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  1. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Maybe Lana did die, her Label have replaced her with an actress who’s wearing prosthetics. This would explain why her face has been looking so strange lately like her lips and bone structure are all over the place.
  2. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Arctic Monkeys   
    I never liked arctic monkeys especially there early albums. Just had a generic British rock pop sound. But the last 2 albums have been good. TBHC is very Honeymoon, terrance loves you vibes. The bizarre themes and lyrics I find are imaginative and intriguing. Alex Turner is an exceptional artist overall. He does feel like a male Lana Del Rey in some regards.
  3. YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Arctic Monkeys   
    I've just found this thread and i'm really happy it exists since Arctic Monkeys are my favourite artists along with Lana.   

    I'm going to give my opinion too on TBHC:
    I think this album is to the Monkeys what Honeymoon was to Lana. It doesn't focus on being radio-friendly or having bop tunes except 1 or 2 songs, it's an album which you have to listen from the first to the last song in order to enjoy and understand it. At first I wasn't too happy about it because I missed those guitar tunes and Matt's drums but after listening to it a few times you realize it's an actual masterpiece and yes, those are stille the same Monkeys from 2013. 
    Also I think this was the best era. Like all those freaking aesthetics, those looks that Alex served, their concerts (I went to one of them and I have to admit it was even better than a Lana one), the memes, every single detail was amazing. 

    So yeah, now let's just hope we won't have to wait another 5 years.
  4. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    The problem with the nature of this forum is that we all constantly have to repeat points endlessly because new people either come on or members only check it out periodically, and so miss a great deal of what has been said.
    What I originally said, to paraphrase myself, is that, from 2012 on, LDR took a substantial number of hits in her life, from the broad media, who accused her of being inauthentic, manufactured and the purely result of her father’s money, to her public feud with Lorde and criticisms from people like Kim Gordon and Eminem, to her disastrous appearance on SNL and the fact that SNL further parodied her on ‘Weekend Update’ seven days later, to losing the James Bond gig to Sam Smith, who became successful with his Bond track and then later appeared on SNL...with Lorde.
    AND her failed relationship with BJON, the break-ins at her home, threats from fans, the relative decline in her sales, etc., etc.
    My original point was, ‘Who wouldn’t be half-crazed by all of that?’
    LDR would not have to stan Gordan to be troubled by criticism from her, and criticism that received a great amount of press. It was pretty much what sold Gordan’s book, if it sold at all. It’s probably the only thing most people remember about its release.
  5. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Thank you for this. I agree 100% and this is exactly what I think and how I feel about this whole situation.
  6. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I’m so upset that this is shaping up to be her absolute worst era when she’s gearing up to release some of the best music she’s ever made. I miss the days where she gave a fuck and really put her absolute all into everything she did. Like, how can this era be at all as satisfying for her career-wise as when she was making BTD, UV or HM? I get that she’s older and don’t get me wrong I’m living for her being happy and living her best life, but so far this has been so stupid and she’s essentially killed the hype for the album by posting SO MANY SNIPPETS and then dropping all mention of the record for months?
    Anyway, Lana, please, goddess, prove me wrong and serve us your best era and best album ever,,, I can’t take this lol
  7. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's simple. Lana cares about feminism to an extent, but not much. I feel like she hops on the bandwagon of whatever is trendy in today's society so she is deemed more 'mature', and to also be less criticized by the media. I have yet to see Lana make a deep hearted post about these abortion laws that are currently taking place in a country she so very much idolizes. Or any post about gun control. Or about sexual harassment/abuse.
    Basically what Lana is doing in terms of activism is the equivalent to this:
    This is also another reason why I hope she doesn't put any political songs on NFR. Politics isn't her strongest touch, and it ruins the song when you don't fully understand the things you're talking about.
  8. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    album coming out during the next solar eclipse in LA in 2024 confirmed
  9. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    100 dollars to a newbie that doesn't say "sHe dOesN't oWe uS AnYThinG"
  10. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Maybe that's her plan; to traumatise her fanbase so much that we create our own art to ease our suffering.
  11. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    We should make a Best Of using screenshots, make a nice little album and post it somewhere. Let's turn our suffering into art sisters
  12. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Rant incoming: I've been a hardcore stan since 2012, loved the vast majority of her output, defended her when she said questionable things about feminism and whatnot, and continuously supported her throughout these years. However, at this point I'm just really disappointed in her, and it has nothing to do with the quality of her music declining.
    As an artist, she relies on her fans buying/streaming her music and spending their money on concert tickets and merchandise, otherwise she wouldn't be able to afford multiple houses and maintain the kind of expensive lifestyle she seems to enjoy. She announced that she would be releasing an album "at the top of the year" – well it's June now and there's no album, not even a release date, and we also never got any sort of explanation or update aside from an ambiguous statement on her personal Twitter account and some bitchy comments from one of her managers, leaving us all completely in the dark. And to make matters even worse, she actually managed to affiliate herself with an openly anti-LGBTQ, misogynistic megachurch despite being aware of her huge queer following. Isn't that a punch in the face?
    Yes, delayed releases are somewhat common in the music industry. Yes, other artists make fauxpas too, surround themselves with the wrong people and say stupid shit every now and then. But for me at least, this ongoing ignorance, lack of communication, and overall just disrespectful behaviour towards the fans is quite unheard of, and I can't think of any other artists treating the people who made them big this way. It's true, of course, technically Lana doesn't owe us anything. But likewise, we don't owe her anything either. I've loved her music for years, and I still do and want to continue supporting her, but I honestly don't know how much longer I can keep doing that. 
    Stream Gimme by Banks and pray to Yosemite.
  13. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    after liking a couple of posts on here i decided it was finally time to give my two cents on miss lana. funny enough, it was actually my sister who introduced me to her music. i was dazzled by this girl and i could not get enough of her. btd opened me up to so many new sounds and was instrumental in my appreciation of music as an actual art form.
    i have so many memories that are linked to her music both good and bad (just like a big chunk of y’all). i’ll never forget the times i went to pick up my sister from college with my dad at night and having born to die play in the background. that winter break when i did nothing but put the album on repeat and incessantly attempt to beat my facebook friends’ subway surfers scores (lol). paradise ep made its way into my ears on a road trip i went on with my mom and sister, and coincidentally it is one of the only days i remember being truly, genuinely, stupidly happy.
    the ultraviolence era came around at a time where i was coming to terms with a rude awakening that had hit me like a truck, something that i already knew was there but refused to acknowledge simply because of shame and fear. i know thematically ultraviolence has absolutely nothing to do with sexual identity but it was the album that convinced me that love was universal and that maybe one day i would be able to relate to brooklyn baby; to have a guy feel as strongly as i felt for him, a person that would appreciate me for who i was (with flaws and all) and would not expect me to do the impossible. that someone who would lift me up while simultaneously celebrating my independence, making it feel like it was just us against the world, a match made in heaven composed of two individuals of the same caliber.
    2015 is a very tainted year for me, stained by my parents’ divorce and moving away to a new city which meant starting high school without my longtime friends. eventually my sister moved out and got married, making me feel like i had lost my partner in crime. i had a hard time making new friends the first few months, even communicating with my own mother was getting difficult. and yet honeymoon was there for me, almost like a lullaby my own mother would sing to console me after a nightmare. this is gonna sound so childish but sometimes i thought lana was like a guardian angel () because it was as if she knew i was going through a rough patch and tried to help in her own little way.
    even after inevitably growing out of her music, i will always hold lana and her work in high regard. even if i discover new artists and proceed to fall in and out of love with them, lana will always have a special place in my heart. now i’m not daft and i am aware that people grow and change but it saddens me to see how she’s turned into almost a complete stranger with hints of elizabeth showing up from time to time. she reminds me of that one dear friend you had a falling out or just simply lost touch with, and regardless of distance or who they’re surrounding themselves with, you can’t help but still wish them the best in life because of how significant they once were to you. i wholeheartedly apologize for how lengthy this got, i guess i just i held this in for a long time because i was afraid i was going to sound like one of those fans who are constantly complaining. i’m glad to see i’m not the only one who has noticed that the spark that made her one of a kind has partially fizzled out, if not completely.
  14. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by heroindealer in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this era is a nightmareI wish she brought back hiding hints about the album in interviews just like she did with LFL, every interview she was mentioning new song titles and talking about the lyrics and sound in general. There was just so much to talk about and speculate about the actual direction she’s going with the new release
  15. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    “Gucci Guilty promos have to have news on the album!”
    Promos: has no news
    “Steven Klein Cover has to have news on the album!”
    Cover: has no news
    “The shows this summer have to have some news on the album!”
    The shows: has no news
    “She has to say something by the end of the year”
    The end of the year: no news
  16. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i completely forgot about this site and i looked it up in class and its literally dead
  17. Flowerbomb liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Uhmm what is this?
    Edit: just found out this of course was a joke, i'm so desperate...
  18. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    We talked about that article from March in this thread and someone (dont remember who) confirmed it was from last year.
  19. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Ryusei in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm dying of laughter over here this thread is everything.
  20. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    That's cool, keep us updated if u can! We need tangible receipts if anything
  21. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm going to buy the magazine only this afternoon I can't before :/ , my friends also have been searching it too but they can't find it anywhere unfortunately
  22. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    In italy it's 10 am it has been out for hours 
  23. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Obduration in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don’t agree with dragging the way she looks but honestly if you’re famous and say you have an album coming out at the top of the year and then literally don’t say anything but a petty tweet then ppl will be mad and they have the right to be upset
  24. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    No one is saying she has to release it just because the fans say so. People are getting more and more irritated because she was talking about the album, put out three singles of decent to discography-highlight quality, said it was done multiple times, and then went silent about it and started practically acting like the album doesn’t and never has existed. No one would be losing their shit if she hadn’t started teasing the album in September (or last March if you count the HIAB snippet) and just disappeared. That’s the problem. No one has a problem with her just living her life. What’s especially annoying is the inconsistent/conflicting information she and her managers have given (the album is done/she’s not finished with it yet). We’re tired of being in the dark because Lana can’t be bothered to even send out a fucking tweet or insta post about the album and would apparently much rather not acknowledge its existence. Major music news sources even reported a false release date and she said fuck all about it.
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