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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Yeah, not to pour cold water on your sleuthing, but to the extent that K might reference a real person, most of the connections to this individual are not exactly new and have been made previously by others on the forum either explicitly or implicitly. And to the extent that some of them haven't been, it's partly because once some of us (speaking for myself at least) realized how clear some of the connections are, we thought it best not to draw more attention to this individual. But this post does a really good job of succinctly summing up the case. (Though I think theories of a mythical K still have some currency as some of the narratives in her songs possibly relating to K don't jibe with the details of this person's life so far as I can tell.) I think Elle's suggestion is right, that once we get too hot on the trail, it's best to step back a bit, especially with private individuals. That said, the line can sometimes be blurry. For instance, I have a few Lanalysis theories of my own I've yet to float (pending my chasing down a lead on a semi-related thing I'd necessarily have to reveal in the process), but they involve people who are arguably more public figures. Still a really tricky issue though.
  2. evilentity


    OK, now I'm convinced the lyric is "Medellín". I was watching this 60 Minutes piece (insert obligatory oldster joke here) where Lesley Stahl says people in "Medellín" pronounce it "med-a-zsheen".
  3. Why though? That's a pretty arbitrary distinction. That would be sort of like excluding any Ke$ha albums from a future list because she doesn't spell it with a $ anymore. And AKA is definitely not "unreleased".
  4. Why is AKA left off? THE ELECTION IS RIGGED!!!
  5. Yeah, as @Aquababe pointed out in another thread, these were fan edits that someone posted on her MySpace back in 2009. I'm pretty sure this came up in the LDR.FM days and we had this same debate over the lyrics. I don't think we were very convinced she actually says "wicked fun" the second time in the bridge then, nor am I now. (If I run a high pass filter and slow it down a bit I'm pretty sure it's still "make it fun"). But she definitely says "make it fun" every time in the outro. Now can Tupac's sweetheart get some bread and lunches up in these neon reservations?
  6. evilentity


    No, it's just hidden, though I'm tempted to merge this one with it. We will be very quick to close this one if it also becomes a problem.
  7. There's a whole separate thread about this topic: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/1362-oldest-lanalizzy-song-not-including-sirens/
  8. We refer to Sirens as May Jailer recordings because that's the name the likely original source said they were recorded under. And we do the same for QN/FTE because of the significant overlap in track listings and similar sound. But there is absolutely zero evidence that she ever performed under that name. I don't think so, but you may be thinking of when someone blew up a picture of her driver's license. Or perhaps when I looked up her voter registration in the state of New York using her actual DOB instead of her claimed DOB and noted that "hort of a long-form birth certificate, this is about the most conclusive evidence she was born in 1985 you could get."
  9. I'm no Rick acolyte-- he's the producer responsible for the sappiest drivel on BTD-- but your "24" bashing will not stand. That said, I think working with a variety of producers is good for the creative process, even if she ends up working primarily with one or two for the album. Assuming her Instagram post is indicative of who she's working with, I'm not so thrilled about Haynie, but I'm looking forward to seeing what Jonathan Wilson's influence will be.
  10. Wait... Are you saying you think "24" or "Swan Song" are masterpieces in Rick's hands that you don't think would have been as masterful in Auerbach or Haynie's hands, or are you dissing them as bad songs that not even Auerbach or Haynie could have saved? Good.
  11. @evalionisameme It's all good. Just trying to reinforce what I'd like to be social norms for the community.
  12. I don't believe she did any recording for AKA in the UK. She did spend a lot of time recording in the UK between AKA and BTD beginning in May 2010 if not earlier. Yup. Receipts here. Dude, you're the one being rude with the entitled attitude. And as noted in my post linked above, yes, someone already tried asking Tim Larcombe about it. I don't think I could even count on one hand the number of times I've seen people on the forum say they tried to contact him. (See one particularly egregious example here.) That's just people on the forum. And just the people that posted about trying. Think how many people in the entire fanbase have probably pestered him about this. Things new sleuths say/think that are amusing/annoying to old hands like me: Assuming you might be the first person (or even one of just a few people) to contact anyone even semi-obvious in 2016. (And for fuck's sake, if you somehow still manage to be the first, be polite so that you don't burn bridges for people after you who might have important questions you didn't know enough to ask in your quick and dirty smash and grab operation.) Thinking a couple days of dedicated searching is hardcore and enough to expect to find something. This wasn't necessarily true even in the golden age of sleuthing when there was a lot left to find, let alone now in 2016. Presuming a producer will just give you tracks if you ask. I have to tell you, in all my years of sleuthing this has never happened, and I've contacted quite a few. Ironically, Shawn Lee was the closest I came. He was the most willing and one of the nicest. So leave him alone.
  13. Yeah, there were a couple threads about that at the time: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/3466-bob-leone-talks-about-lana-gaga-so-legit/ http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/3597-bob-leone-on-so-legit-again/
  14. Yeah, I tried contacting him in 2013, and also got no response. He'd already been on my radar to contact, but unfortunately I didn't get around to it until after she namedropped him explicitly in an interview. I'd love more than anything for someone to have success contacting him, but I don't think it's going to happen. He should probably be left alone. Well, I think Lana's been pretty clear it's been more than just one guy. As for Bob Leone specifically? Well... actually I just remembered I have an unfinished draft of a post I wrote on this very subject over a year ago that I forgot I never posted. I'll try to polish it up and post it as soon as I'm able.
  15. Sent this to some IRL friends of mine about my age who are into Twenty One Pilots. http://www.theonion.com/article/37-year-old-makes-absolutely-heartbreaking-last-di-53535 'Cause I'm a dick.
  16. evilentity

    Trash Magic

    I've been saying since I think the SIN days that whatever it is, it phonetically sounds like "forania". Don't think it's "Parte foránea" though. Phonetically it sounds more like "palm forania" or "pom forania" or "pomferania". Maybe "Pommes Foraine, yeah"?
  17. evilentity


    From dreams I awake, and I'm waiting for you What kind of mod anthem. Or is it "Know where to kiss it"? Your problem with commitment's The bane of my existence
  18. evilentity

    Dua Lipa

    Several members have been given warning points and/or verbal warnings for recent comments in this thread. Keep it civil.
  19. I'm only about 3 years ahead of you on that. He wouldn't tell me anything.
  20. This. Or from the many producers she worked with on unreleased stuff, I'd love for her to work with The Flight or The Rural again. As for someone new she should work with, T Bone Burnett:
  21. Advanced search -> Find words: "Azealia Banks" -> Match: "Only search in titles" -> Click "Search Now" The rest of the mod staff can overrule me on this of course, but for not deleting posts, I think the possibility of destroying the context of other posts in the thread is sufficient reason. It also breaks quote links. It would definitely be abused by people trying to hide their shitty behavior. Most other forums I've been on don't allow it either. If you don't want it out there, don't post it. And like I said, you always have the "edit" button if you're that determined. I could go on and on. Now, as far as deleting your profile, that can be done (although only one mod currently has the power to do it), but your old posts will end up looking something like this where your username shows up as Guest_OLD_USERNAME_*. You could probably get around it displaying your old username by having it changed immediately before deleting your profile. But I still discourage it without good reason as it breaks @ references, but then again, so do name changes, which is annoying. I'm fine with whatever on the emote front, but one thing that was annoying in the past when changes were made to the emote list is it ended up breaking some emotes in old posts.
  22. I don't know where you're getting this "because the server is so cheap" thing or even what you mean by that. However, it is true that we don't have any "Delete all posts by X user" button. Even if we had that-- and I wish we did, just for dealing with spammers-- I don't think it would be appropriate for mods to use in other cases, like users wishing to deactivate because it would destroy the flow and context of discussion in a lot of threads. If someone is really that determined to erase their posts, they always have the edit button. But I don't think we should encourage that or make it easy for people to do that for the flow/context reasons I mentioned. Again, we don't allow topic deletion because that would mean deleting other people's posts along with it against their will. It's been a longstanding rule of LanaBoards not to allow trading through the site. People publicly admitting they have unleaked Lana tracks creates a lot of drama, but more importantly it attracts unwanted attention from Lana's management. There's a reason LanaBoards has lasted almost 4 years while LDR.FM didn't even last 3 months. Yes, we've gotten a little lax lately in proactively policing other stuff that goes on in the Audio thread, like direct download links, but the wisest response to that should be to tighten that back up, not loosen up in other areas. These policies are in place to protect the forum from legal threats.
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