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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Hey there fellow LanaBoardians! I don't know if there was already a thread dedicated to that specific topic, but I thought it'd be an amazing idea for the Disneyheads of LanaBoards to discuss their love for, and also, share their experiences with Disney Parks across the world. From Disneyland to Walt Disney World, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris and Disney Parks in both Hong Kong and Shanghai; let's discuss!
  2. Tbf 'NFR' is a good album, but it's just kinda beige and uneventful, and the production/instrumentation is also very lackluster. I feel like after 'Lust for Life' which was in general panned by the fans, whatever album Lana was going to release that was slightly better and more cohesive than 'LFL' would be considered some sort of masterpiece. She def stoop the bar pretty low after 'Honeymoon'.
  3. The kinda post that I would frame.
  4. The way the tripe video for NFR was entirely forgettable.
  5. People have came out of the woodwork lately and say it's her best, but to me... it's an eyesore. Too much going on, nice easter eggs and stuff I suppose; it's just kinda all over the place and ill executed/looks amateur and DIY through and through.
  6. West Coast

    Azealia Banks

    just saying disclaimer: I'm not condoning this video, nor condoning Azealia in any way whatsoever, but what she's saying isn't anything we haven't heard before. She's still desperate for attention.
  7. A modern psychedelia masterpiece
  8. This is clearly the work of someone who has a job. Azealia, yet again, grasping at straws for attention and relevance the best way the only way she knows how.
  9. West Coast

    Azealia Banks

    Here we go again...
  10. Tbf I don't think she's abusive, just rude, unfunny and probably a big diva behind the scenes. But her "be kind" shtick feels forced and disingenuous.
  11. Her whole thing seems to be about making her guests look like the butt of the joke. It's bordeline disrespectful/humiliating sometimes. I'm glad Dakota Johnson didn't put up with that and nicely straighten her out.
  12. Although Ellen is not under invsestigation herself per se for this, but rather a couple of execs in her team. People have allege for years that this "be kind to one another" narrative she's been pushing ad nauseam for years is only a mere façade. She's been said to be not so nice and kind of a pain in the ass behind closed doors. Personally speaking, she always came across as very shady and not that overly friendly to me. There's just something incredibly phony about her.
  13. She has the most soothing speaking voice ever.
  14. The way 'Land of 1000 fires' sounds like a continuation of the 'Lust for Life' trailer. @@takeitdoen you're were right!
  15. He actually did a much better, much more intricate job on 'Violet' than he did on 'NFR'. I'm shook.
  16. hold up, isn't a "Lazy Susan" that turn table/presentation thingy you put on the table during dinner parties?
  17. this thread is lit, and if this is it, I had a ba-a-aaall
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