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  1. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Instagram Updates   
    Reading the first line again, it really is hilarious that Doja Cat (a protege of Dr. Luke), Ariana (a white woman that purposely purports herself as mixed), Camila (a reality tv contestant and bona fide racist), Cardi B (a stripper turned reality tv personality turned rapper), Kehalni (boring) have not had to face the same rocky trajectory as an actual musician who has never done anything other than be authentic to herself and followed her own artistic inclinations so strongly.
  2. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Instagram Updates   
    I would be fucking pissed off if I were her too. She had a SUBSTANTIAL hand at paving the fucking way for this new generation of cool sad club kids and took all of the blows for them so that they could debut to pretty much widespread acclaim and acceptance without ever thinking twice, even though there are many which are LITERALLY industry plants e.g. billie eilish with her parents connections, dropping out of school so young and the fact she was marketed with her style at such a young age etc, Who has cited Lana as an influence many times (or more importantly her brother who probably has a larger stake in creating billie's overall sound and image) but her authenticity was never questioned whereas Lana was hounded for being inauthentic even though she did more back breaking work by working the live music scene for years without furthering her career in any real way - something newer generation artists won't ever have to do - they just need to keep up their social content calendars and make tiktoks while they chase another trend and drop a single every 3 weeks.
    I think this outburst of anger is much delayed and I think Bilie winning album of the year was the straw that broke the camels back and I think she has had a lot of time to ruminate on it. I guess she only feels comfortable sharing this now as she is no longer on the receiving end of these claims and at a point where she is now regarded quite highly and not fighting an unfair fight.
  3. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    So Stan twitter don't have any nuance. Who knew lol. There's no point in trying to defend her imo, people don't actually care about whether she meant it the way they say she did. They're just looking for a pile-on.
  4. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by nope in Instagram Updates   
    being misunderstood is so her brand.
  5. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Instagram Updates   
    No she didnt... if you find it that she scrutinized them its because your brain puts a negative connotation on singing about fucking, cheating, etc. theres nothing wrong with singing about it. She was pointing out how other women get celebrated for singing about things like that but when it comes to her on abusive relationships she gets shit for it. Both are women singing about their truths, ugly or pretty. So why does Lana get shit for it lol. Lana adores Ariana btw. Another reason i rly dont think she is trying to drag anyone. Her frustrations are for the media and critics, the audience. NOT THE ARTISTS
  6. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Instagram Updates   
    ... girl what does race have to do with any of this. Her point was that all women should be able to make music about whatever they want without being scrutinized for it. Imagine if she only mentioned white women with #1s. that probably would’ve upset you too smh. She mentioned black women because those black women are TOP stars. Shouldnt you be happy about that?? Shes mentioning successful women. Its NOT a race thing. Smh smh smh
  7. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Lizzy Grant/May jailer Old Myspace. (New Information)   
    was she really married 4 times in 5 countries?? 
  8. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Charli is basic and boring mainstream pop promoted as basic and boring mainstream pop for an audience that wants basic and boring mainstream pop. She is authentic and therefore gets good reviews
  9. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Yeah I should have excluded Ride from my statement because I do love the production.
  10. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    HIAB is an awful song with cringy lyrics and I don't understand the hype
  11. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I hate the vocal production of Paradise with all my heart. I actually hate the overall production. I know it was probably intentional but it all sounds... metallic? I couldn't explain it
  12. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in L.A. Times Interview 2019.03.10   
    This is a great interview! Finally, someone who asks interesting questions. challenges her and actually asks follow up questions to her responses and keeps pressing her. I thought she showed some real self-reflection in her answers and I don't get a single hint of any of the awkward-ness people have pointed out? 
    That fucking album OMG. She's probably made it 10 times over already in the past 10 years and we will never see it. It sounds PERFECT.
    Great photos too whew. 

    How are 80% of the forum going to bash her constantly for being boring, putting no effort into her performances, dressing like a regular person wearing the same shoes every day for a month, literally wear the same clothes on stage, wear minimal makeup, be completely unpretentious on social media and in interviews and yet simultaneously insist she has some huge mystical persona?   Please make it make sense.
  13. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    so like 20 minutes? 
  14. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Slumdog in Instagram Updates   
    To be honest, she's free to feel however she wants. It's actually really saddening to read what she wrote, you kind of feel the need to comfort her. The problem I think is in how she deals with it publicly, for two reasons: first, her mother is not famous nor does she own an active social media account, that we know of, in order for her to defend herself or give her side of things if she wanted to (as she is being made to look bad in front of millions of people). It's quite possible that she doesn't check social media and might not even be able to see these posts unless someone else shows it to her or tell her about it.
    Second, "Pat" might really be a bad mother, but there's also the possibility that they just have a rocky relationship and simply not get along because their personalities clash. In which case it would be very unfair that Lana is leaving the door open for the world to speculate the worse. Then again, those speculations could be true but there's no way to know for certain.
    And this is extremely personal but it must be a difficult situation for her father to be in. He didn't like those two Instagram posts. Could be a coincidence though.
    Other than that, the first tweet wasn't that bad to me and it's very sweet people with difficult relationships find comfort in it.
  15. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    Lol as if it was that easy. If she really craves a family, that's more than just getting pregnant and having a baby.
  16. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Instagram Updates   
    True very true in fact but still you don't publicly southpaw your own family on social media for the whole world to see and speculate.  
    Like I can understand if she was some angst ridden teen but she's a full grown adult
    This is one of the very very few horrible things Lana has ever done. There's no justification for what she just did. None.
  17. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    Ugh. Is she 12?
  18. ivy liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    Ugh. Is she 12?
  19. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    Ugh. Is she 12?
  20. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Well damn Lana you didn't have to put your mom on blast like that. The secondhand embarrassment, whew.
  21. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    The whole thing about “choosing your family” obviously means it’s more than Patty just not wanting to be on social media in my opinion. I mean damn....
  22. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Instagram Updates   
    I'm not even part of this family and I'm still uncomfortable as hell reading that tweet
  23. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Instagram Updates   
    I am so second hand embarrassed
  24. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Instagram Updates   
    the mommy issues jumped out 
  25. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by godsmonster in Heroin   
    I NEVER listen to this song but the chorus gets stuck in my head sometimes, which is funny to me
    Personally I don't like this song but the lyrics man
    Lyrically, one of her best
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