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  1. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Charli XCX   
    i’ve been craving a charli grimes & sky collaboration ever since that v magazine 2012 cover, i would disintegrate if it actually existed
  2. BloomForYou liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Charli XCX   
    i’ve been craving a charli grimes & sky collaboration ever since that v magazine 2012 cover, i would disintegrate if it actually existed
  3. halfaxa liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Charli XCX   
    i’ve been craving a charli grimes & sky collaboration ever since that v magazine 2012 cover, i would disintegrate if it actually existed
  4. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Ryusei in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm dying of laughter over here this thread is everything.
  5. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Okay but what YOU might interpret as a nasty comment, isn't to someone else. You're from a different country than I am, for example. People from different countries and cultures have different ideas of what's what. People interpret differently. 
    I think the actual nasty comments are so few and far between that they don't warrant someone having a meltdown about them every 25 pages or so. Admittedly, my threshold is pretty high ... I've been part of communities that make this one look like the online equivalent of a nunnery. Additionally (and I can't speak for others), I come to this site to read what people REALLY think. I don't come here to read glossed over Instagram rubbish.
    I'm not saying that I agree with everything everyone says on this thread, just as I'm sure people read my shit and go, "Fuck, STFU Rorman". But you know ... just scroll on or put people on ignore if they repeatedly piss you off.
    Like, is complaining about people complaining any better than people complaining? Is it helpful? Because I'm typing a fucking post rn complaining about you complaining about people complaining, and it feels pretty fucking futile, which is why this is the end of it.
  6. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    is it really harassment though? i don't think you can harass someone behind their back. we're not talking to her, we're talking to one another. i understand what you're getting at (although i disagree), but i don't see how discussions on a forum are harassment

    btw i still think there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, like that whole thing a few pages back about how "her ears are placed wrong" or some shit, but i don't see an issue with venting about the lack of info 
    (and isn't it better that we do it here than in her instagram comments or twitter mentions? because i can see how that could be argued as harassment, although again i don't necessarily agree)
  7. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Listen, Cherry.
    If you only want to read all rainbows and lollipop shit, go play in her Instagram comments.
    Disagreeing with someone else or calling them out for being harsh or whatever is okay, but it's literally all you do.
    Nobody is forcing you to participate in this thread. Maybe you shouldn't?
    As I've said before, it just ain't that serious.
  8. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    No one is saying she has to release it just because the fans say so. People are getting more and more irritated because she was talking about the album, put out three singles of decent to discography-highlight quality, said it was done multiple times, and then went silent about it and started practically acting like the album doesn’t and never has existed. No one would be losing their shit if she hadn’t started teasing the album in September (or last March if you count the HIAB snippet) and just disappeared. That’s the problem. No one has a problem with her just living her life. What’s especially annoying is the inconsistent/conflicting information she and her managers have given (the album is done/she’s not finished with it yet). We’re tired of being in the dark because Lana can’t be bothered to even send out a fucking tweet or insta post about the album and would apparently much rather not acknowledge its existence. Major music news sources even reported a false release date and she said fuck all about it.
  9. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Air in Charli XCX   
    another troye feature.... imagine how tired we are. Give us the sky feature and be DONE.
  10. Nightmare liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Charli XCX   
    i’ve been craving a charli grimes & sky collaboration ever since that v magazine 2012 cover, i would disintegrate if it actually existed
  11. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    LDR Vogue Italia, cover number 3
  12. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    the day lana kills norman fucknig rocwekk is the day this site belongs to me fro various events and happenstances all in praise and prayer for yosemite
    all my chants have been working, kill the fans..give me the lifesource and energetic blood- i have burned minestrone for decades in the efforts to kill cinnamon in coordinance for the upbringing of my child, for the rebirth of the enigmatic longliving being herself...yosemite has never died, and never will. praise be for you foolish imbeciles
  13. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
  14. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    This thread goes from despair to sudden hope to a discussion of aesthetics to a discussion of the ethics of discussing aesthetics to despair and acceptance and loops in the space of like 3 hours
  15. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Charli XCX   
    i’ve been craving a charli grimes & sky collaboration ever since that v magazine 2012 cover, i would disintegrate if it actually existed
  16. lonely lonely night liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Charli XCX   
    i’ve been craving a charli grimes & sky collaboration ever since that v magazine 2012 cover, i would disintegrate if it actually existed
  17. Make it sticky liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Charli XCX   
    i’ve been craving a charli grimes & sky collaboration ever since that v magazine 2012 cover, i would disintegrate if it actually existed
  18. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I hate to agree, but I do. It breaks my heart but I feel like she’s lost her flare - her fire. She doesn’t seem to be the glamorous, untouchable, unique woman we fell in love with. I miss the beehive hair, the nails, the visuals. Although this era has discouraged me with its stripped down theme, I’ll always have the OG Lana Del Rey in my heart. I’ll support her always because I feel that after all the art she’s given, she still deserves my love. I can’t help but feel hurt by the way she’s blatantly leaving us in the dark – it feels like she’s mocking us. I’m probably just being an emotional bitch but I’ve been having these thoughts ever since she started with the no makeup posts & the more stripped down songs, even during L4L she started to strip down a bit.. I didn’t like HIADT very much & the fact she used a selfie for the cover was honestly a joke. I really hope this is a phase & she goes back to putting some effort in but that seems unrealistic right now. Anyway, I still love her but I’m just disappointed
  19. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by bunoner in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    norman fucking farewell
  20. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    her laziness and lack of effort is truly ruining my love for her art... at the moment
  21. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i know its wrong but i think i dont really love her like before.. Idk is all stressful
  22. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly I don't care if she wants to mature and keep out of the spotlight, but she could at least write about interesting things instead of some cinnamon being stuck in her teeth.
    And to be very honest, her older 'image' was a lot more mature than it is now. It's like she's trying to cling to youth by going to cha cha matcha (which as of right now seems to be 'trendy' on the ol' gram).
    Her 'brand' as of late seems like a desperate attempt to appeal to 14-20 year old Californian white girls. And no, I'm not saying she can't drink matcha tea but like I said, it seems very 'trendy' these days to do so. It's like that time when everyone was obsessed with overpriced acai bowls.
    I might as well stan Halsey and Meghan Trainor at this point. 
    I'm aware I sound cranky but I'm going through it and I'm letting my depression interfere with my social media prescenes, sorry
  23. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    The thing is: people who listen to Lana Del Rey like to give off a cool image, especially people who are not really her fans but "pretend" to like her music to come off as a hipster, indie, cool kind of person. It's the truth, the majority of people who listen to her are like that and if you don't believe me just see a picture of the crowd at her concerts. And now Lana is... just not cool. She's not that bad girl who parties at Chateu Mormont with tons of older men, goes to fashion shows wearing all leather and sings about being in the land of gods and monsters. Right now she's just a white female who goes to the church, parties with her other white friends, drinks green tea and sings about going to the beach. She's just bland.
    Compare her to Britney Spears, for example: on instagram, Britney posts videos of her working out, pictures of her children's doodles, doodles SHE paints herself and those motivation images grannys find on google. But her audience knows she's like that and her audience kinda connects with her that way. Lana, on the other hand, appeals to a very hip cool young crowd and recently she's just not it. If "real" fans are already dropping her imagine how casual fans must feel lol.
    I promise this is the first and last long post I make on this thread  don't wanna get too invested like some of y'all.
  24. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I agree 100%.
    When was the last time the hipster DJ in-crowd was very enthusiastic about her music, took it and remixed it en masse? 2012. She hasn’t been considered ‘hip’ to that varied crowd since ‘Paradise,’ at the outside. She briefly and successfully presented herself to the world as an international style icon and influencer, which impressed millions, but then abruptly pulled the plug on that. Since then, her public image has been erratic, inconsistent and poorly-defined.
    To me, for all intents and purposes, she hasn’t really been Lana Del Rey since ‘Paradise.’ She was someone else in the last three albums, perhaps ‘’Elizabeth.’
    Either way, she is not ‘hip’ now, not ‘cool,’ not ‘in.’ At the upscale Manhattan salon where I get my hair cut, they have a great LDR mix tape, but everything on it is from BTD/P. I say, “Have you heard the music she’s released since?” and the answer is typically something like, “Does she HAVE other albums??” or “I didn’t know she’s released anything else.” To me, that’s telling. Does it tell the whole story? No.
    I accept what she is now, but that’s not the same thing as liking it. I like MAC and VB, but I am wary of her increasing PC-ism in both her life and her music. I don’t like to see her constrained by it or advocating it.
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