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  1. clementines liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    It didn't even glorify rape. It didn't say "Hey guys, look at how awesome this is! You should do it too!" Do you not see the fear and pain in her eyes? It doesn't condone or glorify rape. She didn't mess up.
  2. ThisIsRusko liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Has it leaked in anything other than 128kbps? 128 is all I can find...
  3. xcx liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    It didn't even glorify rape. It didn't say "Hey guys, look at how awesome this is! You should do it too!" Do you not see the fear and pain in her eyes? It doesn't condone or glorify rape. She didn't mess up.
  4. gloomyharlow liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    I actually find it a little funny that she says that Lana is a woman "who doesn’t even know what feminism is, who believes women can do whatever they want" and then derides her for that. Like, yes, that actually is kind of a part of feminism. Yes, equal pay and rights are part of it, but so is a woman being able to make her own decisions. It seems like Kim doesn't know what feminism is.
  5. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by yyxy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Guns and Roses is so underrated that I hate people for ditching it. 
  6. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by yyxy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Guns and Roses is one of my favorite UV song.
  7. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in Honeymoon Reviews and Metascore   
    he's literally like those pretentious hipsters without his own original opinions nor critical thinking.
    the way he trashed Wildheart 
    and the way he kissed Kendrick's a** for TPAB like jesus re-visited his pathetic basement   
  8. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by renaissance in Honeymoon Reviews and Metascore   
    the TRUTH. I absolutely loathe his reviews, they are so biassed. He doesn't understand any artist's  (except FKA twigs') creativity and image at all.
  9. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Honeymoon Reviews and Metascore   
    Which would be an issue if he had any credibility whatsoever 
  10. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Sucker in Halsey   
    @@letsescapelizzy can you please edit your posts if you have more to say instead of making multiple posts? it floods the thread
    anyway, I just got my tickets! I'm seeing Halsey two days after my birthday in Oslo in Februaryyyyyyy.
  11. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by nowornever in Halsey   
    @@letsescapelizzy can you please chill
  12. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by drewby in Lady Gaga   
    I'm pretty sure the track is a one-off for Tony's next annual album, between filming AHS until January and finishing work on her record (which at this point is probably out in late spring since she indicated she wasn't doing work on it until AHS was done filming) there's no time to fit in the release of another jazz album until like 2017
  13. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by May in Azealia Banks   
    this was to a fan apparently, azealia noooo 

  14. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by May in Halsey   
    the new americana video just seems really rushed to me and the sound of the song doesn't match the aesthetics of the video at all, a video looking like that would've fit Hold Me Down or Haunting better imo
  15. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Azealia Banks   
    I agree that as a black person Obama has some license to say it even in a non-referential context. But I'm not sure that's relevant in this case. Obama's not any black person, he's the president. Given that there is some dispute even within the black community whether it is even acceptable for black people to say it, using it in a non-referential context would have been seen by many, across racial lines, as not presidential. Consequently, his usage was primarily defended on the grounds that it was OK because it was referential, making a point about the usage of the word, not because he was black and therefore allowed to say it. 
    See, this is an example of the good kind of political correctness getting twisted into the bad kind. The dictum that black people are (arguably) allowed to say it, and other people aren't is a fine one, but was never originally intended to be literal and absolute. It was just a less formal way of saying black people may be permitted to employ it, but other people can not employ it. Over time people have started taking it literally, that it can never ever be uttered by a non-black person, even in reference to the use of the word, like it was Voldemort or some shit. A lot of people just avoid or advocate avoiding using it in all cases for simplicity's sake, so they don't have to think about whether it's referential or not, but not because there's really a good reason to prohibit referential usage. It would be sort of like punishing a parent for saying swear words in the course of teaching their children what words are swear words.
    I mean, where does it end? Can lexicographers, etymologists studying the history and usage of the word not use it referentially? Only if they're black? Are we going to censor the Wikipedia page on the word? Are we going to censor books depicting racist white characters that say it? Etc. etc. You get the point.
    There's also an irony (and perhaps hypocrisy) here in your referential usage of the word "faggot" unedited in the same post. There needn't be an equivalency to see that any supposed "rule" absolutely prohibiting all usage of one while permitting the referential usage of the other is completely arbitrary. "Faggot" is sufficiently offensive that any of the same arguments for circumscribing usage should apply to it as well.
    Also, you quoted my uses and didn't censor them. Why is one referential usage OK and not the other?
    Let's not forget that this whole argument started from comments where I referenced the word in the context of denouncing its employment in the strongest possible terms: advocating the principle that there is no excuse for employing it, or any other racist or homophobic slur, against anyone no matter the provocation. Like, seriously?
  16. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Azealia Banks   
    I try to be precise with my language in the extremely misplaced hope that it will avoid misunderstanding.
    Dude, I've written like that since I was several years younger than you are now.
    Ha. You think you make me feel uncomfortable? No. What makes me feel uncomfortable are thoughtful, substantive comments from POC that actually make me think, examine my white privilege, and perhaps reconsider something I've said, done, or thought. And I'm grateful for that discomfort. But no, you've never been the source of anything remotely resembling that.
    In fact, there's nothing that makes a white person more comfortable than a racist (ok, fine, racially prejudiced if you insist on euphemism) POC that can be so easily dismissed as a bigoted asshole before ever making them have to examine their white privilege.
    But you know what does make me feel uncomfortable? A particular way in which I confess I have been racist toward you. I have held you to a different standard than others, partly because of my proximity to some of the disputes your comments have arisen from, but largely because you are a POC and I am white. If anyone else said the same kind of shit you repeatedly say about white people about any other group I'd have banned them a long time ago. Out of an overabundance of caution, to counterbalance any unintentional racial bias on my part or personal bias stemming from my proximity to some of these disputes, I've given you a pass. But you've been warned and yet you keep doing it and I just can't justify the double standard anymore. This is your last warning from me. One more prejudiced comment or use of discriminatory slurs and you're done here.
  17. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by drewby in Azealia Banks   
    I don't even know why you put "racist" in quotation marks when you're fucking racist
    You literally attacked me for a comment in another thread and cited my race as the reason why you did.
    I think that you seriously believe all white people are racist. In the YEARS the two of us have spent on here, I have never seen more vile and hateful things towards me than from you...and why? The basis of race. I don't sit here dismissive of people's issues nor have I ever downplayed something a non-white person has had to say. I don't know what happened to you that damaged you and made you this vindictive and hostile towards people on here for NO reason. 
    You're literally sitting on here looking to pick fights about anything race related when most of the time it's not.
    If you want to discuss this further you can PM me, but this is not the user I'm used to interacting with.
  18. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Azealia Banks   
    you're fucking crazy!
  19. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Azealia Banks   
    omg its getting really difficult to defend her at this point 
    Azealia Banks' disturbing homophobic rant on Instagram
    why does she always target gay men though i don't get it? i never genuinely believed her to be homophobic in any way considering the intelligence and creativity i see in her but talking about bursting hemorrhoids and trolling for dick on grindr after calling someone a fucking faggot like i'm honestly starting to wonder?????? 
  20. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    I always assumed Art Deco was sort of an extension of Carmen. Lana, a young teen who's clearly troubled, throwing herself into the night life and such... but okay
  21. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by C0neyIslandKing in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    This was exactly what I interpreted it as! Still don't see it as a reference in anyway to Azealia Banks tbh
  22. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Wild One in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    omg. I just meant that she took it seriously.
    you don't have to defend her. 
  23. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    Our Honeymoon???? Wow, Lana, nice shoutout to Neil Armstrong! Drag haaaaa
  24. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    I still don't get what it has to do with AB? Like, I don't listen to her, but is there like a reference to her music or something? Like a secret acronym or something? 
  25. JGnecco liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    If you'll notice, the word "racist" was not used once in my post. This was intentional on my part. It's a loaded word and when you throw it at someone's fave, people become more concerned with protecting their fave than thinking "well, is what she did really racist, and if so, how can we stop it from happening again?" It stops discourse, and I think talking about these things calmly is important. Unfortunately a stan forum is probably the worst place to do this, but whatcha gonna do.
    Intent can only carry you so far. There's a reason people apologize if they accidentally elbow you in the face - despite not intending to hurt you, they nevertheless hurt you. And once they finish their apology, they usually say they'll be more careful from now on not to accidentally elbow you in the face (this has happened to me, so it's not some weird hypothetical). The same should apply to these actions.
    I would bet you she used it because she thought it looked pretty. She's all about ~aesthetic~. And also because there was a trend of hipster white girls wearing headdresses (see: Coachella). Even Marina and the Diamonds was guilty of this. They probably thought "this looks nice, let me wear it", but didn't realize the value it had to the culture and, moreover, the devaluation of it they were causing by wearing it in such a frivolous manner.
    For those of you who think this is hoopla over nothing and no tribes were harmed in the making of this video, look up 'the daily nebraska lana del rey war bonnet.' A member of one of the tribes that uses war bonnets (because remember - not all of them do) talks about the significance of it and why it's not okay. She also talks about some other pop artists. Obviously, one member of a group doesn't represent the group. Still, there is such a thing as majority opinion, and most everything I've read from members of war bonnet using tribes say "this item is not acceptable to wear outside its intended purpose."
    I'm not going to post any further because discussions about this topic tend to turn ugly, so please don't quote this post. I'll just end this by saying that if Art Deco is about AB (which I'm pretty sure it's not, wtf Lipsters), calling her 'ghetto' is tacky, at best. Plus, 'ghetto' is definitely a racialized descriptor, let's be real. When you call someone ghetto, you're not saying "you look like a Jew from the segregated part of town!" You're saying "you look like you come from a poor black neighborhood and you're trashy." "The ghetto" refers to poor black neighborhoods specifically. I've never heard anyone talk about an Asian ghetto or a white ghetto (and the trailer park isn't really equivalent). I don't think this song is racist and I don't think Ghetto Baby is racist either, but let's not pretend that 'ghetto' has nothing to do with poor black neighborhoods.
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