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About gasstationkween

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    He found me waitressing at Ruby Tuesday’s

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  1. I mean Henry come on, Jack is gonna do ya i mean Henry come on it’s not a drag brunch screw ya twink boy giddy up
  2. She cheatin on Jeremy with Jack and his twink sidehoe (Henry) and that’s what Henry come on is about…it’s about her waiting outside Henry’s apartment in WeHo whilst she’s waiting to pick him up to drive him to the hookup before Jeremy finds them. But Henry too busy putting his daus corset on and beating his mug so she be like Henry come on!
  3. GURL I don’t want tropico atp we already have all the songs like give us new shit
  4. Lana on play boy with full bush out hair covering the nipples promoting her new album Lana is back and hornier than ever
  5. Like I need her on vogue with ugly ass Jeremy holding her in doggy position on a boat in the swamp whilst she’s lighting up a cunty ciggy with her snatched ass ozempic face giving the most delirious vacant stare
  6. We neeeedddd at least a cunty photoshoot with the tits out and bombshell waves
  7. Daisy Edgar Jones in Normal People. I’ll never understand how Paul got all the praise.
  8. He located her clit so she thought the right person will stay
  9. She’s sniffing lines in the local Louisiana Bayou Shack Bar
  10. Where TF is she like what could she possibly be doing other than sucking Jeremy’s swamp cock and going to dillards with jen
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