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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. Really? Where did you take this from?
  2. Looks quite nice, but I hope i is a story-teling one. On the other hand, Summertime Sadness had a video which looked very similar to this snippet and it's one of he rmost popular songs ... maybe this is foreshadowing!
  3. National Anthem, Million Dollar Man, Yayo and West Coast grew their way from less-favourite songs to my top 10 Lana songs.
  4. Maybe a stupid question, but did Lana ever said anything homophobic? Cause I read an article which pointed out the difference between her and her idol Cobain (religion etc) and one example was that he was against homophobia. Seemed strange to me, since she gets along well with (openly gay) Woodkid and if I remember right she postet something about a gay pride parade on her old twitteraccount ... Maybe a stupid question, but did Lana ever said anything homophobic? Cause I read an article which pointed out the difference between her and her idol Cobain (religion etc) and one example was that he was against homophobia. Seemed strange to me, since she gets along well with (openly gay) Woodkid and if I remember right she postet something about a gay pride parade on her old twitteraccount ...
  5. Such a mess ... why dont we all just leave everyone f-ck with whomever they want (as long as there is no "damage" for anyone of course)
  6. I'm here for a rock version a la Cutting Room performance tbh
  7. Nice theory but I feel like some people here are overinterpretating a bit because they want things to be like they imagine. There are things you could see as references, but I highly doubt that Lana did a record about this Family. Like the tree thibg ... this are not some super-rare trees or any kind of unique arrangement. Its some kind of common tree. Or the stretched out arms ... I think you really start to see the things you want to see at this point. Btw I don't want to interfere with anyone's spiritual believs, but let's not forget that in the end it was a group of almost only white, heterosexual people from the middle/upperclass who idolized a man who left his family and surrounded himself with young women. And as far as you can tell from her statements, Lanas cult-experiences, with whatever sect/cult, wasnt a positive one.
  8. There are two new ones. or more like one new one with two versions. Sounds kinda nice (for a remix) but I still favor Sonic Matta Dawood
  9. I would add YCBTB to the BtD playlist, I would put it after VG and before DMD. And I would have left DMD more like the demo was, same here with TIWMUG and (especially) Lolita andLucky Ones. The LO demo with the drums is soooo much better anf the Lolita one with the orchestra is just perfect, whilst the album version sounds so remix-y.
  10. I would LOVE an EP!! So maybe the Music To Watch Boys To thing was not a joke ....
  11. A Star For Nick Everything else is ... meh for me
  12. West Coast had at least some good remixes (William Carl Jr, Dan Heath, Grades and MK) ... But these UVmixes ... ugh. Penelopes is ok I guess, but it's one of this remixes were yoz can hear that there was some 0815beat forced on a song. A shorter version of the PBR Streetgang mix COULD have been good ... Sonic Matta Dawood is my fav so far. Not because I consider it very good but it's the best club-y one for me so far ...
  13. Cruel World. Everyone goes crazy about it and how good it is and that it would be a good single choice ... I consider it a nice song but it's sooo repetitive and ... well, just not that special in my eyes ^^
  14. Invalid argument, neither werethe Radio Mix/Edits for Dark Paradise, Ride or Summertime Sadness, but the difference is that these are songs which, in their original form, are on the album. So releasing them as a single will promote the album. Deluxe Tracks as singles would be very strangem since they don't "officially" belong to the album.
  15. Thunder Revenant

    Song vs. Song

    Florida Kilos vs Cola
  16. Now I desperatly want a song calles Aztec Boheme or Bourbon Bleach
  17. Wow, they are really cool, I like your style Simple but beautiful, like many of her actual single covers.
  18. She's constantly treated unpolitely by interviewers/reviewers without obvious reasons. I think @@bloodredjam already explained it very good. 'm not talking about lyrics from songs like Cola, Ultraviolence or FMWUTTT, of course she should be prepared to be asked about them, since she published the songs. I don't like her attitude towards questions like this, things like "I don't want them to hear that at all" or blurry statements in order to say nothing at all are annoying. It may not be professional to leash out at a jounralist, but it is definitly understandable. Of course it's her "fault" on some parts - cause sometimes she doesn't really talks about things like what's behind her lyrics or how she came up with a song, at least not sufficiently and then the journalists have to ask different things - but in the end, I don't see the journalistic performance in asking her about her daddy or with whom she had sex when she was a teenager. At least as long as she isn't singing about things like this on her official records. And questions like the one with the scale from 1 to 10 are just super-unprofessional. Maybe it would be more professional if she just plainly ignored them, however, she is a human being and I can understand her reaction.
  19. Yeah .. it's really sung with so much emotion, even if it's not completely at the surface. But when you're feeling bad and listen to this song it's just like heaven ^^
  20. I don't think the job of a journalist is to praise the person he/she is portraying to the skies, however, in many recent interwievs, the interwievers keep provocating her for no obvious reason. And of course a journalist will/has to print down how the interwiev was. However, no matter which artist is interiweved, i don't see the reason behind some of his questions apart from upsetting her. The other ones were just the same old questions all over again. So many interesting things you could ask her .. Questioning her is one thing, but trying to make her look like a fool is just boring, childish and has nothing to do with serious journalism. So I don't see how this interwiev is supposed to be a good portrayal ... Haven't actually seen a good one. there are the admiring ones, and the bashing ones and then there are these super-provocating-without-any-point ones. The latter "genre" applies to this RS interview. "I find the nature of the questions difficult. 'Cause it's not like I'm a rock band and you're asking how everything got made and what it's like touring in arenas and what are the girls like. It's about my father. It's about my mental health. It's fucking personal." sums it up very well.
  21. Well, WC is ... atmospheric. But that's it. Not that Beyonce's videos would be very special or anything .... The Blue Jeans video by Woodkid was also "just" atmospheric, however it had much more interesting shoots and scenes, even if it was just Lana swimming in a pool with some crocodiles and a tatooed guy. West Coast has some nice shots and it fits the music, but .. yeah, could have definitly been better and more diverse But if i had to judge about "good musicvideos", I would rather chose things in the style of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Sacrilege" ... It's really like some sort of short movie with some interesting cutting-technique. Without taking the focus away from the song, or featuring thousands of "music-less" scenes or monologues .... So I wouldn't say "Music world is not prepared for Lana's WEST COAST" video, since even if you are a huge fan of it, you can't deny it's not very spectacular or original. Shades Of Cool would have told a story without being super-straightforward and it's very cinematic. Shame they didn't nominated this one ....
  22. I like the song and the video has grown on me but ... don't think she stands a chance with that one. They should have taken SoC ^^
  23. I guess from that point of view, every bonustrack would have fit better ^^
  24. So funny to hear that she remade a "melancholia" song into UV, because she wanted to call the album like that And the way she really admits she herself considers Sad Girl as a filler ... priceless And she still tries to circumvent explaining about what FMWUTTT is about
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