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  1. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by Rayse in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Hahahaha I do. I agree with Lana that women should do what they want. I don't agree with feminists in general who put their selves in the decisions of other women. If Lana loved a man who was abusive, why is that some feminist's business? And why should not being a feminist be a bad thing or being an anti-feminist be a bad thing? The whole "Born to Die is so anti-feminist" thing, who gives a fuck? People should just leave each other alone and let them do whatever they want.
  2. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    no i agree with you, women can depend on men, please men, etc and still be feminist but a lot of other feminists don't think that and that's why they attack lana's lyrics,  thats why i gave those examples. in my opinion lana is both dependent and independent in different ways
    people are setting their own standards for an ideal feminist and it's getting ridiculous. I saw a post that was like "whys everyone shocked that lana isnt a femnist, she idolizes lolita and sings about getting hit" like    x10000000
    idc how "uneducated" about it she may seem, i think lanas definition of a feminist summed it up, a woman who feels free to do what she wants. If it's ironic to agree with lana on her definition of feminism so be it
  3. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by Rayse in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Every woman does not have to be a feminist. I sure as hell am not. In the words of Shai Woodley, the idea of raise power to women, take power away from men doesn't work. Even if she was an anti-feminist, what is the problem with that?
    but LOL at the fact that she's just bored with and uninterested in the subject of feminism
  4. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Back then, sometimes she’d make four videos for the same song, but most times, nobody much saw them.
    Try six... #Gramma

    “I’d been sick on tour for about two years with this medical anomaly that doctors couldn’t figure out,” she says, to my surprise. “That’s a big part of my life: I just feel really sick a lot of the time and can’t figure out why."
    Perhaps her drinking was self-medicating?

    "It’s just heavy performing for people who really care about you, and you don’t really care that much about yourself sometimes. I thought it was sad. I thought my position was sad. I thought it was sad to be in Ireland singing for people who really cared when I wasn’t sure if I did.”
    Hate to say it, but that's been evident in some of her performances.

    the 27-year-old Lana Del Rey

    By the time I click off my recorder, after nearly 90 minutes, her publicist has twice come out to end the interview.


    In both cases, she rebuffs him.
    Sit your ass down, Ben. Let her fucking do what she's fucking doing!

    and her British stylist, Johnny Blueeyes, who during the shoot was prone to bursting into the room and crying, “You’re a staaaar!”
    Omg, he's worse than all y'all.

    “I met everyone the same week,” she says. “Because I was very shy, I just sort of stuck with them.”
    Inertia. Ah, that explains why Ben still manages her.

    she recorded an acoustic album as May Jailer just the same. (That record, Sirens, was never released, though it eventually leaked online.)
    Is this the first mention of Sirens in a profile?

    Under the name Lizzy Grant, she released an EP, Kill Kill, and recorded an album, Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant, which sat on 5 Points’ shelf for two years before it was digitally released in 2010.
    No, no, it's just Lana Del Ray. Fact checking, people.

    Today, Born to Die has sold over 7 million copies worldwide, more than Beyoncé’s last two albums combined.
    You'll never hear me use this word this way again, but... slay. No wonder Bey's tryna copy her.

    "I lived down in Alabama with my boyfriend"
    Man, just when I was beginning to think this was metaphorical, or an old lie she stopped telling, she says this again. When the fuck was this?

    In the video, she has sex with a 40-something biker on a pinball machine.
    Sex? I didn't seen any penetration or implied penetration.
    Now that's a version of the "Ride" video I'd like to see.

    In a number of others, she’s with a scrawny white guy with tattoos.

    Okay, interviewer, you're forgiven whatever faults your profile may have. Scrawny white guy. LOL.
    Not that I'm one to talk.   

    “For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept,” she says. “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested.”
    Yes, perhaps at the end of the universe some unimaginably sophisticated being that is the pinnacle of evolution (not to be confused with me, easy mistake, I know) will look back and say, yeah, in the grand scheme of things, that brief period of just a couple millennia when female humans were not treated equal to their male counterparts, not that big of a deal... Wait, but I'm supposed to feel sympathy for a rich pop star that had to endure a few mean comments on her way to the top? Quick, someone call Neil deGrasse Tyson so he can denote the SNL backlash on his cosmic calendar.

    I ask her why she’s always being choked in her videos, and she gives a fitting answer: “I like a little hardcore love.”
    Now we know how Lana would reply in this thread.

    “I had a seven-year relationship with the head of this label, and he was a huge inspiration to me. I’ll tell you later when more people know. He never signed me, but he was like my muse, the love of my life.”
    Wait, what? Where the hell does a seven-year relationship fit in?
    Or are you just trollin' the Lanalysts now?

    Compared to Born to Die, the new album sounds far more like straight-up rock music, recorded in live takes with a Nashville band assembled by producer Dan Auerbach. She’s withdrawing from contemporary pop, a space in which she says she never felt comfortable; gone are the genre-blurring samples that gave her debut the impression of trying too hard to be trendy. The album feels like a sprawling American desert, devastatingly huge, windswept by shrieking electric guitars... She seems to have found confidence in psych-rock and narcotized swing.

  5. rubytuesday liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    True, true.
    I think she should've said that, too.
    I guess what she said was a bit ignorant, considering the movement has helped women; including herself.
    But still, she has the right to say and believe whatever she wants.
    I get bored whenever people start talking about religion because I think it's pretty mundane/dumb.
    I'm way more interested in talking about science-related topics.
    My point is that there are people who will disagree with me and those who will support me, just like there are for Lana's view on feminism.
    So yeah, idk 
  6. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    True, true.
    I think she should've said that, too.
    I guess what she said was a bit ignorant, considering the movement has helped women; including herself.
    But still, she has the right to say and believe whatever she wants.
    I get bored whenever people start talking about religion because I think it's pretty mundane/dumb.
    I'm way more interested in talking about science-related topics.
    My point is that there are people who will disagree with me and those who will support me, just like there are for Lana's view on feminism.
    So yeah, idk 
  7. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Um, it'd be one thing if she said something like, "Feminism or lack thereof does not enter my consciousness when writing songs, nor should it have to. To be frank, I just don't have an interest in feminism. I also don't believe that art should have to adhere to ~socially correct~ conventions nor should it have to be ~progressive~. I write about my fucking personal experiences, and I'm not about to comprise my art to pacify those that don't respect how I chose to live my life with the person I loved during a time I felt happy and fulfilled." 
    But no, she didn't. It's one thing to state a lack of engaged/active interest, it's another to DISMISS a social and political movement that has undoubtedly bettered the lives of countless women around the world, including HER. Christ. Cringing hardcore at the "LOLOL FEMINISM IS SILLY AND TRIVIAL IN COMPARISON TO SPACE AND SCIENCE I AM SMART". It just kills me when Lana does her faux-intellectual schtick (politics, metaphysics, etc), because she always comes out looking like a complete idiot. 
  8. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    “For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept,” she says. “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested."


    If she doesn't care about feminism, I don't think people should give her shit about it, to be honest.
  9. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Who cares about feminism? I'm here because of her music
  10. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    How many of you cared about feminism before you saw a Tumblr post about it??
  11. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    tbh We should stop talking about the feminism comment & talk about the fact that Lana has an unknown illness that she has been battling with over the last couple years, and that critics have driven her to have suicidal thoughts. That seems more important to me at least. I always knew that Lana just didn't like a lot of the stuff with fame, but now I think that she may have some sort of mental illness associated with it all.
  12. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    why does she have to be interested on the topic? like really why? that doesn't mean she think feminism is wrong lol 
  13. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by brokenfaith in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    She's right though; feminists are so annoying . 
    I sincerely can't @ people giving her shit for that. I don't care about feminism or gay rights, so what? You don't have to force that shit down people's throats like so many people do.
  14. Trinity liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    “For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept,” she says. “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested."


    If she doesn't care about feminism, I don't think people should give her shit about it, to be honest.
  15. yayoop liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    “For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept,” she says. “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested."


    If she doesn't care about feminism, I don't think people should give her shit about it, to be honest.
  16. Rebel liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in "Ultraviolence" to premier tomorrow on BBC Radio 1 with Zane Lowe!   
    This album will be a "Ray spray", tbh
  17. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in "Ultraviolence" to premier tomorrow on BBC Radio 1 with Zane Lowe!   
    This album will be a "Ray spray", tbh
  18. LittleFool liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in "Ultraviolence" to premier tomorrow on BBC Radio 1 with Zane Lowe!   
    This album will be a "Ray spray", tbh
  19. Nastja liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    “For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept,” she says. “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested."


    If she doesn't care about feminism, I don't think people should give her shit about it, to be honest.
  20. argent liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    “For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept,” she says. “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested."


    If she doesn't care about feminism, I don't think people should give her shit about it, to be honest.
  21. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by argent in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Regarding the feminist comment: I think she was trying to say that she just sees feminism as fighting for freedom, and since she feels free personally, she's not interested in it any more. Emphasis on "I think" as that's just my own personal take on her answer.
    Anyway, I found that to be a very interesting read! It was quite personal and close. Hopefully Lana will be able to sort out her ailment swiftly and properly because she really has not seemed too happy lately despite trying her hardest to appear as such.
  22. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by SarcasticBeauty in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    The interview had song lyrics in it. Money Power Glory "My life it comprises of losses and wins and fails and falls
    I can do it if you really, really like that" 
    And an extra line of Brooklyn Baby "Yeah my boyfriend's really cool, but he's not as cool as me."
    Honestly this just tells the kind of person she is. If she doesnt care for feminism, she just doesnt. It's not cringy or eww or whatever. It's just how she feels. Give her a break.
  23. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    This interview was really good. Really personal. It seems like she said a lot that was on her mind. If you don't like it... that's a shame. Cuz this seems like the most personal and honest interview we've ever gotten. 
  24. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Cringing at the "Social issues aren't important because look at how many galaxies there are" tumblr level derailing nonsense tbh. That being said, I hope she starts to feel better. Anxiety and depression issues tend to manifest physically eventually, which could be some part of her chronic sick feeling.
    It is a little disappointing that she seems so closed off and shady about everything all the time though. Of course that's her right, and I can understand not wanting people prying in her personal life too much, but the constant implication that she doesn't even really have a solid personality beyond changing herself to fit other people's expectations just makes me sad.
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