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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. I'm ambivalent about the album cover overall, but I welcome the return of the stylized "Lana Del Rey" logo from the "Video Games" single.
  2. I remember when people thought "My pussy tastes like Pepsi-Cola" was tasteless.
  3. Lana talked about this album being "political". But from this album trailer and the lyrics to "Love", I get that sense that while she might employ some political imagery (like Mt. Rushmore crumbling, Lady Liberty's flame snuffed out) in her videos, aside from a few vague platitudes (like "signals crossing can get confusing", "it's enough just to make you go crazy", "seen so much you could get the blues") her lyrics will be fundamentally escapist. I sincerely hope not. When she manages to avoid cliche, like on QOTGS for instance, she can depict broken-down America very evocatively. She needn't pen an anthem like "For You" (her most political song), but I would love to see her get very political on this album, but through story-telling, painting a picture. I'd also love to see it from a standpoint of personal and artistic growth. Despite whatever withering media criticism she may have endured, Lana has led a pretty privileged life and her music seems like escapist fantasy even when grounded in some reality. I would like to see some lyric-writing that is rooted in the real world even if spun from whole cloth.
  4. While I'd love for it to be a hint about "Ruby Tuesday", I think it's just an example of this expression:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Only%20on%20Tuesdays
  5. Ahaha... yes! Dr. Evil's Hollywood Lair. I of all people should have remembered.
  6. I swear the idea of someone living inside the Hollywood sign is lifted from somewhere, but I can't place it.
  7. Wrong thread. Just a friendly reminder that this thread is for QUESTIONS. And not just any questions, but FACT-BASED QUESTIONS that are likely to be easily answered and NOT subject to opinion or discussion. Quoting the OP:
  8. *If* the credits are mostly accurate-- in that she didn't write it, and it's not an Iggy Pop/David Bowie cover (because they should credited then)-- that would be the first time she's recorded an original song she doesn't have a writing credit on, no? @EdwardGallegos I just fucked two bitches 'fore I saw you... Fifty Shades Freed soundtrack? The Weeknd's "Earned It" was nominated for the Best Original Song Grammy and Ms. Soundtrack is still chasing that golden statuette...
  9. Pretty much all of her May Jailer/Sirens-era stuff -- Jewel Girl was seriously channeling and influenced by her at that time.
  10. Hmm... interesting question, which surprisingly (since I've checked with other artists) I don't think I'd considered before. But the answer is yes, and until fairly recently too: http://web.archive.org/web/20140903161225/http://lanadelray.bandcamp.com/releases Ugh, I wonder if it would have been possible to buy the Kill Kill EP in FLAC from there. She's since removed the tracks, and also has a lanadelrey.bandcamp.com account that has no tracks.
  11. Of course there are tons of different fan-made edits people have made over the years. And some of the leaks we have may have been tampered with in some way on their way to surfacing. But that aside, off the top of my head, there are only six other fan-made edits that I will keep in my discography besides TMIL: A 320kbps edit of "Blue Jeans" w/ the string intro from the music video An EQed edit of "You're Gonna Love Me" made by @@Monicker A mashup of "Brite Lites" w/ Slayer's "Angel of Death" made by @@Monicker (just because it's hilarious) that I re-upped here A Y&B megamix I made syncing the single, orchestral, and demo versions (mainly because I missed the harpsichord from the demo) A remix of "Cherry Blossom" by Kristijan Majic aka @@butterflies A remix of "Santa Baby" w/ a higher quality version of the backing track by @ Obviously, there's no reason you need to keep these or just these. There's nothing canonical about this. It's all personal preference. But here's something I said before about why I keep TMIL: Basically, we know a recording like TMIL exists and this is the closest thing we have to it for now.
  12. Before y'all run wild with this, I want to caution you to remember to black out names and avatars of private individuals and also not to post any mass dumps of her statuses.
  13. Idk, I'm not even necessarily convinced "For K" and "For K Part 2" are necessarily about the same person.
  14. Is it really only a few? This song came to mind immediately when she talked about that. That's kind of her M.O. She's commented in interviews how she's done that intentionally in some songs. Why would it have to be?
  15. evilentity


    On first listen, I feel like "Green Light" should have been two different songs.
  16. Yeah, but like, how long has it been now since she's said that? Might have been true at the time, might not be now. Again, I refer you back to this point: ... he says, in defense of the idea that she goes even further back to perhaps more well-trod subject matter again.
  17. tl;dr The grammatical shift from second person pronoun to third person proper noun here does not alone tell us anything about whether "Bill", whoever that refers to, is or is not the main subject of the song. With apologies in advance for for my pedantic and somewhat combative style of argument... My rhetorical question wasn't an ad hominem attack, in either the incorrect but common colloquial sense of making a personal attack (I've incorrectly used the phrase this way on the forum myself), or the correct sense of marshalling a specific type of logical fallacy grounded in a personal attack in place of an actual argument. Ironically, your argument ("Ad hominem arguments are definitely cues that you have a solid argument to support your own beliefs") is itself a logical fallacy. An opponent's resort to ad hominems might speak to their debating abilities (or lack thereof), not to the soundness of your ideas. Further ironically, your argument itself is implicitly an actual argumentum ad hominem, i.e. that a position is wrong and should be discounted without considering the substance of it because the person holding it supposedly made an ad hominem attack. But let's consider the substance. Your original post was primarily about grammar, which I addressed generally, and only touched on rhyming. What you call direct vs. indirect speech-- btw those terms usually refer to something completely different in English grammar (e.g. as referenced in my previous post whether the VG lyrics are properly rendered as I say, "You the bestest" vs. I say you the bestest)-- is actually just a specific case of a more general case of her switching between second and third person, something she does in many of her songs, and in many cases seemingly without changing referents. The specific case here is just that she employs a third person proper noun rather than a pronoun. That's it. Obviously it's not always possible to know for sure she doesn't intend a change in referent with the change in person, but "Salvatore", "Ultraviolence", "Cola", "Gramma", "For K", "Elvis", "Hundred Dollar Bill", "Trash Magic" are all examples of the specific case, all or most do not appear to change their referent, and few if any seem to do so for rhyming purposes. There are many counterexamples to your argument. The point I was making with the rhetorical question, "Are you familiar with any of Lana's discography?" still stands. #evilenglishteacher Why not? It was a pretty long-term relationship, one of the lengthiest that we can actually document, and relatively recent. The counter narrative is what, that it's about someone even longer ago, that she probably dated for a shorter time?
  18. Don't. 3 pages of "bitch" and an ill-advised "joke"/Taken reference about stalking and killing you.
  19. How so? And who is the literal Bill/Jim then? Yeah, that's partly what I was alluding to here in my longer post:
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