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About Hellish

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    Cool Boy

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  1. Hellish


    The Company music video is literally dance perfection. I LOVE THIS.
  2. You took my life away Scenes of grey I can only wait so long For my swan colored china.
  3. So, are we thinking that she is going to drop this in June?
  4. Hellish

    Ariana Grande

    Anyone will to send me a link to these different songs? By the way, bought my Ariana Tickets for LA in March!
  5. You know what's weird, I drive past this area EVERY DAY on the way to work. Just the other day I remember thinking to myself.....wait....Lana must be around here sometimes right?
  6. Hellish

    Lady Gaga

    I am totally neutral on Gaga, not a stan or a hater... And I actually really like this song when I heard the iTunes quality with headphones. I prefer her when she has more of a rock-tone to be honest. I actually don't understand the dislike of the song, I think it's good! I can always appreciate a good key change.
  7. Ground control to Major Tom, CAN WE HEAR A BRAND NEW SONG!?!?!?!?
  8. Is she ever going to release anything ever again? I thought Masochism was coming?
  9. So how old is Lana really? I've always wondered that.
  10. You know what's really weird? Just knowing Lana was like 5 miles from me today? lol
  11. Hellish

    Britney Spears

    I'll just post my song by song review based purely off of my first impressions / first album listen through. Invitation For some reason when she says "yes or no but no maybe's" it reminds me of a Gwen line. Especially the tone of that line. I can kind of imagine Gwen singing this entire song actually. Not a bad album opener, but I will have to judge it by its replay value in the future. Make Me... I'll just say that this will probably make more sense when I listen to the entire album. I won't lie, it wasn't my favorite when I first heard it as a single. Private Show I don't like the key she's singing the chorus in. Man On The Moon When I first started the song I thought I was going to really dislike it, but by the end I found myself getting into it. I wish her vocals were louder on the bridge, but all in all it's a good midtempo song Just Luv Me I know that a lot of people like this song, but I just kind of found it boring.....? I felt like it never went anywhere.It was a really hypnotic beat though. Clumsy Do You Wanna Come Over? This song is really good. I obviously heard it before the album leaked, but I really didn't think it had replay value. HOWEVER, now I can certify this as a bop. It's not like the chorus or verses are clever in any way, I think it's just the combination of sounds that are an ear worm. Slumber Party Ummmm...........i'm not sure. I guess if you were feeling particularly sexy while listening? Lol. I'll probably have to revisit this one. Just Like Me I like it. If the bridge was a little extended and more dramatic this could have really slayed. The guitar kind of scared me in the beginning, but hey i'm here for it I guess. Love Me Down This has definite replay value in my playlist. I found myself bopping back and forth by the end. It's definitely one of those songs that is fun to listen all the way through, you guys know what I mean? When the beat drops you wanna just hit replay, replay, replay. Hard To Forget Ya Those '90s vocal inflections in the beginning though('90s kids will know what i'm talking about!) Another song that thrives on the beat. One more thing i'll note is that I like the bridge of this song. What You Need I don't like it Better Is this a Mustard track? At some parts it sounds like it. I'm not a huge fan of the lyrics or the direction of the song, but the beat is nice? Change Your Mind *does a sexified salsa dance* Liar YES! YES! YES! I really was getting worried listening to the last few songs, but this song is awesome. The song has an awesome build between choruses. *Hits "Liar, Liar!" like a Mariah Carey Note* If I'm Dancing With all the hype around this one I was a little let down. I was actually expecting something a little more intense. Still a good song though. Coupure Electrique Interesting.
  12. Hellish


    I deleted what I wrote, and I think I was wrong for saying it. That's all. I just sometimes am (logically) skeptical when things like this are said. The reason I am skeptical is because serious matters like this are often thrown about like they mean nothing, and I think that it is a serious matter that shouldn't be thrown out for PR. I'm sorry you feel that way about me, I wish you all the best.
  13. *claps* I couldn't agree more. However, you know what we should do? Best writers list
  14. Hellish

    Britney Spears

    Womanizer's dance break.....she was playing NO MOTHER FUCKING GAMES. PERIOD.
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