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  1. eyelovelefteye liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Lights   
    The Listening totally reminds me of when I was a junior in highschool, waking up early and playing the whole album on my bus ride to school.
    Siberia is really good, some weird moments but very experimental and nice!
    And I'd say Skin & Earth reminds me so much of Lana for some reason!!! Not all the songs, but some of the songs got those vibes.
    If you guys haven't already checked it out, you really need to listen to her acoustic stuff!

    Completely changes the songs
  2. Elina liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Lana Del Rey valentines day cards.   
    So we got any new ones?
  3. Taco Truck x VB liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Should Lana do porn?   
    I found a post your own dick pics thread and someone actually posted one and Elle or one of the moderators edited and removed the post and wrote "are you for real" lsoggisikeoghisjjrg
  4. Taco Truck x VB liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Should Lana do porn?   
    Since this era seems to be taking forever....

  5. Elina liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Bel Air   
    I know it's "Idol of Roses" but I always hear "I don't love roses" and I'm just like wtf Lana yes you do till I realize I'm wrong as usual 
  6. lanaismamom liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Speculation: Piano Theme, Morricone, & I Talk To Jesus   
    Are you sure they exist? Cause I could totally see Rick making an instrumental, Lana singing over it, listening back to it, and saying yeah that's cool and calling it a day
  7. Um Chile Anyways So liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I fucking hate Fahrenheit omg everytime I hear 100 degrees I'm like oh fuck Jesus were all dying then I realize they meant Fahrenheit. Like celsius is the only way to go...
  8. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Hope is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have - But I Have It [Sylvia]   
    This feel like Honeymoon era when the gays gassed up Azealia saying Art Deco was about her because she said rapper's delight 

  9. YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Once Upon a Dream   
    I don't know why no one has talked about this before but
    Has anyone noticed the original vocal was less played with for Once Upon A Dream and clearer? She goes off key at 0:15
    the trailer and studio version have the same vocal if you line them up, the only difference is it's been pitch corrected (and the radio effect to cover up glitches). Compare at 0:21
    that's why the vocals in the studio version has this sort of radio effect, it's so that you can't hear minor key glitches as a result of over pitch correcting a vocal. Lana has been a big fan of doing it (listen to old money for reference)
    Also, Young Ruffian has full stems of what I presume is the final version acapella because there isn't the original off notes, and you can hear he has a full semi raw vocals stem at 0:58
    (I'm only saying semi raw because there's no effects besides the pitch correcting) has anyone tried contacting him/her? Surely there must be a way for us to get the raw vocal without the radio effect mask over it. I mean we've got video games semi raw vocal! Maybe there's a chance he/she has got the actual raw vocal without the pitch correction that was added later on before release? One of you sisters must be good at getting stuff, can someone try?
  10. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Lady Gaga   
    Idkgfiskkfvikwkd this is still funny
  11. rosesofsaigon liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Music (& stuff) people like that you tried to get into, but can’t   
    Ugh Blackout is so good I need Brit and Danja to get back into the studio timeless sound 
  12. iym1 liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Lana spotted at Hillsong again - January 30, 2019   
    No one thinks she's sacrificing homosexuals in the name of Lucifer.... Don't down play the situation by attempting to mock it and make us seem unreasonable. It's a well know Church who does not like gays, supports gay conversion therapy, has a pedophilia past, and doesn't support women's rights over their reproductive systems. Quit trying trying to justify her actions, there is absolutely no excuse. She's literally giving them free promotion with these paparazzi pictures. She's either stupid, or a bitch. There's no other answer
  13. Creyk liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Just a friendly reminder: The Blackest Day is still the best song on Honeymoon, and one of her best songs in general
  14. Bimini liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I'm Canadian so thankfully I don't have to really deal with US politics (although it does have some effect on us since we're neighbors) but I just wish there were people raised to become leaders of the country. Like took etiquette classes, visited all walks of life to have a better understanding on society as a whole, took debate, was introduced to meditation and Buddhism to have a calm mind, was taught about ethics and morals in a proper way, etc. I seriously hate either these pretty boys (Justin Trudeau) celebs (Donald Trump) and all these idiots running and getting voted for. It shouldn't be a popularity contest, these things should actually be taken seriously. Imagine if someone was raised all their life with excellence in mind to run a country. That'd be a beautiful leader, but sadly no one would stand for it I'm assuming. I just wish the candidates were better suited because so far everyone who is currently running or has ran in the past couple years are honestly full of shit I think I'm too naive to think people who actually care about the future of humanity could run the world and stop all this garbage that's currently happening so we could focus on things of importance like what we're going to do about our over population, our foot print on earth, climate change, what the 1.3 billion live stock and counting are doing to our environment and atmosphere, poverty, starvation and more. But I guess, if people really don't give a fuck about those things, maybe we deserve to experience climate change and chaos after all
  15. Neon Palmmm liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Should Lana do porn?   
    I found a post your own dick pics thread and someone actually posted one and Elle or one of the moderators edited and removed the post and wrote "are you for real" lsoggisikeoghisjjrg
  16. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Lana to release an Album & Poetry Book in 2019   
    Part 2 leaked  
    I may be rich, but not how you think
    I've got lots of knowledge and coats made from mink
    My daddy builds websites and I am a singer
    The taste of LA is a flavour that lingers
    I may be a vegan but sometimes I meet
    A grocery list full of such wonderful meats
    1 fish
    2 fish
    Red fish
    Blue fish
    I fry them in lemon, rosemary and thyme
    Then soak them in mustard like pickles to brine
    My wheatgrass, my people, my city is neat
    Stop with the DMs of pictures of feet!!
  17. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Music (& stuff) people like that you tried to get into, but can’t   
    Oh I don't get the Troye Silver hype either    I've tried 
  18. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in new lanaboards design for NFR era   
    we don't know her...

  19. khomj liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Born to Die Turns 7   
    I forgot who but someone painted a picture like
    It's the year 2035. You're in the car with your kid, and Lana comes on the radio. Your kid asks you "who is this depressed vintage violin music lady" as you stare off into the distant. "A legend baby, a legend..."
  20. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana Del Rey? You mean that chick who dyed her hair blonde, moved to a new jersey trailer park and became a drug counselor?
  21. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Ariana Grande   
    I just really dislike Sweetener, the melodies suck to me. The production is garbage, but even without going in about production, the melodies and lyrics are just, eh? Not a fan tbh I only like Successful, God Is A Woman, Breathin and No Tears Left To Cry.
    Thank U, Next is my baby cause it's such a darker sound and not the conventional pop melodies that almost everyone has nowadays
  22. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in "Tomorrow Never Came" to be featured on the soundtrack of HBO’s 'The Case Against Adnan Syed' premiering March 10   
    Not Religions line "all I hear is music, like lay lady lay" predicted Tomorrow Never Cames "hey, lady lay d"
  23. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by PerwinkleDreams in Trash Magic * Madly   
    This cover fucks me up
    Yeah it doesn't match the songs really, but for me it matches Best American Record and Cinnamon
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