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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. I have a lot more to say about this... But for now: Fuck this show and fuck her bullshit justification.
  2. Doesn't this describe almost every thread in the Entertainment section?
  3. evilentity

    Gin Wigmore

    wigmore more like wigless amirite http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/statuses/user/40-evilentity/?status_id=58020
  4. "Yayo", Paradise version. CWIMM & G&R are honorable mentions.
  5. Forgot to include this thought in my earlier post: A lot of people have compared Lana to Holly Golightly, but she's more like Holly Golightly in reverse: a New Yorker of means masquerading as rural southern white trash rather than the other way around.
  6. Um... what does the interviewer even mean by this? Does he mean she'd only need half an octave to be good? Is he implying-- bizarrely-- that she can only sing half an octave? Both? *extremely "So Legit" voice* I don't get it. You don't say. Based on her fairly consistent history of namedropping Alabama, I'm betting she said Alabama, not Arkansas, though with her track record of making dubious claims anything's possible. But Ron Pope's memory is not the greatest. While there's little evidence her dad "bought" her career, and it's unclear how much she relied on her parents' money as a young adult-- both claims backlash era haters alleg-- she definitely was "from a family of means in New York". And I can't mention an Alabama trailer park without referencing this awesome song by Jerry Cantrell (of Alice in Chains): Yup. She did a show with his band the district in October 2006 where they each did a set and then one together. Years ago @@Rafael alerted me to the fact that Ron Pope has spoken on multiple occasions about having once performed a Tom Petty cover with her, but he couldn't remember which song it was when I asked him. Shameless plug for my Early Shows section. Spend some time there. There's a wealth of information I've compiled there. And some mysteries yet to solve. What a great description. Her early acoustic stuff definitely has this kind of quality to it. Yup. Not every singer needs to be a belter or do vocal acrobatics. Timbre, character, or feeling can be even more important. Rob had a successful career in advertising (very Mad Men) before getting into real estate and then domain name investing. I don't think having just over a million dollars would make you richer than her parents.
  7. Make a thread. It doesn't really belong here. And there's plenty to say about this.
  8. There's something vaguely Sgt. Pepper's about this.
  9. Is this... a transphobic reference to her dad? I'm a sad guuurrrrrrrrl https://pagesix.com/2018/05/07/elon-musk-and-grimes-make-their-debut-at-the-met-gala/
  10. Generally, at true open mic nights, it was just her and her guitar. At other gigs she enlisted her own band or friends to play with her.
  11. Can't decide whether this screams "fuck me" or "I'm giving birth to a smoke monster"
  12. LEAKED LYRICS: We got married Your beating made me miscarry Your cheating on me Was shock therapy But without you Ted I'd rather be dead Without your lovin' Gonna stick my head in the oven Good luck with Assia I bet she's a gas, yeah And seal up the door with tape, towels, and cloth?
  13. Say what? You can't even fly direct in that time, let alone drive on a black motorcycle. Take it from someone who has spent a lot of time looking at Detroit->Vegas flights lately. edit: Is this another case of people on this forum not understanding time zones?
  14. A termite walks into a bar He asks, "Where's the bar tender?"
  15. Um, can you take this Pizzagate 2.0 bullshit over to one of the silly conspiracy threads and not litter this one with it? Thanks.
  16. Holy shit. This is a big deal for Lanalysis. @SitarHero It also really ties together a bunch of stuff including something I stumbled on recently which I'll hopefully have more to say about soon.
  17. Yeah, her team caught that one, but it's another example where she subconsciously plagiarized something and didn't realize it until afterwards when someone pointed it out to her. She seems particularly prone to this.
  18. A judge might deem it inadmissible, but if I were Radiohead's lawyers I would try to introduce evidence of examples of Lana borrowing from other songs. Obviously melodic examples like the Nino Rota thing and "Careless Whisper" (I think there are other examples I'm probably forgetting?) but also lyrics in order to try to demonstrate a pattern of behavior.
  19. Looks like The Hollies have weighed in now: https://www.mediaite.com/online/band-that-successfully-sued-radiohead-over-creep-weighs-in-on-lana-del-rey-debacle-exclusive/
  20. Might be worth filing suit just for the chance at discovery. Imagining a future where bands pretend to sue each other to juice sales. Or intentionally plagiarize knowing they will get sued, but also that the uptick in sales will more than compensate for the percentage they lose.
  21. Are there any good videos posted anywhere of "Scarborough Fair" from this or any other shows, or of the drags?
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