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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. The breakdown of Shades of Cool is really good but the rest is a snoozefest imo. Love was one of the better ones but still don’t care enough to watch it again. Music to Watch Boys To and High by the Beach are also pretty good, but all of these are boring compared to anything from BTD or Paradise imo.
  2. Boring, like all videos that have come after Tropico. I literally could make a better video than this. What happened to the visionary that came up with the ideas for all the Born to Die videos?
  3. Are we finally getting a BTD-level video and for the best song off of LFL? Christmas is coming early
  4. Thx for ruining all these songs for me bc I never noticed before
  5. Top 8 in no particular order: White Mustang West Coast Music to Watch Boys To Born to Die Video Games Summertime Sadness Blue Jeans Off to the Races
  6. I'd rather she not release unreleased songs. I rather have new stuff. Why get songs we already have?
  7. Honeymoon is aging like fine wine: it's only getting better as time goes on. It's become my go-to Lana album the past few months, and I think it might be my favorite album of hers now.
  8. I just want to take a moment to appreciate Lana's background singing in the last chorus of God Bless America. She literally sounds like what I think an angel would sound like. Does anyone know what she's saying?
  9. I forget Paradise exists way too often.
  10. I can't really get into Get Free. I don't dislike it, but it doesn't stand out to me like it does everyone else.
  11. I don't agree, but I understand. The first few times I listened to the song, I was disappointed with the transition and where it went from where I thought it was going. I've come to love it now, but I definitely understand you feeling this way.
  12. these are more about stylization vs genetically looking like lana, but both of these remind me of the lizzy grant era. Karen from Shameless (her character in general is like a Lana lovechild): The poster/this scene from the movie Electrick Children (this movie could also be a lovechild of Lana's):
  13. Do you think she's just some intelligent girl who made up a persona? Or did she actually deal with abusive relationships, drugs, addiction, dependency, etc.? Or somewhere in the middle? It's so hard for me to figure out when she's telling the truth since she contradicts herself so much and even changes her story, and her life before being famous is so unknown, so what do you guys think is true?
  14. I always skip it on Ultraviolence. It's not that I don't like it, idk, it's just so long and I never feel motivated to get through it.
  15. Ok I'm just going to have to explain myself because I can't rank these without doing it. Born to Die: This is the album that means the most to me and it's been my "go-to" when it comes to Lana. For me, it has songs that I can't get over (Born to Die, Off to the Races, Blue Jeans, Video Games, National Anthem, Radio, Summertime Sadness). However, I recognize that the lyrics are immature, and while I wouldn't say the rest of the tracks are filler, they just kinda annoy me and I don't like listening to them. They're good, I just don't care for them anymore.I know the album as a whole isn't her best, but it otherwise contains some of my favorite works of hers. It's dark, dramatic, and epic without making me feel depressed afterwards. However, I will say, I get annoyed and tired listening to the album in full because of the rest of the tracks that can sound annoying and whiny to me. Paradise: Ride is incredible (and also incredibly depressing), and the album as a whole is good, but it's just kinda forgettable to me. I often forget she even made this record. I listen to it, and I'm like, "these songs are so good!" and then I just don't listen to them for months again. Ultraviolence: This album is incredible. The way she made the entire album have the same sound, while also having each track being amazing and unique. This album manages to bring back happy summer memories for me, but I also find it super heavy and depressing to listen to in full. I really enjoy every single track from it, but it's so hard for me to listen to in one sitting because it's so heavy. But at the same time, I love it and definitely think it's some of her best work, I just can't listen to it in full often. West Coast is still one of her best songs ever. Honeymoon: She did the same thing here that she did with Ultraviolence- She made the entire record super cohesive and have a distinct sound, while still having each song stand out as it's own and not too similar as the others. While I don't find this album as heavy as Ultraviolence, it's still very melancholic to me. Ultraviolence is more straight black, humid, chaotic heaviness, whereas Honeymoon is more of a midnight blue with moonlight and a soft breeze on a cool summer night, with autumn coming in. It's still somewhat hard for me to listen to in full because it's so melancholic, but this is probably my second "go-to" because it's incredibly done while not being as heavy as Ultraviolence, making it easier to listen to. It's perfect for driving on a cool summer night with the windows down and the roads empty. Lust for Life: I think she's found the a very good happy medium here. Born to Die was more upbeat and less heavy, but it struggled with immaturity in its lyrics, some songs are overproduced, and some of the songs just aren't enjoyable for me to listen to. With UV and HM, she continuously matured in her song topics, lyrics, and her songwriting skills. With Lust for Life, she took the lighter, more upbeat aspects of Born to Die, the developed maturity in her lyrical content and songwriting from UV and HM, and the uniqueness and quirkiness of AKA to create something special. It's definitely her most listenable album to me, because it combines all of the good aspects of all her albums while getting rid of the aspects that bothered me in the previous albums (BTD being too immature, whiny, and annoying at times, UV being too heavy, and HM being too sad, slow, and melancholic). AKA: It's hard for me compare these to the others. It's so experimental and in its own category. I really like how light, fun, and weird it is. It's a good album to listen to when I'm in a goofy, playful mood. Therefore, I'd have to rank the albums: Ultraviolence (While often too heavy for me to listen to in one sitting, it's super impressive. The songs are crazy good.) Lust for Life (Like I said earlier, very good happy medium between all her albums.) Honeymoon (Love it, but can be too slow for me at times.) Born to Die (Has some amazing songs, but the rest ruin its momentum.) AKA (Fun to listen to once in a while) Paradise (Good, but forgettable.)
  16. White Mustang followed by 13 Beaches and Heroin
  17. i always have to stop and stare at your sig every time i see your posts
  18. literally the most pointless interview but her singing video games with those stupid ass lyrics made it all worth it she still sounded so good tho
  19. I was convinced that 13 Beaches was the best song on the album, but nope. It's definitely White Mustang. Can't get over it.
  20. Born to Die- Born to Die, Off to the Races, Blue Jeans, Video Games, National Anthem, Summertime Sadness... sorry, there's no other Lana production that comes close to these.
  21. More dedication to creating visual themes for each album. BTD set the bar high, and then it got worse with each album. None of her videos since BTD compare to them, and the way her videos, photography, music style, and style in person came altogether was amazing. I miss the visionary (literally, visuals) she used to be. UV definitely had a visual theme that fit the music style (the photography and her style changed), but the videos weren't that great imo.
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