    (btw, i really love this thread - i think it's great to have a thread where we can just celebrate and rant about our appreciation for our Lana)
  19. Summersault liked a post in a topic by smoledman in Lana's staying power   
    Everyone(the hipster music press) thought back around spring 2012 that she's a "flash in the pan" and will be irrelevant by 2013. Now she's bigger than ever.
    From "Video Games" to "Big Eyes", Lana has never put out a song that I thought cringe-worthy or bad in any way. I know she is not the sole songwriter for many of her songs, but that doesn't change the fact that she knows how to partner up with quality songwriters too. That's a skill in itself. She has a tremendous visual arts flair that IMHO is indelible. From the videos of "Video Games", "Blue Jeans", "Summertime Sadness" with their super-8 type quality to the epic "Ride" to "Tropico" I think she's a female David Lynch.
    On top of all that, a new album coming at the end of the year. She's literally the only woman in the pop industry(other than Sia) that I can celebrate.
    There is a way she invokes nostalgia and sadness that is indelible. Some people have a problem with that, but someone has to carry that torch. She is fucking crazy, but she is free.
    Keep on sad-corin' Lana.
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by toshi in Lana + Kanye cover Billboard Magazine Alongside Lucian Grainge   
    Mmmm I could eat a Footlong Meatball sub now.
  21. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana + Kanye cover Billboard Magazine Alongside Lucian Grainge   
    i dunno what u are all talking about she is a WHALE. like morbidly and rancidly obese. really i mean i dunno how she even sings anymore i imagine she has a 12 inch meatball sub in her mouth throughout the day every day 
  22. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana + Kanye cover Billboard Magazine Alongside Lucian Grainge   
    Lana looks flawless and it's always nice to see Kanyes genuinely smiling but...the chair though. Love it. Need it. Can't afford it.
  23. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana + Kanye cover Billboard Magazine Alongside Lucian Grainge   
    aren't they gorgeous??????? they're like 3 grand a piece tho...    daddy where r u when i need u most 

  24. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana + Kanye cover Billboard Magazine Alongside Lucian Grainge   
    Lana looks flawless and it's always nice to see Kanyes genuinely smiling but...the chair though. Love it. Need it. Can't afford it.
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