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  1. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Wow you guys are really on the wrong path. We're talking about the DEATH of a men. How selfish you and Lanz and ben could be to ignore that? She should post something. Also I'm tired of her, her management and her bands ignorance. Everytime we complain about something they find the mistake on us make us look stupid and rude. This happened with BLM now, tour cancelation last year, setlist issue 2 years ago and maybe more when I wasn't following LB. I don't think I'll be able to stan her anymore. Maybe listen to her songs but that's it. And this coming from someone who defended her for 4 years now. I'm tired and I can't do this anymore when she keeps making mistakes over mistakes.
  2. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Wow you guys are really on the wrong path. We're talking about the DEATH of a men. How selfish you and Lanz and ben could be to ignore that? She should post something. Also I'm tired of her, her management and her bands ignorance. Everytime we complain about something they find the mistake on us make us look stupid and rude. This happened with BLM now, tour cancelation last year, setlist issue 2 years ago and maybe more when I wasn't following LB. I don't think I'll be able to stan her anymore. Maybe listen to her songs but that's it. And this coming from someone who defended her for 4 years now. I'm tired and I can't do this anymore when she keeps making mistakes over mistakes.
  3. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Yes everyone knows it already, but the fact that you've heard doesn't mean you've embraced it. She has thousands of fans, people idolize her, her saying a word would definitely touch people. This is a humanity situation, her getting backlash doesn't matter rn, and btw she said i don't care fuck off so I don't think this is the situation here. She is not afraid of the backlash, she just doesn't care. Oh btw yes she may have donated silent, but why not do that out loud? 
  4. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Yes everyone knows it already, but the fact that you've heard doesn't mean you've embraced it. She has thousands of fans, people idolize her, her saying a word would definitely touch people. This is a humanity situation, her getting backlash doesn't matter rn, and btw she said i don't care fuck off so I don't think this is the situation here. She is not afraid of the backlash, she just doesn't care. Oh btw yes she may have donated silent, but why not do that out loud? 
  5. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  6. Shades liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Wow you guys are really on the wrong path. We're talking about the DEATH of a men. How selfish you and Lanz and ben could be to ignore that? She should post something. Also I'm tired of her, her management and her bands ignorance. Everytime we complain about something they find the mistake on us make us look stupid and rude. This happened with BLM now, tour cancelation last year, setlist issue 2 years ago and maybe more when I wasn't following LB. I don't think I'll be able to stan her anymore. Maybe listen to her songs but that's it. And this coming from someone who defended her for 4 years now. I'm tired and I can't do this anymore when she keeps making mistakes over mistakes.
  7. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Wow you guys are really on the wrong path. We're talking about the DEATH of a men. How selfish you and Lanz and ben could be to ignore that? She should post something. Also I'm tired of her, her management and her bands ignorance. Everytime we complain about something they find the mistake on us make us look stupid and rude. This happened with BLM now, tour cancelation last year, setlist issue 2 years ago and maybe more when I wasn't following LB. I don't think I'll be able to stan her anymore. Maybe listen to her songs but that's it. And this coming from someone who defended her for 4 years now. I'm tired and I can't do this anymore when she keeps making mistakes over mistakes.
  8. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in Instagram Updates   
    who the fuck cares if people call her a hypocrite. its the RIGHT THING TO DO.
    and newsflash: she has a platform because she's a singer. just because that's how she makes her money doesn't exclude her from using it to help support social change.
  9. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Artists are still people. I'm not an artist yet I spread the word because it's important and it's the decent thing to do. 
    The thing is, Lana has portrayed herself to her fans to be socially aware and has actually gotten political before, so why now does she choose to be quiet? I understand she could receive backlash, but it'll happen if she does or doesn't make a post. If she cares, she'll bring awareness. It really is that simple. Her spreading awareness could do a world of good and prompt her fans to make donations and such. 
    Also I think people here also forget that Lana has black stans, and I know quite a few are actually disappointed in her silence.
  10. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Instagram Updates   
    they're right.
    she doesn't need to write a personal post - in fact, it's better if she doesn't. this isn't about her. RT posts written by black people & posting donation links would be more than enough. it's not even *just* about making her stance clear in this literal "with us or against us" moment, but abt using a huge public platform to amplify black voices & thus actually help the movement. 
    and i can't @ people here justifying her silence with "she's taking a social media break" & "but people would just criticize her more". if indeed that's the reason, do you realize how selfish that makes her? that she's just out there sulking via social media blackout & putting her own feelings above human rights?
  11. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Lol can ya’ll stop defending her and saying “well maybe she’s doing something behind the scenes”. Okay? And? She has millions of followers and while backlash is possible, if she cares enough, she’ll post. She’ll bring awareness. Simple. End of. Nothing more about it. Silence speaks volumes.
  12. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Yes everyone knows it already, but the fact that you've heard doesn't mean you've embraced it. She has thousands of fans, people idolize her, her saying a word would definitely touch people. This is a humanity situation, her getting backlash doesn't matter rn, and btw she said i don't care fuck off so I don't think this is the situation here. She is not afraid of the backlash, she just doesn't care. Oh btw yes she may have donated silent, but why not do that out loud? 
  13. TheBoss liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Yes everyone knows it already, but the fact that you've heard doesn't mean you've embraced it. She has thousands of fans, people idolize her, her saying a word would definitely touch people. This is a humanity situation, her getting backlash doesn't matter rn, and btw she said i don't care fuck off so I don't think this is the situation here. She is not afraid of the backlash, she just doesn't care. Oh btw yes she may have donated silent, but why not do that out loud? 
  14. Aquemini liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Yes everyone knows it already, but the fact that you've heard doesn't mean you've embraced it. She has thousands of fans, people idolize her, her saying a word would definitely touch people. This is a humanity situation, her getting backlash doesn't matter rn, and btw she said i don't care fuck off so I don't think this is the situation here. She is not afraid of the backlash, she just doesn't care. Oh btw yes she may have donated silent, but why not do that out loud? 
  15. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Yes everyone knows it already, but the fact that you've heard doesn't mean you've embraced it. She has thousands of fans, people idolize her, her saying a word would definitely touch people. This is a humanity situation, her getting backlash doesn't matter rn, and btw she said i don't care fuck off so I don't think this is the situation here. She is not afraid of the backlash, she just doesn't care. Oh btw yes she may have donated silent, but why not do that out loud? 
  16. Jane B liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Yes everyone knows it already, but the fact that you've heard doesn't mean you've embraced it. She has thousands of fans, people idolize her, her saying a word would definitely touch people. This is a humanity situation, her getting backlash doesn't matter rn, and btw she said i don't care fuck off so I don't think this is the situation here. She is not afraid of the backlash, she just doesn't care. Oh btw yes she may have donated silent, but why not do that out loud? 
  17. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    when you have a platform, you have the moral obligation to speak out and point out when obvious injustices like this occur (especially if your fandom is majority white and lost in their own world like lana’s is, she could be raising awareness in a group of people that a lot of other pop stars can’t reach)
  18. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    I've really lost my respect for L and I'm disappointed to say the least. She always has time to promote the Hawaii moms but she can't post about millions of people's lives? Also yes she'd get some backlash, but raising awareness would worth it. For those who don't know  how important this is let me tell you: I live in a country where %0,001 of the population is black, so we don't have racism towards black. But we do have racism against some races. With this BLM action in America a lot of people in my country saw how disgusting racism is, that way maybe it could even help our problems too (i hope that makes sense). Anyways what I'm saying is raising awareness is necessary and L has no apologia for not doing that.
  19. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    It's very difficult for her to say something when she's just spent a week doubling down over comments that many perceived to be racist.
    I'd like her to speak out, too, but I don't see how she can do that without people associating last week's mess with whatever she'd say about this.
    I don't trust her, and I feel like she'd say something really crackheaded like, "Here is a poem I wrote about pansies. It's a reminder that all lives matter, including those of plants. I hope it brings some comfort to all of those affected by the current acts of violence. Much love - Lana x"
  20. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by violets in Instagram Updates   
    its as simple as spreading awareness. is that too much to ask for?
  21. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Instagram Updates   
    She could sign petitions for other problems in the world too, but this is something that’s going on daily in her own country. I think it would hit her closer to home than something she might not even be aware of in a foreign country. There’s no way she has missed news of the recent days and what’s going on in America right now.
  22. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    When are ya'll gonna realise celebrities are LITERALLY regular people? If you care about racial issues, you'll speak up. It's that simple. There's nothing more to it than that. It's cowardly to stay quiet. 
  23. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Ultraviolencexo in Instagram Updates   
    I agree to a certain extent, but this isn’t an issue she should be silent about...
    She has a huge platform where she can share petitions and encourage her following to stand up, get involved and spread the message. I can understand why people are disappointed that she isn’t posting anything
  24. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    if you have time to talk about how un-racist you are or have the time to make a video about the criticism you get and talk about black reparations in that video, then you have time to talk about injustices against black people. prove you want reparations for black people when they're still targets of the government.
    lana's getting hate either way, it doesn't matter! use your platform for good.
    come off of it yall, why are some of you blindly defending this? you're not getting paid
  25. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Instagram Updates   
    When someones favorite singer, who they hold close to their heart, is being silent on an issue like this, it does provoke an emotional response. Its only natural. Seeing someone you admire not standing up for a cause like this can be weird and make you feel unsure about them. People care about their faves saying something. Not every single celeb in the world.
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