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Swan Song

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  1. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love the lyrics and the sweet backup vocals. And how it ends, it's like we've reached heaven again just like we did in Bel Air. And it leaves me feeling relaxed, calm, hopeful and optimistic in a way. Like I will also come into the blue one day. Although I wouldn't call my days black really, it's not that bad.
  2. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Hozier   
    After a quick google search, I found this interview. He's working on a new album (yay!) and I'll quote some interesting things from the interview under the spoiler.
    Source: https://www.idolator.com/7639661/hozier-interview-better-love-new-album
  3. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Taylor Swift   
    Honestly was lowkey getting ready to stan her when she first started this era with all of the dark imagery and sounds but so far nothing after Look What You Made Me Do actually stayed in that vein. 
    For me it's LWYMMD > RFI > CIWYWT > Gorg 
    Her lyricism and aesthetic always seemed so dull and uninspired to me, like its so recyclable from every other song and image out there (let's not even start with how much she copies Lana with the whole "vintage" theme and even steals her melodies).
  4. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    She looks good in terms of appearance but I miss when she was super elaborate and inhumanly perfect and pristine looking. Like a porcelain dolls. I always idolized the way she went all out and now she just dresses like me 
    also i miss red hair lol
    Signature looks

    only a year ago, though, her greatest look of all time 

  5. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lust For Life - Merch & Media Thread   
    I picked up my vinyl this weekend like I wrote above and snapped a few pictures of all my Lana records together. Sharing them here for people who don’t follow me on Insta and have seen them already.

  6. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Sucker in AURORA   
    2 new songs performed in Brazil. I'm so excited about Queendom finally being played live.

    I've waited so long for everyone to hear it. It's so good.




    [i've added the full lyrics to the Genius page here.]




    All Is Soft Inside


  7. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Get Free   
    go where and do what now
  8. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey NYC Concert - October 23/24, 2017   
    I updated the OP and put the two set lists in.
    Getting too old for two great shows in two days
    Have to say I liked the first show the best but liked the two amazing additions to the second.
    Do hope the weather in January is ok (no snow or ice) so I can do up to a dozen of the shows driving)
  9. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Sometimes I think it's just "too much" to complain over a coment like "Tour on sale today bitches".
    She's still human and making that type of joke. Also, part of the few people she's following are probably part of "stan twitter" so she just think it's funny to...tweet. 
    I feel so much better knowing it's actually herself behind the screen, making "contact" with her fans, instead of someone else pretending to be her and making those mechanical tweets. It's just random and no point in having a profile with "@@lanadelrey". Just put up @TeamDelRey for contact.
    Also not sure if it's unpopular, but I have a feeling that she moved away from the "cinematographic-music-videos" to move away from the vision that people had on her from BTD, then, focus on the music. For some people, Ultraviolence is her peak "musically" but I just cannot see anyone saying that Visually BTD wasn't her prime. The music videos, the aesthetic, the whole thing was wrapped up and it was good enough to be seen as "PLASTIC" but at same time, it was the game changing and the mark that everyone got. Hollywood Glamour Vintage etc. Looking at Ultraviolence "Visually", West Coast and then Shades Of Cool were the begin of what she's doing today. Beautiful music videos but just packed in random some random scenes. 
    Right Now I feel she's in a middle zone from Music + Visuals. The visuals are not ugly, that's good. It's just lackluster I guess so. Music Videos like Music To Watch Boys To, Freak, Love, White Mustang... they are all "Beautiful", but they just miss a plot, something happening... maybe cuz then it was turned into a puzzle game of remaking music videos. Unless she changes her mind for something "I want to go all visual", then, things will just remain the same and I don't think it's something her team can change...
  10. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by UltraviolentJack in Lana Del Rey NYC Concert - October 23/24, 2017   
    I still don’t understand why West Coast is gone but Blue Jeans gets to stay
  11. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by lmdr in Lana Del Rey NYC Concert - October 23/24, 2017   
    Blue Jeans, a classic... that needs to go
  12. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    i just wanna say that's it's unhelpful and quite dangerous to imply that Lana's past history & her self-professed penchant for older men makes it plausible or probable that she'd willingly submit to Weinstein's advances. it's one step short of victim blaming & gross speculation about a situation that we simply don't know whether was consensual or abusive, or if it even happened at all.
    i've seen quite a few people in this thread write several variations of what essentially amounts to "Lana isn't the type to be abused", which is a naïve and sadly very incorrect take on how & why abuse happens. it's also pretty insensitive to speculate on consensuality based on her apparent friendly demeanor towards Weinstein, or the fact that some of her loved ones (namely her sister) seemed to have a cordial relationship with him at one point - taking a look at some of his proven victims' relationship with him over the years, all the smiling photos at industry events, etc. would suffice to prove my point.
    lastly - maybe nothing happened, maybe it happened and was consensual, or maybe it wasn't. we'll probably never know for sure, or not for a very long time, and song lyrics definitely aren't the way to prove anything, especially not in someone as prone to fantasy & half-truths as Lana. i just want to add that trying to own/appropriate abusive events in order to try to regain some sort of control over the situation is a frequent victim response, so even if Cola and FMWUTTT are indeed celebrating something that happened with "Harvey", it doesn't necessarily mean her agency in the real life situations played out exactly like it does in the songs.
  13. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by loleetah in Poppy   
    I don't like the robot thing as much as I liked the weird satanic illuminati figure they were going for around and after the time Bubblebath was released, even though that idea is so overdone and cliche and tryhard edgy you got the feeling there was something dark lurking behind Poppy's videos. Now they're just irreverent 
  14. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    fuck that, i hate that she's back in MSM because of another bs reason, not her works, her creations, but anything to smear her name like before.   the amount of people on the right i've seen on twitter/facebook double downing on her with 'daddy issues' 'born into money' 'gross, depressed woman' etc. is so annoying.
    it's like her witch post from late winter/early spring all over again.
    dont think H&R was about Harvey ppl
  15. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Highlights from LiveStream - 
    - Said hi to me which is always a great way to start
    - Not doing Coachella, but will be attending
    - Will be at the LA pop-up shops, will sing a few songs
    - Sang bits of Sad Girl, Old Money, Carmen, Serial Killer
    - Acknowledged Pawn Shop Blues & Queen of the Gas Station
    - Favourite song from  Born to Die is Born to Die
    - "Can you sing Because of You? How do you even know that song?"
    - Toxic is her favourite Britney Spears song
    - At pop-ups will have 11 new items, vinyls, & the "wholesome" coke necklace and lighter
    - Adding 13 Beaches & Diet Mountain Dew to setlist (in response to my question ayyyyye)
    - "Collab with Marina? That's my girl!"
    - "Am I doing a collab with BORNS? Maybe! (suggestive face)"
    - Lana will be at the Arcade Fire concert tomorrow
    - "Is the unreleased record happening? With old songs? No, not right now. But I'm not saying it won't ever happen."
  16. wittycatchphrase liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in LA to the Moon Tour 2018   
    I'm going to the TD Garden show too and I agree, I can't picture how this will be for her? Like I was imagining the venues, and last time she was in MA she was at the Xfinity Center so wow. But you will def have a great time because you'll be seeing her, so I won't worry about it until it gets closer tbh
  17. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in LA to the Moon Tour 2018   
    She's gonna be performing at this beautiful outdoor venue for the Melbourne show

  18. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by wittycatchphrase in LA to the Moon Tour 2018   
    I'm going to be seeing her for the first time ever in January. I am SHOOK. And really nervous for some reason, I think because I'm dreading the crowd. I can't believe she's going to be at TD Garden, it's fucking huge. I don't mean to say it's too big for her    but it's not the setting I imagine. I don't know how to feel.
  19. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by jazzsingrcultleadr in Live @ Terminal 5 in NYC - Who's Going?   
    I'm going! My anxiety is through the roof though considering its in NYC/at Terminal 5/is a Lana show. Fans are vicious, New Yorkers are rude, people are gonna pass out lmao.
  20. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by SouthInGuy in Lust For Life - Merch & Media Thread   
    Finally!!! It really is lol big. 

  21. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    If she doesn't have Heroin and Get Free on the LA to the Moon setlist we're gonna have some problems
  22. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by harveyswife in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    Well, this *completely* ruins my username. 
    Also, I honestly don't think it's appropriate to be gossiping about if Lana was harassed or assaulted by a serial creep and abuser. I don't think anyone would appreciate being the subject of that speculation. As another matter, I think often fans mistake Lana's lyrics for real life way too often and think they know things about her that they don't. Same with her comments to the press, many of them happen to not be true. Especially from her early career. I think she was nervous with the press and trying to live in this persona she created as Lana del Rey, and that led to a lot of strange comments that fans latch on to and take way too seriously. 
  23. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by subversive light in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    4chan is a pile of shit; bunch of trolls, they try to be funny or something close to that.
    And that's how he does. Harvey put the women he wants in a position (promote her, she makes more money, fame, etc) that looks like they [the women] owes something to him. That's how these rapists do when they're rich and powerful.
    i hope you're right, but we all can pretend to smile :/
  24. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    do we care about its sales? if we do...
    its sold 143,000 as of this week in the USA and 580,000 WW 
    more than honeymoon i think in the USA? and more than halsey and lorde oops 
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