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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. Well, it's a difference isn't it? A Lana Del Rey song hasn't got a "MADE BY LANA DEL REY, BORN IN 1985" Label on it when you sing it, but Jim Morrison was a small boy back then, so this doesn't make sense.
  2. "No one's gonna take my soul away, I'm living like -" *random cut to some other place, where people are talking and you can just hear some muffeling of the song in the background* *cut back to Jessica singing* ".. headed towards a fucked up hoooolidaaaay"
  3. And what are they going to do with the chorus? Leave it out?
  4. ^not really a source that you can trust more than the other ones we have.
  5. You actually chosethe only single from this record
  6. SO we have West Coast, Ultraviolence, Cruel World and Old Money as "firm" parts of the show now and Shades Of Cool, Money Power Glory and Fucked My Way Up To The Top as "optionals". Brooklyn Baby is likely to be performed too, since UV reported that she rehearsed it (like she did with MPG and SOC). So apart from Sad Girl (don't know if she will do it), Pretty When I Cry (I really hope she'll do it live, but the chances are that she will either way do it as a highlight of her show or never perform it at all because she can't recreate the mood she channeled when she did it the first and only time in the studio) and the Other Woman (likely, since she loves it so much and also did BV live) we heard everything from UV live. I wonder if she will add bonus/deluxe songs, since she explictly said that they are "not a part of the story" for her.
  7. I think "I like the Ride music video" should be a more unpopular opinion than "I don't like it" ^^
  8. Those short videos https://vine.co/u/1070186261400227840 ______________ The SoC performance is great, especially because we can now fully understand the bridge ^^ Still no National Anthem video for the first performance Wanna hear the rock version so badly
  9. It's always a dilemma ... Either way she is telling the truth, then it's really a terrible thing to happen and I am sorry for her. Rape is such a horrible thing and it would be understandable that it took her some time to get over it and talk about it. The other option is that she is lying for some reason, which would make her a major b*tch. Things like this also have happened, because rape something that terrible and people are very sensitive about this topic (with reason). However, there are women abusing it, tainting the credibility of REAL rape victims and of course ruining the life of an innocent man. I wonder how this will turn out.
  10. The ride video is garbage tho, so she could still get nominated with SOC.
  11. Judging by the vines they performed some kind of rock version of National Anthem. I want it in HQ ;( The third live variation after Old Money and Body Electric hat I'd kill for to have as a studio recording.
  12. Pre Born To Die, after Video Games went viral. Since I remembered her appearing during the "Above And Beyond" Mando Diao concert as a guest singer, I did some "research" on her and found "Kinda Outta Luck", "You Can Be The Boss", "Hundred Dollar Bill", the demos for "Lolita" and "Diet Mountain Dew", "She Is Not Me", "Heavy Hitter" and her collaboration with Smiler "Spender". I also downloaded the AKA album and fell in love with it. I expanded my "unreleased" library to the extend which was possible at this time. I was very pumped when Born To Die (the song) got released and bought the Deluxe Edition of the album in digital form the very day it was released. I loved the record at the first listening and since this day, I am a Lana stan
  13. PWYC. That's why she took the first recording of it. The first verse of Florida Kilos also has her voice sounding kind of cracked, which kind of delievers a very emotional feeling (even though the rest of the song is quite upbeat)
  14. 0:12 HAS to become a smiley ... I mean, this super annoyed look Apart from this, the first half of the video is boring. I mean like, the quality isn't really that good and the shots are boring. What could be interesting are the Coachella (?) shots, however, only if there were full HQ videos of the performances. If not, this is just ... boring.
  15. well, if she would have really been addictet to it, chances would be high that she'd either be dead or that you would at least see it in some physical way.
  16. yeah it has the same retro-disco vibe
  17. Watch FMWUTTT being about Apple, I mean like ... Barrie seems to be VERY into her
  18. The song sounds like sh*t tho ... I mean like, the beginning is already enough ... Sounds like a bad porn-voiceacting.
  19. Lyrically Froot reminds me of a more upbeat take on Without You/ Old Money ... you know like, wanting someone you don't have and being afraid of being aling.
  20. Well, i use this one. Boring but I think it looks nice.
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