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About yayoop

  • Rank
    the King of Disaster
  • Birthday 09/18/1994

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    the edge of the universe
  • Fan Since
    January 2012

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  1. Um I didn’t even know this was a thing?? I’m always on my phone too, sad that this is who I’ve become
  2. Since the start of Lana leaks there were always songs that felt literally unattainable, and we’ve somehow been able to hear them since all. The list of newly discovered or rumoured outtakes is ever expanding. I can see us in 10 years asking for brand new ones we never even knew about and these wishes will be sitting on our hard drives forever love that
  3. Called it It’s okay there’ll probably be 3 alternate covers anyway
  4. It’ll be worth itit always is he tells himself while dehydrated and brittle af
  5. It’ll come, eventually everything comes in some way. It probably won’t be called Lasso but we’ll be able to add it to the list of endless alternate project titles
  6. Lana is fucking wild. Always has been The Lana we “know” or “think of” is not Lizzy Grant, she’s not even her either She is a woman who has lived however many years of life and we really don’t know her. She’s an artist and that’s not to say it’s all been nothing, I think art is literally interpretation and explanation without knowing what you’re doing. im rambling this is just so wild but im not surprised and don’t understand the whole situation and I guess i hope she’s just happy (and makes more music)
  7. I was listening to Tough, and if anything I was like “this is like country lyrics but with a rap beat”, so now I think Lasso is just gonna sound like Tough, and that’s a win for me
  8. This is incredible?? She’s breaking the genres again BACK TO THE BASICS, LAKE PLACID BITCHES AHHHHHHH this is either an intro song or an interlude because Issa bop
  9. I’m so here for this, this sounds like a classic Lana unreleased. back to her roots
  10. yayoop

    Taylor Swift

    I love the Chicks and I am destroyed that I can never listen to “soon you’ll get better” because it’s so heartbreaking and brutal i love that TSwizzle has a bunch of songs that are just so heart wrenching they’ll never be played again
  11. I want him to white boi rap like his big sister
  12. yayoop

    Ariana Grande

    I haven’t felt this unmoved by an Ari single before, sad. Oh well
  13. Add the Lana subreddit to this thread, a lot of them are cooked over there. I swear to fucking Jesus Christ our lord if another straight guy goes “I’m a guy who loves lana but is 101% straight” I’m gonna off myself like shut up, your insecurity is showing so hard Just love the music, who gives a fuck
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