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  1. Shades liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Orange is the new Black   
    this season was the best yet, definitely, but also the darkest and most emotionally devastating. 
  2. Shades liked a post in a topic by theeternalstars in Lana Shot A Music Video - Possibly For Love?   
    inb4 the video is scrapped and the footage is reused again and again for all three videos we get in the next album era
  3. Shades liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Lana Shot A Music Video - Possibly For Love?   
    I've learned now to expect anything in the Lana Del Rey universe. Hers is the realm of possibilities. Leaks, unfinished music videos surfacing, unexpected music videos after a period of drought (Freak was totally unexpected, I thought the era was dead, tbh)
    I mean, I'd love it if it was for another era, bring it on ! 
  4. Shades liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Shot A Music Video - Possibly For Love?   
    ALL her songs deserve a video
  5. Shades liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Lana Shot A Music Video - Possibly For Love?   
    If she's making a video, this is truly a bizarre era...
  6. Shades liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana Shot A Music Video - Possibly For Love?   
    casting call for all ethnicities. woke queen 
  7. Shades liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    the campaign for 'leave' was essentially based on xenophobic / racist / anti-immigration sentiment & in pure economic terms the UK gain nothing from leaving the EU. this gives power to the far-right all over Europe & puts the EU in a precarious position (this last point not being necessarily bad when it comes to their usual undemocratic neoliberal decisions tho).
  8. Shades liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Lana & Jonathan Wilson Grocery Shopping at Vintage Groceries in Malibu - June 21, 2016   
    "Vintage Groceries"
    I wouldn't expect anything less from Lanz. #RetroQueen
  9. Shades liked a post in a topic by Joker in Lana & Jonathan Wilson Grocery Shopping at Vintage Groceries in Malibu - June 21, 2016   
    Well, for 1) she can date who she wants, so why does it matter? She's stated multiple times she doesn't like  fame and maybe dating a normal, non-famous person is her way of living a normal life. 2) Her hair isn't for you, me, or anyone else. It's for her. If she feels good with brown hair, she feels good with brown hair. Let her live.
  10. Shades liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    literally WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! you're over here yapping about somebody not having respect for accidentally misspelling a name (and literally it was one wrong letter like your whole bullshit drama was unnecessary as usual) when you're out here lacking the most respect out of anyone! i'd be able to look over your stupid moldy cream cheese ass posts in any other thread, but like really? 49 mostly latin people died and you have the nerve to get mad over the typo of a fucking name?! go to fucking hell already.
  11. Shades liked a post in a topic by darkness in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    How do we not manage to blame Christianity for the majority of terrorist attacks in the US? There's been double the terrorist attacks from right-winged Christian extremist and up until last night, more deaths from Christians. Why do we not hold their religion accountable?  Because religious and racial bigotry has programmed us to blame people people who don't look or think like us. Americans view the actions of white male Christian extremist as isolated instances over and over and over again, but expect the entire religion of Islam to be held accountable for the actions of a few. 
  12. Shades liked a post in a topic by ZeroZero in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    Can we all just agree Isis doesn't speak for Muslims, the same way the KKK doesn't speak for Christians. Cause it's literally the same fucking thing. There's idiotic people who pick and choose parts of a religion and even twist it in ways it never was, and you've got to be really ignorant to think that one person speaks for the world. If Christians truly followed their religion they'd be cutting off their wives hands after cheating, stoning gays, and lots of other disgusting shit that's clearly in their roots. I may be an atheist, but I don't get a kick out of stereotyping people. Google a fucking group that's been around for thousands of years before you decide to slander it. What happened was fucking disgusting and I pray for all the families who lost innocent lives. Don't taint this mourning with the little info you've got from racist news sources ran by white men who want the world against Islam just so they could start wars in foreign countries to obtain oil and valuable resources. Yes Isis needs to be stopped, but don't think for a second that they speak for all Muslims. Don't forget American's past isn't too pretty, but then again they said "sorry" so we're supposed to just push 200+ years of slavery and sadism under the carpet. I agree guns do need to be gone completely from the states, for normal people AND police. To wrap this all up, can we all just get closer instead of pushing each other farther away?
  13. Shades liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    people are just trying to make it something it's not so they can cover up how they truly feel about some people
  14. Shades liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    I agree, but there are nicer and easier ways to get your point across in a non disrespectful way, especially when dealing with this type of situation. I don't want to cause any problems, I even edited my original post as to try not to upset you. its always the thought that counts, I've seen many people spell Christina's name wrong, but the love, support, and prayers are all still being sent to her and her family. We can't name every person that was inside Pulse last night, but we are all still praying and supporting them and loving them and grieving them.
  15. Shades liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    My condolences to those who were affected by these events and my heart goes out to everyone who is suffering from them. The world is a terrible place a lot of the time and more often than not nothing is done to prevent these kind of tragedies. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of both tragedies and I hope they can find peace knowing that the world is grieving with them and people are wanting to make a difference.
    Can you not turn this thread into something about you? If you wanna talk disrespectful, you're certainly right there in the middle of it, coming in a thread about a tragedy just to start some bullshit. You're upset and that's fine, but going on like this is only going to take attention away from these events and put all the attention on you. I'm not trying to argue and certainly not trying to fight, but please, be a little more gentle with your words. It's bad enough already.
  16. Shades liked a post in a topic by Adrift in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    her name is also misspelled in the thread about her, it's hardly the most important thing to be angry about here.
  17. Shades liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   

  18. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    didn't she literally say that singing the same songs over and over was boring to her
    surprise!!!!!! it's boring to us too, Lana pls. 
  19. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    didn't she literally say that singing the same songs over and over was boring to her
    surprise!!!!!! it's boring to us too, Lana pls. 
  20. Shades liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    I feel like she got pretty lazy. She doesn't owe us anything, but she could have played at least some new songs since she didn't even promote HM.
    I remember her talking proudly of HM
  21. Shades liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    how could you perform cola, blue jeans and carmen instead of THE BLACKEST DAY, SALVATORE AND MTWBT
  22. Kommander liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    didn't she literally say that singing the same songs over and over was boring to her
    surprise!!!!!! it's boring to us too, Lana pls. 
  23. Cashew liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    didn't she literally say that singing the same songs over and over was boring to her
    surprise!!!!!! it's boring to us too, Lana pls. 
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