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About springsteenistheking

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    West Hollywood, CA
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  1. I hear LSD and I think she's referencing ASAP Rocky's LSD, which he decodes in his song as Love Sex Dreams So hearing "its beautiful, LSD, normality settles down over me" always made sense to me
  2. she's the BOARD, the lightning, the thunder
  3. Uh so I bought tickets from a 3rd party site for the Pool Circle, 7th row (hi @@gatadelrey !) and when they emailed them to me this morning they said they were "no longer available" and then upgraded me to Pool Circle B, Row fucking 1. Just spent an hour on the phone with them verifying they're real.. holy shit.
  4. I've never splurged this hard on tix. 7th row, Blake-side
  5. The beginning of Swan Song sounds like the beginning of Back That Ass Up.
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