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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. A termite walks into a bar He asks, "Where's the bar tender?"
  2. Um, can you take this Pizzagate 2.0 bullshit over to one of the silly conspiracy threads and not litter this one with it? Thanks.
  3. Holy shit. This is a big deal for Lanalysis. @SitarHero It also really ties together a bunch of stuff including something I stumbled on recently which I'll hopefully have more to say about soon.
  4. Yeah, her team caught that one, but it's another example where she subconsciously plagiarized something and didn't realize it until afterwards when someone pointed it out to her. She seems particularly prone to this.
  5. A judge might deem it inadmissible, but if I were Radiohead's lawyers I would try to introduce evidence of examples of Lana borrowing from other songs. Obviously melodic examples like the Nino Rota thing and "Careless Whisper" (I think there are other examples I'm probably forgetting?) but also lyrics in order to try to demonstrate a pattern of behavior.
  6. Looks like The Hollies have weighed in now: https://www.mediaite.com/online/band-that-successfully-sued-radiohead-over-creep-weighs-in-on-lana-del-rey-debacle-exclusive/
  7. Might be worth filing suit just for the chance at discovery. Imagining a future where bands pretend to sue each other to juice sales. Or intentionally plagiarize knowing they will get sued, but also that the uptick in sales will more than compensate for the percentage they lose.
  8. Are there any good videos posted anywhere of "Scarborough Fair" from this or any other shows, or of the drags?
  9. Whether it's legally actionable is anyone's guess, but I see many people in this thread are in stan denial about the significant similarities between the verses of "Get Free" and "Creep"-- not just in the chord progressions, but the melodies. I mean, it's so blatant that many, many reviews noted it at the time of the release, one even predicting legal action. Here's just a sampling from several major publications: The closing track, Get Free, is an overly wordy manifesto for personal change completely undermined by the fact that she has blatantly stolen the verse chord progression and melody from Radiohead’s Creep, a much better outsider pop manifesto. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if law suits ensue. Well, even beautiful people have problems. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/what-to-listen-to/lana-del-rey-lust-life-review-pop-star-selfie-generationis-real/ It’s unfortunate that she has borrowed so heavily from Radiohead’s “Creep” on closing track “Get Free”, while it’s undoubtably a tribute to one of the few songs that can make her music seem upbeat, it jars on an album where, for the most part, her influences have been more subtly worked into the instrumentation. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/reviews/lana-del-rey-lust-for-life-album-review-tracklist-features-the-weeknd-aap-rocky-a7852166.html And she closes the album with “Get Free,” which hints at both old girl-group songs and Radiohead’s “Creep” as she resolves to dump someone: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/19/arts/music/lana-del-rey-lust-for-life-review.html As for the music, ["Get Free"] has all the signature elements of a Lana production, circa Born To Die: the surf guitars, breathy sighs and nostalgic melodies. (In this case, the verses evoke Radiohead‘s “Creep.”) https://muumuse.com/2017/07/lana-del-rey-get-free.html/ In typical Del Rey fashion, there’s homage paid to other artists: alongside nods to The Beatles, finale track “Get Free” bears a not-so-subtle similarity to the chords on Radiohead’s “Creep” http://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/lana-del-rey-lust-for-life-review
  10. evilentity

    Get Free

    inb4 these quotes and this status end up in a court filing
  11. Does Radiohead have a case here? I think they do. I don't think it's even that close of a call. Especially in the context of Lana's history of subconscious plagiarism. (That said, outcomes are notoriously unpredictable and seemingly inconsistent in this area of law.) But 100%? That's just fucking greedy. I mean, if Sam Smith only had to give up 12.5% to Tom Petty... And the hypocrisy (given their own plagiarism on the song) is staggering. If true, the 40% Lana offered was generous. I hope the judge or jury gives them less than that. Will be curious though to see how many LB users' comments Radiohead's lawyers use that noted this similarity when it was released. Also, @ Lana fans who cheered Robin Thicke getting sued for "Blurred Lines" because they (understandably) hate Robin Thicke. Precedents can be a bitch.
  12. How did I miss this when it happened? Man. Trump of all people becomes president and Ben Mawson wins best manager. Fuck 2017. Good riddance. Hey Lana, give us the deets on those 2005 dates please, will ya? Kthanx. Actually I'm pretty sure some of those meetings ended with a different question. Hmm, so just how, um, extensive was this, uh, involvement? OK, this is a really interesting paragraph here. "Crazy ex-boyfriends". LOL, is that in part a Mizrahi shoutout here? "Complex family histories to work through". Curious given her denials of family involvement in her career. "Eleven publishing commitments made at a young age to unwind". Holy shit. I have an inkling of a few she might be referring to, but man, I'm so curious what all she's talking about here.
  13. Tamarama "hey" backing vox 2.0 And check out that Lana pandering "God save the ocean" nearly lifted from "Mermaid Motel" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3Am3AhIM6s
  14. Both times I saw Lana, I questioned whether it was really worth it. On the other hand, I regret not seeing her some of the other times I might have been able to.
  15. Can I boot the name of this thread? It should be Disgusting or Delicious.
  16. Damn. I love "Chelsea Hotel No. 2", but I was really hoping she'd cover something else.
  17. evilentity

    Get Free

    at Lana romanticizing dead celebs again. This reveal of the heart was better left unrevealed. I really didn't want to see the receipts.
  18. That photo of him creeping around on her tour
  19. Yeah, Harvey fits a recurrent theme in her work ("life imitates art") but I don't think any songs but "Cola" are directly about him. Remember, her claim of a years long on again off again affair with a record label head is still out there. Harvey's a film studio head, not a record label head. Denied implausibly by unnamed sources. And plausibly contradicted by others.
  20. The TMZ story repeats what "sources close to Del Rey tell us", and notes what the liner notes say, but it's evident from the tone they're not completely buying it. It's skeptical throughout. This may come as a shock to you, but sometimes people lie. Sometimes celebrity handlers lie. And Lana and her team have a track record of it. Lana's camp might as well have said "Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying ears?" Whether or not it's about Harvey Weinstein, or if she even says "Harvey", she clearly does not say "ah he's". Anyone who listens to it, whether on record or live, and thinks so, needs their ears cleaned out, is willfully ignorant, and/or extremely susceptible to persuasion. You really have to ask yourself why then is she claiming the lyrics are something they are clearly not? The narrative in the Page Six story would explain that. This is more than just "a fan theory". However much you might wish it to just be that.
  21. Oh, definitely. There were a bunch of people on here who thought basically since its release that if it referred to any Harvey in particular it was probably Harvey Weinstein. In fact, I'd say that was the consensus opinion. Most of the debate was about whether she really was saying "Harvey". Sorry, but if you reference a famous person by name in a song, it's more than fair game for the press to ask you about it.
  22. evilentity


    It's kinda funny how "My pussy tastes like Pepsi-Cola" is the least controversial line in this song now.
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