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About WilshireBoulevard

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    BAN please

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    back to alabama
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  1. "lay your hands on me" is a reference to the practice of kings of England and France laying their hands on their subjects to cure them of tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis (which went into remission on its own). In Arcadia she's both calling him a king and a god, and herself a subject and a queen - it actually ties in with the interlude of Carmen - it'll culminate in the next album which will be entirely from the point of Marie Antoinette, another delicate but strong woman (this is what question for the culture was really about). She recognises that he's a loser and not really curing her of anything by laying his hands upon her, but she'll go with him anyway. The "like a land rover" is a reference to where she is now, aesthetically and conceptually - she's still playing the role of being comforted by Americana, all the more to fool us when she goes full Marie Antoinette soon. Overall, a masterpiece. *chefs kiss*
  2. Yeah, comparing her own body to stolen land is definitely not a tired, tired trope and sus. All this talk of "making reparations", does she mean reparations for living on stolen land or is it these god-awful lyrics that she's pre-emptively making reparations for?
  3. Well this is an optimistic thread title! Looking forward to Meltdown May and the next album of an unrelated title in 2023 <3
  4. Blaming "SJW culture" for people not being sychophants, I really have to laugh.
  5. I'm not trying to tell her how to feel, which is why I'm writing this all on lanaboards instead of in an angry email or something. How "valid" her feelings are is of literally no interest to me. I think it's a joke that she calls herself an underdog and then plays with her fans about the release date of her album because she knows they'll buy it anyway. Refusing to listen to any type of criticism is never a good sign in an artist. Her calling out Kanye in that comment and in her song is starting to look much more like projection than any valid concerns. She can feel however she wants and she doesn't need my permission to feel it. But equally I don't need her permission to think that she sounds like a self-absorbed yuppie with both a god and a victim complex.
  6. A genius that doesn't view writing as a craft but as something that just comes to your brain half-formed and perfect on the basis of it being hers... right.
  7. I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say that getting the response of "you just want her to be depressed" is so, so tiring. I don't. But I also know that casting yourself in some curse-of-cassandra role, blaming other people entirely, constantly thinking of yourself as a victim of society and "the culture" and never questioning yourself, your motives, your actions, and whether you're right about things isn't a sign of happiness. She literally says in the interview "I don't feel like I'm doing okay. I just know now that I'm always right." That isn't a sign of someone getting better or "being confident", and from the fact she goes on to talk about the virus and trump and stuff she isn't just talking about women singing sexually or whatever (which she also absolutely did not invent). She's projecting out a shit ton, which again she says nearly verbatim. If you read this and came away thinking that she's just happy and confident I really don't know what to say other than maybe read it again. It's not unheard of for people to think of themselves both as a victim and as a mega-genius. The two go very much hand in hand.
  8. I guess it makes sense that she reacted to the backlash earlier this year the way that she did if she thinks that singing about being crazy a hundred times over is equivalent to singing about domestic crises? All of her vaguely "political" songs delve into a very isolated focus at some point, focusing on just her feelings with the real world stuff just as a catalyst and not the focus at all, which is why I maintain that they're not political songs - she never gives a real point of view. And that's fine because that's how a lot of people feel and it's part of why people are drawn to her. But trying to claim that she "knew we weren't ready" and had been singing about it for years? I really think she thinks she's this generations Bob Dylan from how much she brings him up in relation to her and I don't think she'll really be of much interest to me for as long as she continues blowing up her own ego. Especially when she reacts to people's pain with god bless and fuck off. Glad we got some insight on the album, and thank you to Elle for writing this up, but she's becoming more and more of a warning against resting on your own laurels and surrounding yourself with yesmen.
  9. Think my fellow old animal crossers will appreciate this article about ACNH https://www.polygon.com/2020/8/11/21363470/animal-crossing-new-horizons-binging-slowdown-played-speed#:~:text=Share All sharing options for,played at the right speed&text=When Animal Crossing%3A New Horizons,improving and terraforming their islands.
  10. World order is restored if that's the case
  11. The person who wrote the fake message about us paying her glorious art with dust got their inspo from seeing that honeymoon only has six votes
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