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drowning mermaid

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  1. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by elanodelrey in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Venice bitch, mariners and Sylvia were hands down better than 3/4 off LFL IMO
  2. WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  3. Lanalouis1 liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  4. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by movebaby in movebaby's knockoffs and offshots of RormanNockwell's stick figure art   
    as promised...knocker tits
    (probably gonna give it another shot at some point bc i half assed the background and couldn't be bothered to add the thing behind her knee)

  5. UltraHeroin liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  6. Flowerbomb liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  7. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  8. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  9. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by MoreCruelThanYou in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    You guys I feel really bad I have failed us. Ive been single for legit like 2 full years after being in some of the best relationships of my life. Finally I meet this guy and everything is different. When I met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me. We both knew it, right away. He was charismatic, magnetic,
    Anyways we did the nasty and right after I checked my IG and Lana had revealed NFR was coming in two months!!! Our sex was magic, it literally had a magnetic pull on NFR. But now I’ve messed things up w him and we’ll never get the al boom. (This is te only theory that makes cents btw) I’m so sorry girls and gays
  10. movebaby liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  11. Cacciatore liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  12. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i feel like she’s caught up musically to where she is in life, so what more can she write about yknow? her poems and lyrics from this era are clearly reflective of her present, so was lfl. but also like she has hundreds of unreleased songs that she could easily pick a few to re-record/give a new production to, but god knows if she did that there would still be people like us complaining that we need NEW content, a NEW masterpiece to cry ourselves to sleep to. pressure from her label, pressure from her “adoring” fans (that only adore her when she does exactly what they want, right down to her goddamn acrylic nails and hair length like jesus y’all...) it’s no wonder she might be feeling a little burnt out or reluctant to release something and draw attention to herself. i’m sure being in the industry she is it’s hard to find real friends too, so she might be feeling lonely or like no one understands. which might be why we’ve seen her try to disappear in public. she’s trying to act like she’s not famous cuz maybe she’ll find more genuine friends that way? idk i’m v tired and sorry for rambling but like i don’t blame her for being tired if she is. i’m not excusing the lack of communication and constant lies but i can understand how trapped she might feel. how “real” is life when you’re famous and everyone tries to attach themselves to you for their own personal gain? and when people expect you to be someone that you’ve moved on from? that i’ve been dying for something real, hello it’s the most famous woman you know on the ipad, etc
    edit: also forgot to say like yeah she has HUNDREDS of unreleased songs of varying topics... so like she’s pretty much covered everything. WE might be thinking, ugh when will she give us *insert expectations based on any of her past personas/interests/etc* or the gp is thinking lana del ray summertime sadness tumblr sad girl give us another album that we may or may not like! but she’s thinking, ugh, i’ve already sung about everything i’m passionate about, i don’t know what more i can do without repeating myself at this point (which would also make me feel not very authentic) or pretending to be someone i’ve moved on from for other people and having to deal with fans projecting their emotional traumas onto me/my music at concerts and when they see me on the street which is really emotionally exhausting...
    anyways i still want a christmas album
  13. Foxglove liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  14. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  15. strange weather liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  16. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  17. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana seems to run primarily on spite. Remember when the critics and general public were bashing her? She tried so hard to prove them wrong by releasing masterpieces one after the other. Now the critics have warmed up to her and most people adore her, so she’s doesn’t have a reason to give a fuck.
  18. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Most artists with long successful careers actually do just milk a few early hits forever lol. Most artists with longevity don’t top the charts forever. The ones who try are usually the ones who fall flat on their faces. Look at like Bowie or Springsteen or anyone. Their popular well known shit is mostly early stuff, sometimes a lucky later hit.
  19. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i will put lanas tears into an ice tray and put the ice into my sweet tea when the album leaks 
  20. tripticks liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    NFR is truly the Iran-Iraq war of albums
    We thought it would come out quick and easy
    Actually ended up taking almost a decade long, thousands of innocents were killed, and had no positive results for anyone involved
  21. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    u know sometimes i think lana's playing a little game with us
    looking down from cali, laughing, tryna see how much we can take
    cus the way things go its like a joke
    nobodies had more shots at announcing the release than her
  22. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Bunny Mozart's Album Art - COCC Album Cover Concepts *NEW*   
    Just finished this one. It's more gothic though lol.

  23. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    yes.. but the next day he was actually watching g easy interviews on youtube though. im not kidding.
    a dealbreaker literally a dealbreaker
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