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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Try not to think so much about the truly staggering amount of oil that it takes to make a record, all the shipping, the vinyl, the cellophane lining, the high gloss, the tape and the gear
  2. I mean, it should've been a Lana lyric to begin with. And now it is, kinda.
  3. It's a small thing, but the way she says "Baby, baby, baby, I'm your man... yeah" in the second pre-chorus and the production at that moment have a very UV feel.
  4. First Pabst Blue Ribbon and now Miller High Life? Somebody get this girl some decent craft beer. I'd ask my bar-t-t-tender for Cherry Coke too if piss beer was the only kind he was serving up.
  5. evilentity


    Pretty sure this is well above the speed limit for this stretch of road. #tbt As a Midwesterner accustomed to straight flat freeways, I never batted an eye at the idea of driving 100 mph. But after driving several hours down the California coast on vacation recently, this is pure fantasy. Highway 1 is too winding to drive anywhere near that fast.
  6. evilentity

    The Greatest

    Wrote this as part of a multi-song discussion in the NFR Post-Release discussion thread, but thought I'd quote the part relevant to "The Greatest" here. H/t to @@annedauphine for helping me remember the name of a bar a profile/interview talked about her going to with Barrie. From Nylon in 2013: Now I haven't been able to confirm that Neptune's Net was specifically a "bar where the Beach Boys would go" (where's @@Monicker when we need him!), but it's a bar popular with surfers next to Ventura County Line Beach, a location referenced in the Beach Boys hit "Surfin' USA" so this seems the likely referent, which would make this a Barrie song. If so, it's pretty significant that she's effectively describing the loss of Barrie in apocalyptic terms, placing it on the same scale as the civilizational decay of this shitty timeline we're all living through right now in which the world is on fire literally and metaphorically. The greatest loss of them all. This conflation is reminiscent of her cover of Skeeter Davis' "The End of the World": Was this post more your speed?
  7. Wrote this as part of a multi-song discussion in the NFR Post-Release discussion thread, but thought I'd quote the part relevant to TNBAR here. I'd actually kinda forgotten I'd written these thoughts out. But re-reading them and then comparing the "demo" lyrics side-by-side with the album is both striking and eerie. Gone are all the lyrics that I said I thought sounded harsh or unfair, replaced by more complimentary lyrics expressing regret, acknowledgment of her own role in things, and wanting him back. (Incidentally, I agree with the consensus that the new lyrics are inferior despite probably being more fair and true to how she feels now.) One further thought: If I'm right that this is about Barrie, I wish she'd left the name just "Best American Record" because that has an appropriate acronym.
  8. Those first two pictures look like stills from maid/housewife genre porn lol
  9. Yeah, I'm curious about this too. Has anyone synched them or anything to see how much of the production or vocals have changed? Are the new lyrics just punch-ins (sloppy or otherwise)?
  10. I hear "bread and lunches" Petition to rename the forum or at least the POY thread "Beautiful Losers"
  11. Man, I would be so curious to know if @@Monicker thinks NFR is good taco-making music. Imagined response: "Is this because I'm Cuban?" Listen to Jordan, Lana. Remind me, who would she be talking about here? Here's the quote where Lana (probably jokingly) talks about making a music video of herself ice skating to one of her songs.: We knew Lana ice skated as a child, but I didn't know she did it for 15 years! A number of recent interviews mention this factoid that I don't believe has ever come up before. Clearly seems like something read off something her press team put out. Curious why this factoid and why now.
  12. A healthier self-awareness there. Cock tease. #ReleaseItAll As much as I welcome her recent forays into politics (playing Israel aside) especially her Trump criticism, this quote shows she still doesn't really get the criticism. Yes, many things were better during the Obama years, but not everything was rosy and some things were worse. Saying you were "happy with everything" and that you could afford to "focus on the music and the arts" rather than politics... those are practically textbook examples of expressions of white privilege.
  13. Full disclosure: I am a full-blown Barrie shipper so feel free to take this post with however many grains of salt you deem necessary. I'd actually kinda forgotten I'd written these thoughts out. But re-reading them and then comparing the "demo" lyrics side-by-side with the album is both striking and eerie. Gone are all the lyrics that I said I thought sounded harsh or unfair, replaced by more complimentary lyrics expressing regret, acknowledgment of her own role in things, and wanting him back. (Incidentally, I agree with the consensus that the new lyrics are inferior despite probably being more fair and true to how she feels now.) Now consider the first verse, pre-chorus, and chorus of the very next track, "The Greatest": H/t to @@annedauphine for helping me remember the name of a bar a profile/interview talked about her going to with Barrie. From Nylon in 2013: Now I haven't been able to confirm that Neptune's Net was specifically a "bar where the Beach Boys would go" (where's @@Monicker when we need him!), but it's a bar popular with surfers next to Ventura County Line Beach, a location referenced in the Beach Boys hit "Surfin' USA" so this seems the likely referent, which would make this a Barrie song. If so, it's pretty significant that she's effectively describing the loss of Barrie in apocalyptic terms, placing it on the same scale as the civilizational decay of this shitty timeline we're all living through right now in which the world is on fire literally and metaphorically. The greatest loss of them all. This conflation is reminiscent of her cover of Skeeter Davis' "The End of the World": Taken together, "California", as unsubtle of a let's-get-back-together-at-least-to-hook-up-if-nothing-else song as it gets, followed by "The Next Best American Record" and "The Greatest", this three-song block of Barrie songs on NFR (and there may be others) is quite a statement some five years after their break-up. Two points in conclusion: Between the Barrie songs and possible FJM references I wouldn't sleep easy if I was that Chase Stogel guy. Barrie, shoot your shot. Even if only for a booty call.
  14. She's talked about this before, but it made me revisit her comments: She said she was "the littlest orphan in Annie", which would be the character of Molly. Quickly perusing the script, it's interesting to speculate what influence that role may have had on her at a young age, imitating Miss Hannigan's drunkenness and her calling it "medicine", lines like "Runnin' free in N.Y.C.", "She's famous... Wish I was on the radio", or the "Daddy" Warbucks character.
  15. Do we know how tall any of the men recently in her life are? Because... This fits FJM to a T. Even this. These lyrics, however, suggest the song may have originally been about Barrie.
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