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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. evilentity

    Ryn Weaver

    The irony of her lying about a song called "Lie to Me".
  2. Monicker got there first: Reposted for your convenience:
  3. Trolling @@Trash Magic Posts Baiting Thread Title
  4. evilentity

    Ella Eyre

    Is this just a page that never got updated after the tracklist changed or does this deluxe import version with a couple different tracks exist? http://www.amazon.com/Feline-Deluxe-Ella-Eyre/dp/B00LVEXBHI
  5. The issue isn't really whether reposting something someone posted publicly is fair game so much as that you reposted it really recklessly. It's almost certainly the wrong person. There have acttually been a lot of cases of misidentification that spread from relatively obscure places on the internet. Posts like that do have the potential to create real harm. If you don't get that then please PM me your real name and all your usernames on social media so I can publicly connect to you to some scurrilous rumor.
  6. Speaking of Mike Mizrahi, this quote is interesting in light of the fact that he lists NYU on his linkedin account: I wonder if that's how they met.
  7. Not true, David Nichtern said there were some promo CDs produced. And according to CG, David Kahne also said he had a few copies laying around. But vinyl copies? Extremely doubtful. I doubt there's a connection. Lana's just into self-help shit. Ha, we actually had an entire thread speculating about this (I think it was called "Do you think Lana was a prostitute?") back on LDR.FM, RIP. I thought we had a similar thread here, but I can't find one. This may be the closest thing. Just plausible speculation I think.
  8. MOAR DEETS PLZ Wait...um, WTF? What exactly are you suggesting here? First you fret that she won't be able to keep making music because she's not making enough money. Now you say she won't quit because she's making plenty of money. Make up your damn mind. Ha, that was my first thought too. The bane of my existence. Ha, yeah, I highly doubt that's the right person. That said, social media accounts for the other name are not that hard to find, though it appears she's started deleting some of them, and I'm not sure stuff like that really needs to be posted here anyway. I don't think it's an equivalency argument so much as a spectrum argument. Like, if fans that hysterical at her concerts are "normal", then it's not really surprising that the most mentally unstable outlier stans would do shit like this. If by property you mean their house, then yeah, there's something called the Castle doctrine in most states that gives pretty broad latitude for shooting an invader in your own home. Though I don't think a helicopter outside your home would count.
  9. This seems really unnecessary to me and is why I hate the internet. Partly because I think his name is just coincidence and that if "Ray" refers to any real person and isn't just a name she likes, it's probably Arthur Lynn. Of course, I could be wrong about that. But either way, we're seriously gonna drag some random innocent girl, who's probably perfectly nice and looks perfectly fine, just because she's not as hot as a celebrity her presumed significant other had some tenuous connection with? Also disappointing considering it's coming from someone who has himself suggested he once was less attractive than at present. Man, one of the things I hate most about this fanbase is how Lana's emphasis on style and glamour (especially during the BTD phase of her career) really seems to have attracted a lot fans that focus on superficialities.
  10. People really have a hard time with the idea that she isn't acting out a deliberately constructed persona (except perhaps in the sense that we all do), don't they?
  11. @DavidLynch, don't be like the Broccoli family. Give Lana a call! Appropriation! Asked about Ferguson. Dodges the question. Cue Iggy Azalea backlash levels of outrage. "I'm incredibly plugged into what's going on politically, socially and pretty much in every way." LOL. Sorry, but I suspect Lana's either too navel-gazing or too star-gazing (in the cosmic sense) to have intelligent thoughts about subjects like that. Not that she'd admit it if it was, but I always found the rationale for the AB theory really poor. Like, so ghetto. It's cool that Lana's a science fangirl, but I doubt she has a very deep understanding of anything she talks about. OK, so score one, perhaps, for those complaining about Lana not being out there promoting Honeymoon enough. However... Yup. It's weird that's it's cause for some fans to start panicking. Let that sink in. For those outside the bubble of thirsty fandom, the concern isn't that Lana isn't doing enough. It's that she's doing too much. What she's doing is enough for her, it's enough for her label, and she's already thinking about her next album... Why isn't it enough for you, thirsty fans?
  12. #3 on Idolator's list: http://www.idolator.com/7616923/best-albums-2015/3 Among PopCrush's unordered 12 best: http://popcrush.com/12-best-albums-of-2015/#photogallery-1=8
  13. Though it's quite likely she's referencing Frank Sinatra's use of it (Frank was the boss, right?), having the world on a string is a common expression similar to having the world at your feet/fingertips or the world is your oyster. It means something like being in control of things, having things go your way, or having a promising future. It may also have a connotation of the world being one's plaything.
  14. evilentity


    That struck me as perhaps more jealousy than shading.
  15. The Satanic Temple in Detroit has done some A+ trolling lately, commissioning this awesome Baphomet statue (my favorite detail is the children) with the intent of getting it displayed alongside the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol: They also had a "snaketivity" displayed alongside a nativity scene at the Michigan state capitol.
  16. BTW, let's not forget that this is what Zeena LaVey looks like:
  17. NOTE: PLEASE REFRAIN FROM HARASSING THIS INDIVIDUAL ON SOCIAL MEDIA AS HE APPEARS TO HAVE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES That said.... YIKES: Um... take your own advice, dude. Z is a friend stalker of mine. I (don't) think about him as he does time. He also posted this audio with the following comments: "Fuck me I need help w this shit. So alone in a world of 8 billion :/ that's how many fucks I give." "#losangeles#lovehunt2015 #southwestairlines@southwestair"
  18. And now we enter the phase where the stalker gets stalked... LOL at him posting the evidence of his crimes. Witch hazel, witch hazel Living in the garden of evil And who could she be expecting to meet her in the pale moonlight but the devil? http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/2184-20100719-the-slaughtered-lamb/
  19. If you thought I was being serious or that I was unaware of that fact, then c'mon down to Florida, I got something for ya some swampland to sell you.
  20. C'mon girl, don't lie. You know calling your album 25 when you're actually a couple years older is your secret homage to Lana.
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