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  1. AnneAmanda liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love your thoughts and quite agree.
    Regarding the comparison with Cat Power by some of you here: Oh dear, I could write an essay discussing Lana's true poetic talent (failed English major here) and why she is a brilliant songwriter but I am too tired now.
    Lana is as good as Chan, as a matter of fact, her vision is much bolder. I have been a CP fan since the nineties, way before Cat Power went worldwide famous and still was an indie act singing deep sad songs. Watched her live twice. Not following her as I did then anymore...
    Lana is not inferior to any songwriter out there, she can write beautiful poetry in music form, her aesthetics also are part of the whole vision. Plus, the recurring themes are genius!
    Give our girl a couple of decades and she will go down in Music History as one of the greats, one of the best American songwriters.
    Yeah, I am such a fangirl and not ashamed. I worship Lana Del Rey!
  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LikeAnAmerican in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    Not bad. Lana is gonna sound extra vintage and extra bad ass when she is in her 60's. This gives me a good idea of that. 
  3. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by DominicMars in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    Loved it. G&M was a great choice imo
  4. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    I'm actually really annoyed at the negativity that's going on in here right now, I mean come on...it's a cover of our fav...of course the original is going to be better but you have to look at the cover in context of the show and the episode it belongs to. I think if you do that you'll find that it's actually rather decent and it's really nice seeing Lana getting free promo for it.
  5. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    Jazz Fusion is actually jazz elements mixed with several others like rock/funk/pop/EDM/ Classic music. That's what I understand for Jazz Fusion tho. Was a really strong trend/wave in South America from 4 to 5 years now. 

  6. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by slang in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    A lot of rock is jazz influenced. In LDR's case, she does a lot of slow scatting (Brooklyn Baby, Shades of Cool), which is definitely something I could see as being closer to Ella Fitzgerald's style than Lady Gaga's. Lady Gaga appreciates jazz too, although I don't know if she does any scatting outside of her Bennett collab.   Also let's not forget AKA, For K part 2, Mermaid Motel, and Yayo, seem pretty jazz-oriented to me.
  7. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    WELCOME to the garden of Evil and sassy bitches

  8. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    At this point Interscope wishes they had controlled Gaga's career and mouth. Her career would probably be in a better shape. Applause is catchy as hell and Donatella and Manicure are great, besides that Artpop is crap. You can't possibly think that album with the titles as shown was a label influencing Gaga and not Gaga getting her way. It's far from commercial pop and radio friendly as it can be, we are talking about America here and I can't see radios playing or being able to give radio time to songs like Swine or Sexx Dreams. Gaga also did a collab with a pedo, that probably made her marketing team want to commit collective suicide. That's not a label or one person controlling her, that's Gaga running around loose, with a very long leash fucking her career up.
    Jazzy Gaga was great for her in many ways, image included. Plus her voice suits Jazz pretty well, she's so tolerable when she's quiet just singing with her hand occupied playing a piano, she should stay there for a while. Cheek to Cheek is a good album, credit should be given when credit is deserved.
    UV is another album far from radio friendly in US, actually most of Lana's material is not what US radio craves, what I don't get is how she and her team don't get that. I'm not saying for her to change in any way, just saying Lana should've understand by now that 90% of her material is not single radio material and critics wont praise her as much as she wants and deserves. About the mentor, I have no idea who is this mentor you talk about. Who is??
    Anyway, I think Gaga and Lana share a lot of similarities for many reasons, including music background. They probably have a similar CD collection. Both are visual artists, with a underground NY in their veins, both have huge mouths capable of spill some iconic BS and play the victim after seeing that the iconic sentences was in fact BS and both are very talented. Both craved and crave fame, both crave to be deserving of such fame in different directions, but relevance, applause and credibility is fundamental for both. The Fame Monster bites both in the ass when they saw that for critics pop artists are Born to Die.
    The difference imo, between Lana and Gaga is that Lana is living up to her potential and Gaga isn't. 
  9. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    Listen to Lana's albums carefully. The jazz influence is all over the place! Her vocals specially, jazzy and bluesy...
    "The Other Woman" version, that's Lana's type of jazz!
    Gaga is singing standards, Del Rey pens jazz-inspired songs. There's the difference.
  10. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    Same here. I listen mainly to classic rock and old jazz and did so long before Lana. UV's instrumentals are clearly influenced by jazz fusion.
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    Some people here apparently don't understand what jazz fusion and blues rock are.
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    Lana's version is almost TOP50 on iChunes now.
  13. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by florencewelch in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    yall are crazy lange fucking TOOK ME TO CHURCH with that cover
  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Rem in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    Who cares?
    People are downloading the original lmao.
    I don't remember an original charting higher than the cover on this show.
    This is the first time. 
  15. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by urbannoize in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    Jessica Lange gave an excellent and ghoulish performance of her cover to Lana's record. Very eerie and soulful.
  16. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    I can't find the source, and I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but Ryan Murphy said he chose the artists he did for this season based on how they feel about themselves - in the sense that Bowie, Apple, and Del Rey see themselves as outcasts, or different. I thought it was interesting.
  17. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    I like it. I don't expect from a lady like Jessica Lange to use the f-word. If people are not bothered by the German accent, than there is no need to be upset. It's great exposure once again for Lana's music. Not that Interscope would really care about it, but hey...
  18. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Go Go Dancer in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    The only thing truly bothering me about the cover is that they removed the explicit words 
  19. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    American Horror Story: Anachronisms
  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    Y'all wrong, she's doing Gods & Monsters

  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Rem in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    Mess at people hating SS.
    It was one my fav songs when I heard BTD (tbh I love every sing) and still is to this day.
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by slang in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One of my favorite interviews talks a little about why she wanted fame early on. Fame seems to be providing her the kinds of things she expected it could, so I would think she'd be happy about that overall. As for the negative aspects, I think she's pretty resilient about them. 
    [she's asking about the AKA EP, which if I believe the chronology came out 2 years before AKA LP]
    Brea: How do you feel about how it came out? 
    Lizzy: I am pleased.  The funny thing is, if it was exactly the way I wanted, then I would say that I am completely pleased, but because it's different than I expected, I'll be pleased if many other people like it too.  I feel like a shithead saying that...but I hope it gets some kind of recognition just so that I can move on and do some different things. 
    Brea: What type of things would you move on to?  
    Lizzy: I always expect that once I do something, I'm going be able to transition into this better life, like maybe move somewhere else or get to know more people.  Ideally, I would like to move back to a little part of New Jersey or Coney Island and have people to work with on little projects like music videos, because I do much better in a box.  Performing is really, really hard for me, so I would just like to have more people and more money to do more sexy projects.
    Brea: Sexy projects! 
    Lizzy: Yes, I just want to have something to do all the time-- and it's easier to do when people think you're great.
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I agree with this so much. I feel like that if I've been having a generally shitty day at work, but somebody I like comes up and asks how I'm going. The truth is, I'm not going great, but the fact that I'm talking with someone cool has brightened me up, so I'm not lying when I say 'good'. That's how she feels to me in some of the live videos - where she's feeling a bunch of different emotions at once. You're not expected to do that, though, as a celebrity - you're meant to be either party girl, or sassy, or downbeat, or thoughtful, but not more than one of those at once. 
    There are lots of artists in the past who have had major success, and then pulled back completely from fame and made the transition. I think that's what Lana wants to do, and that's her strategy with UV sounding how it does and being presented as it is. There's also an element of 'will you love me if I do this? How about this?' She wants to push the public as far as she can to see how much control she can have over her own creative world, so we might be in for a bumpy ride, but in ten years, I think she'll be doing what she wants to do, at her own pace, and for people who care about her.
  24. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
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