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Tropico Angel

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  1. Surf Noir liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I’m obsessed with Lolita but I’m not a massive fan of the final production. I prefer the demos. I wish we got a live studio version of the version she performed back in 2012 because this is MAGIC ✨
  2. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I always thought one of the lyrics was “oh dear diary, I met a boy, he made my girl part light up with joy” - as in he gets her horny or he was good in bed or something. Was super shocked to find out that it’s not the right lyric
  3. Tropico Angel liked a post in a topic by urgirl in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I refuse to believe the Bubblegum Bitch lyric isn't "Cannabis, sweetie pie, wanna be adored"
  4. clementines liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I’m obsessed with Lolita but I’m not a massive fan of the final production. I prefer the demos. I wish we got a live studio version of the version she performed back in 2012 because this is MAGIC ✨
  5. partymonster liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I’m obsessed with Lolita but I’m not a massive fan of the final production. I prefer the demos. I wish we got a live studio version of the version she performed back in 2012 because this is MAGIC ✨
  6. Tropico Angel liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    lolita has grown on me so much recently its becoming one of my favs...
  7. Tropico Angel liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I probably came off ruder than I intended. All I’m trying to say is it’s completely okay that some people see NFR as an amazing body of work and don’t see the criticisms I have for it. But at the same time, some of us can’t help but feel disappointed that part of the Lana appeal seemed (to me, not saying everyone thinks the same say) to fade away a little. It isn’t just her lyrical content, I want beats in her songs, I want strings, I want ambiance, I want to really feel like I’m in her world. Norman was good storytelling wise (and having Violets tie into it was an amazing touch) but it is slightly annoying that you can’t say you miss all these things without being labeled a BTD fanboy who just needs to ‘move past’ the album that initially hooked me. 
  8. Tropico Angel liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Basically, she just needs to get the hell away from Jack. 
  9. Tropico Angel liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I definitely don’t think BTD is her best, and I don’t want a BTD 2.0 (or 2.0 of any record she’s made) she’s had so many iconic lyrical moments throughout her career (her song writing definitely didn’t just magically stop with BTD), it just seems like the girl who came full circle and sang “Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind I want to get off but I keep riding the ride” went back to singing “lying on your chest, in my party dress, I’m a fucking mess” like...where’s the fire.
    this is the unpopular opinion thread and I know me not liking NFR is a very unpopular opinion.
    she went from having lush strings, ambiance sprinkled throughout her songs (God Knows I Tried had crickets, 13B had SO many little sound effects and noises that made the song so full) and NFR had strings that don’t add a thing to the overall song and hardly any kind of beats (CG being an exception, I would have killed for a full song that sounds like the last minute)
    I can be critical and still like her
    edit: plus, the two songs I’m quoting as saying I miss aren’t even BTD. They’re paradise (which yes is an EP but also feels very much like it’s own body if work)
  10. Tropico Angel liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    The lack of communication on Lana’s part is getting super frustrating. I know she lives her own life and has flat out said she doesn’t care about losing fans, but it wouldn’t kill her to communicate even a little. It’s always been a problem with her but it’s getting increasingly bad. First the September 5th date coming and going with her saying nothing, the book signing where she threw two days around, the instagram live on Election Day where she flat out says “I was planning on making an official announcement but this will do”
    and now her performance planned for Monday. Even if she is going to sing Chemtrails (which I’m finding more and more unlikely) she could at least post a ‘Catch you Monday’ to announce it. 
    I’m also in agreement with the others who say she’s really losing what made her music unique. The woman who sang her Pussy tastes like Pepsi cola, had to touch herself to pretend her man was there, was being led to war with her man’s brilliant direction...gone, now her mans just being a jerk :/
  11. cherrytropico liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I thinks it’s because Jack is more of a pop producer, not an alternative producer. His stuff is very commercial and clean (for lack of a better word). I loved Lana because of how raw and impactful her music was but now I feel like it’s made to be more radio-friendly and critic pleasing.
    Also kinda think it’s because she moved to LA. Her personality has definitely changed like wanting to become an insta baddie, vlogging, becoming more mainstream in general (like writing slang into her songs like lit, collabing with artists that she has no business collabing with), etc... Of course there’s nothing wrong with a change in personality. Everybody grows and changes but I wish that it would translate better into her music and her previous image. We’ve been so used to unique, vintage Lana and now all of a sudden we’re getting smacked in the face with mainstream Lana. I wish there was a better transition between these two in her body of work so that it’s easier for us fans to digest
  12. vrtvie liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I thinks it’s because Jack is more of a pop producer, not an alternative producer. His stuff is very commercial and clean (for lack of a better word). I loved Lana because of how raw and impactful her music was but now I feel like it’s made to be more radio-friendly and critic pleasing.
    Also kinda think it’s because she moved to LA. Her personality has definitely changed like wanting to become an insta baddie, vlogging, becoming more mainstream in general (like writing slang into her songs like lit, collabing with artists that she has no business collabing with), etc... Of course there’s nothing wrong with a change in personality. Everybody grows and changes but I wish that it would translate better into her music and her previous image. We’ve been so used to unique, vintage Lana and now all of a sudden we’re getting smacked in the face with mainstream Lana. I wish there was a better transition between these two in her body of work so that it’s easier for us fans to digest
  13. konnichiwalski liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I think it’s just because of her attitude tbh. From what I’ve seen, she doesn’t give af and will always say what she’s thinking and I suppose it just rubs people the wrong way
  14. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I thinks it’s because Jack is more of a pop producer, not an alternative producer. His stuff is very commercial and clean (for lack of a better word). I loved Lana because of how raw and impactful her music was but now I feel like it’s made to be more radio-friendly and critic pleasing.
    Also kinda think it’s because she moved to LA. Her personality has definitely changed like wanting to become an insta baddie, vlogging, becoming more mainstream in general (like writing slang into her songs like lit, collabing with artists that she has no business collabing with), etc... Of course there’s nothing wrong with a change in personality. Everybody grows and changes but I wish that it would translate better into her music and her previous image. We’ve been so used to unique, vintage Lana and now all of a sudden we’re getting smacked in the face with mainstream Lana. I wish there was a better transition between these two in her body of work so that it’s easier for us fans to digest
  15. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I thinks it’s because Jack is more of a pop producer, not an alternative producer. His stuff is very commercial and clean (for lack of a better word). I loved Lana because of how raw and impactful her music was but now I feel like it’s made to be more radio-friendly and critic pleasing.
    Also kinda think it’s because she moved to LA. Her personality has definitely changed like wanting to become an insta baddie, vlogging, becoming more mainstream in general (like writing slang into her songs like lit, collabing with artists that she has no business collabing with), etc... Of course there’s nothing wrong with a change in personality. Everybody grows and changes but I wish that it would translate better into her music and her previous image. We’ve been so used to unique, vintage Lana and now all of a sudden we’re getting smacked in the face with mainstream Lana. I wish there was a better transition between these two in her body of work so that it’s easier for us fans to digest
  16. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I thinks it’s because Jack is more of a pop producer, not an alternative producer. His stuff is very commercial and clean (for lack of a better word). I loved Lana because of how raw and impactful her music was but now I feel like it’s made to be more radio-friendly and critic pleasing.
    Also kinda think it’s because she moved to LA. Her personality has definitely changed like wanting to become an insta baddie, vlogging, becoming more mainstream in general (like writing slang into her songs like lit, collabing with artists that she has no business collabing with), etc... Of course there’s nothing wrong with a change in personality. Everybody grows and changes but I wish that it would translate better into her music and her previous image. We’ve been so used to unique, vintage Lana and now all of a sudden we’re getting smacked in the face with mainstream Lana. I wish there was a better transition between these two in her body of work so that it’s easier for us fans to digest
  17. Tropico Angel liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i feel like she downgraded the second she met Jack. Even the demo of Votd that she sent to him as inspo sounds better than most of the songs on the nfr. Lmlylaw sounds straight out of nfr. Its just getting boring and repetitive.It even has the exact same short melody in the background as most of nfr songs. Summertime was finally something new and you can see how much fans liked it. If Lana stays with Jack for the next albums, i think fans will slowly begin unstanning
  18. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Also, I don’t get the hype around “you fucked me so good that I almost said ily”. People were saying that’s one of the best opening lines they’ve ever heard. I thought it was cringe ngl 
  19. cherrytropico liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Don’t hate me but I thought NFR (album) was lacking in every way possible. It just doesn’t have the Lana Del Rey feel. If someone was to cover an older Lana song, I’d be able to tell that it was a Lana cover but I swear any indie artist could cover any song from NFR and I wouldn’t think Lana had written it. There are some moments in the album that are absolutely amazing like the FIILY vocal layering towards the end and the verses of California but all in all I just don’t like it. It’s lacking production-wise, lyrically, etc... Even the chords and melodies are SO predictable and commercial - especially in the chorus of Love Song (imo obviously)
  20. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Don’t hate me but I thought NFR (album) was lacking in every way possible. It just doesn’t have the Lana Del Rey feel. If someone was to cover an older Lana song, I’d be able to tell that it was a Lana cover but I swear any indie artist could cover any song from NFR and I wouldn’t think Lana had written it. There are some moments in the album that are absolutely amazing like the FIILY vocal layering towards the end and the verses of California but all in all I just don’t like it. It’s lacking production-wise, lyrically, etc... Even the chords and melodies are SO predictable and commercial - especially in the chorus of Love Song (imo obviously)
  21. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Also, I don’t get the hype around “you fucked me so good that I almost said ily”. People were saying that’s one of the best opening lines they’ve ever heard. I thought it was cringe ngl 
  22. Bloody Valentine liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Also, I don’t get the hype around “you fucked me so good that I almost said ily”. People were saying that’s one of the best opening lines they’ve ever heard. I thought it was cringe ngl 
  23. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Britney Spears   
    1) Concerning the typo and her not seeing the vinyl. Before we saw the vinyl, I heard that there was a typo on the back. I meant that if there’s a typo then Brit clearly hasn’t seen the vinyl as she would’ve noticed it. I never said there was proof, just that it’s most probable that she didn’t see the vinyl.
    2) Jaime, Lou, and Jaime Lynn are listed under the Glory 2020 release. Yes, they were a part of the original album but that wasn’t my point. My point was that her corrupt team are still all linked with Glory so it should be taken with caution as they do have a vested interest in this new release.
    3) I never said the songs were new... They’re pumping out old material. Who cares if she didn’t record it recently. They’re still making money off of her regardless of when it was recorded. It may be a relatively small amount but it’s still an amount and it’s still wrong.
    4) I know Brit helped set up Mood Ring and that she was super excited about the cover because her team finally listened to her. I wasn’t even talking about MR or the cover. I was talking about Glory 2020 as a whole
    5) With regards to Danja, I was talking about BJ so that’s irrelevant. She said herself that BJ was supposed to be Blackout but more personal but she didn’t know wtf happened to the album.
    6) It can still be Brit’s concept AND a cash grab... It’s her original concept for Glory.
    My whole point was that we as fans should be cautious because she literally just said she won’t work and won’t do any business until her father is off the conservatorship but somehow she is working and rereleasing an album?? Nothing is very clear so we shouldn’t just support anything Britney the brand throws out. We should be cautious. What’s wrong with that?
  24. Ladyjj liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Britney Spears   
    A little while after Brit says she won’t work until Jaime is removed from her conservatorship, it gets announced that Glory is rereleasing. That’s not a coincidence. Do you think Brit would let a typo slide on the back of her vinyl? I don’t. Clearly she hasn’t even seen it. If you actually look at the info behind the rerelease of Glory, Jaime, Lou and Jaime Lynn are listed. Also, just because the profit may be negligible, so what?? They’re still stealing from her and working her like an animal. Plus, people will go back to listening to the older albums too because there’ll be buzz around Brit. I do boycott the shows, The Zone, etc... That’s why I said boycott Britney the brand, not just Glory. It says in her recent court records that she has refused to participate in any business activities and she won’t work until her father has gone. That’s clear enough for me. This is just a cheap money grab from her team
  25. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Britney Spears   
    I hope none of y’all are going to purchase or stream Glory 2020 since Jaime, Lou and Jaime Lynn are behind its release. All of the money it makes goes into Jamie’s pocket as funds to keep the conservatorship going. Support Britney the person by boycotting Britney the brand. Illegally download that shit and buy it when her finances are under her control
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