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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Elizabethan... get it? u so corny ms. grant #tbt tinychat bathcasting
  2. I still want to know the real story behind that 'M' tattoo.
  3. People think that she's rich and she is but not how they think but also not how she thinks
  4. This song is totally about the Mars rover Opportunity. Don't @ me. https://www.thecut.com/2019/02/nasa-sends-mars-rover-final-message-with-billie-holiday-song.html
  5. "vintage members" I'm not an old, I'm a "vintage member". LOL. @@Ben Mawson going after anyone for "bullying" and "harassment" is super ironic.
  6. One of his handful of friends in goodnewseveryone, that account with no posts that was perpetually viewing eclipse's profile and everyone said was Lana. Hmmm... :thinkingfaceemoji:
  7. I always hated how a lot of megachurches had like a corporate vibe. Or were more interested in perpetuating white, white collar, suburban, bourgeoisie values or making such people feel comfortable than doing anything remotely resembling following Jesus. Comfort valued about all else. If you're not, as a pastor, regularly making your congregation feel uncomfortable you're not doing it right. I LOLed at work. Man, confusing CS Lewis with Louis CK is the funniest shit I've read in awhile. Whew. (BTW it's wild that Louis CK's publicist's name was Lewis Kay.) Now that I think about it, the person whose opinion about all this I'd be most curious to read is @PrettyBaby.
  8. Fuck, I'm going to have to write a big thing about this at some point, aren't I?
  9. Gonna be wild next year when AKA turns 10.
  10. I don't know that I have much of an opinion unless/until there's some evidence that she's a regular. Even then, as someone with my own complicated relationship with religion, I'm not sure what I'd think about it. I wouldn't be able to capture it without meandering into a long-winded tangent about my own issues with religion.
  11. I guess I'm genuinely curious why specifically you're interested in my opinion on this particular subject.
  12. Tempted to change the indefinite article in this title to the definite article.
  13. LOL. That was Moy. He ripped off a lot of people here for a lot of money and will continue to be publicly shamed here until he pays everyone back.
  14. Maybe that's a problem? Also, really? It's not central, but it's not like her catalog is absent of lyrics suggestive of race or ethnicity. And you could write a whole dissertation or longform thinkpiece on race in her music video catalog. (Has anyone? I'd be fascinated to read one.) This comes uncomfortably close to sounding like "I don't know enough POC to have any songs about them." Again, that's the problem. Also, LOL at trying to have it both ways, decreeing Kanye West's MAGA-hat-wearing ways "a loss for the culture" (I don't disagree) while simultaneously trying to distance herself from "the culture" and sidestep cultural critiques when it suits her. Speaking of her tweets about Kanye, I'm reminded she specifically mentioned his "narcissism". Lana, whether it's about Kanye or Azealia or not, OF COURSE people are going to think a line like "black narcissist" might be a reference to them after you publicly feuded with them using similar language. Even if wrong, it's a reasonable inference. Poor form to chastise your fans and others for making it. C'mon, Lana, if Azealia dropped a track using a label she'd called you on Twitter and even threw "white" in front of it you know you'd think it was about you. Lana, use a publicist for any statements on sensitive subjects.
  15. I feel like this is a real step forward in the maturity of her lyricism.
  16. Yup. The timelines alleged by herself and others, even accounting for some rounding up, don't add up without some overlap or counting "off" time in on again off again relationships.
  17. I really like political songs that are really subtle about it, like these ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9ja3i9u2Og
  19. "I got a kid and two cats in the yard" Oldsters (like me) are now Lana's target demographic.
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