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About lagatabajolalluvia

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    in your feelings
  • Fan Since
    just now

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  1. available in mexico's store https://umusicstore.com.mx/products/ultraviolence-alt-cover-colored-2lp
  2. i was able to buy it from the app just now hehe but this caving in definetly proves I'm not a smart person
  3. my amazon vinyl came today and it has 2 huge scratches on the back cover but since they don't have it in stock i got a full refund also don't know if anyone ordered from UO but I ordered like last friday and it's already on its way
  4. girls run https://brot.sk/products/interview-magazine-issue-547-lana#
  5. can I still get the red vinyl in-store or is it really souldout?
  6. the new video looks absolutely amazing and we've only seen 10 seconds also wheres the vinyl, madre
  7. did anybody else snatch the LFL coke bottle vinyl restock? ?
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