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About Turtledove

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    Underneath the pines
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  1. Turtledove

    Kim Petras

    im going to one of her concerts soon, what should I expect the crowd to be like? as a trans masc im just wondering how I will fit in. thnx!
  2. I fw it. I really like how it brings ideas of mortality and the finals lines reflect to me how Lana is singing for herself "I’ve discovered my preaching is mostly about me" I like the sound and power it brings. It inspires a lot of emotions in me. (and, I think I'm lucky it happens to not touch on religious triggers for me, which I understand would be a deal breaker if it did)
  3. would've been cute if they had done it like best girl friends, each having lines about a different guybut that would have been too iconic Its pretty amazing how just Lana's backing vocals give so much to imagine (Yes, In my mind I have another version of this song and its just hers!!!)
  4. I think she's coming back to jazz. Blue Banisters featured a lot of brass The trio interlude also says a lot. Also lets not forget she was imitating a s a x o p h o n e the whole time we thought it was an electric guitar
  5. For some reason I can never casually listen to Get Free. Totally think its a great song tho but it sorta starts slow then ends fast.
  6. the previously leaked songs fit perfectly with the album. I'm really impressed. I'm happy they have such a great album home
  7. Im kinda skeptical if she will actually stay off social media. She will likely make a new account within the next few years.
  8. hell yes, she came to serve. Be wild be free!!!!! This is gonna be good
  9. Turtledove

    Kim Petras

    At first I didnt like the new song but it has grown on me after 2-3 listens. I kinda want to try using it as a workout song. I really love the synth-y stuff going on.
  10. how have yall not mentioned her EMERALD RING!! alright mine would be: 1. Her favorite sweater 2. Her emerald ring 3. The gold dangly earrings she sold to the pawn shop - would be hard to find if you ever tried 4. The john deer tractor... try destroying one of those 5. The blue flower crown from the BTD MV. I would expect she still has that for memorabilia. Delicate and easy to destroy tho. 6. To copy from @TheCultureIsLit, the cowboy boots that miley wants!! 7, And lastly maybe her key to a room at the Chateau Marmot? Didn't she live there for a while? Or maybe she would tie her self to the swimming pool. As long as the Chateau has a pool, she will remain.. glimmering.
  11. ohhhh I was legit thinking she meant caress me like a steering wheel or something. that makes way more sense
  12. So she was filming this day for the MV.. And if this is a motel does that mean she traveled somewhere, stayed the night?? The curtains in the snippet video dont match the room curtains (TG!) But it looks like she was at someone's house or something. Also I think theres a egg muffin in the microwave haha
  13. if its out july 4th that means the morning right? so, we are all supposed to get to listen to it with the fireworks? EEEEEE!! Cant wait. And I really hopes it does come on that day because then we practically get the whole summer to enjoy it/use it.
  14. have you ever heard of the kibbe body system? Most people ive talked to categorize Lana as a soft natural. Meaning her frame naturally gives her a "bold" presence. I think the other girl would be a soft gamine.
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