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  1. mesabird liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    "Alright, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
  2. mesabird liked a post in a topic by Bustydelrey in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    I loved Chucks videos alot and he photos are amazing. But Charlie is definitely better with the videos imho. The whole vibe of them, the aesthetic, I love it all and the editing it's all so good AHHH
  3. mesabird liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Actually i here for Charlie material... Chuck's video looks boring, Charlie's look like he is trying to tell a (chaotic) history
  4. mesabird liked a post in a topic by pawn shop blues in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    This has such a strong Lizzy Grant vibe to it. But like a Lizzy Grant who is now Lana who is now rich and who is now going insane, or maybe just joking, or just in love with life, or possibly a little bit of everything, and who cares since life is a dream? That's the vibe I'm getting. 
  5. mesabird liked a post in a topic by urgirl in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    I understand that you'd feel like that, but for me personally "nothing happens for mistake" actually is a rosy idea for me who has experienced extreme traumas, because I believe God has a plan for me and my pain is not for nothing 
  6. mesabird liked a post in a topic by jazzsingrcultleadr in VICE: "We Got Two Poets to Review Lana Del Rey's New Poetry Collection"   
    A good friend of mine (and fellow Lana stan) wrote a fun piece for Vice asking some poets what they thought of some of Lana's poems.
    "If Lana Del Rey were a Spice Girl, she’d be Literary Spice. In her ten-plus years in the public eye she’s made it pretty obvious that she reads books – or has at least heard of them. She is a bookshelf, as the meme goes, full of Nabokov and Bukowski and all of the other supposed red flags you should run from. She gets down to beat poetry. She’s been tearing around in her fucking nightgown, 24/7 Sylvia Plath. She sings the Body Electric. She is the Walt Whitman of the post-tumblr age, her internal metronome clicking to the clack of a 808 hi-hat."
    Read it here.
  7. mesabird liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Listening now....LA is so much better than I thought it would be, oh my god... this is Joan Didion meets Sylvia Plath type shit
  8. mesabird liked a post in a topic by Ocean Boulevard in Rank Lana's Albums   
    1. Ultraviolence
    2. Honeymoon 
    3. Norman Fucking Rockwell!
    4. Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass 
    5. Born to Die 
    6.  Paradise
    7.  Lust for Life 
    8. AKA
    And none of them is bad!!
     Love AKA but I would like a remastered version more and really love it ( except 3 tracks) but I can relate to some LFL songs more ( e.g 13 Beaches and Change)
    But sometimes the rating depends on my mood , especially place 5 to 8 
  9. mesabird liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Best American Record   
    Has anyone ever brought this up? Whilst I was reading Joan Didion's White Album, a quote from Georgia O'Keeffe instantly struck me as being the potential inspiration for this song.
    "As I was working I thought of the city men I had been seeing in the East. They talked so often of writing the Great American Novel - the Great American Play - The Great American Poetry."
  10. mesabird liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love the transition from Burnt Norton to Religion.
    “Down the passage which we did not take
    Towards the door we never opened
    Into the rose garden“
    As soon as BN ends, Religion starts playing with its opening chords. These chords feel like a door being opened.
  11. mesabird liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in In your opinion, what is the best era?   
    Accurate results #teamuv

  12. mesabird liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Lana Covers V Magazine - Interview with Stevie Nicks   
    No.. Telling people to just look on the bright side when there is no bright side is patronizing, condescending and tone deaf. Almost like making a song about how sad you were for the ~future~ of all the rich white teenagers at coachella, when god knows no one is checking for the brown kids in Compton. "Wow, stuff is happening, huh?" isn't actually a meaningful thing to say. I understand that Lana apparently only became woke enough to pick up a newspaper 2 months ago, and that this site probably doesn't skew in a direction where most people are acknowledging the gravitas of the things she's poking at yet, but tone policing, "self editing" for the sake of fake good vibes, etc..That's just not the way to reach any sort of raw truth either. If she's happier in her life right now, I am happy for her. But when you openly claim to be making social statements, that puts her up for scrutiny as much as it does anybody else's problematic fave. 
    The good thing about Lana though, is that she always overstates her influences. Honeymoon was a Jazz album, etc. Coachella and GBA might just be the only tracks like that anyway. No other snippets actually indicate otherwise. I personally think people are reaching too hard when they claim Love has any political under or overtones. 
  13. mesabird liked a post in a topic by pawn shop blues in Lana Covers V Magazine - Interview with Stevie Nicks   
    She looks beautiful and there are some really nice shots in this. Liked the interview with Stevie--or at least, interesting to hear what they had to say, even though it felt a little stilted (Stevie: I think this about this thing...Lana: I agree, me too).
    Really can't say I agree, like at all, about the whole self-editing thing so that every single piece you put out is 100% positive vibes only. Especially if she wants to make a socially aware album, this idea of "everything's gonna be okay you guys" thing, in this current age, feels very risky. It's just very easy, when you are rich and white and have access to multiple homes and millions of dollars and a group of high-profile, rich friends and can spend your days having fun at clubs and lavish birthday parties, to write something that comes across as "things are gonna be okay...for ME--so good luck to the rest of y'all." 
    Negativity isn't an inherently bad thing. It can help bring out problems, address issues, be a motivation for change. It can also be a really powerful way to unite people who are in pain and want to know they aren't alone in their struggles. Positively culture is just completely one-dimensional, as well as horribly alienating to anyone who doesn't have a natural "go get em!" type attitude, and/or to those with mental health struggles or just really large struggles in general that need to be processed. 
    I'm not advocating for artists to make really dark, hopeless pieces of art (though they can if they wish), but if you are artificially altering your responses to your own experiences ("self-editing") you are gonna be hard pressed to find people who can genuinely connect with that. 
  14. mesabird liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana filming something on February 23   
    Please stop it with those ugly tumblr-teen scenes. This is not New Americana.
    Either get some interesting characters whom it's actually interesting to follow throgh the video or put Lana in the focus of it!
  15. mesabird liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Instagram Updates   
    This photo (including Eddie's T-shirt) is an encapsulation of my musical obsessions over the past 25 years 
  16. mesabird liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I've searched in the topic but I don't think it has been speculated before - I rewatched Let's Get Lost (side note - I think it's becoming one of my favourite movies) and I'm really really starting to wonder if Jump isn't, purely and simply, about no one else but Chet Baker. 
    _ First and foremost she used the documentary a lot in the video for it (not even to mention West Coast) and we know her love for him.
    _ "Palm trees in black and white, last thing I saw before I died": there are a lot of occurrences in the documentary where you can see shots of palm trees in black and white, especially in the beginning, from where most of the references in the song as well as West Coast seem to point forward.
    _ "Right mixture of cocaine and heroin": there is a memorable moment in the movie where he explains the mixture of cocaine and heroin and how you have to be careful not to put too much cocaine because the first blow is devastating.
    _ "Hair thin and in the wind, Cadillac convertible with him": Lana was HEAVILY, not to say she copied, inspired by the scenes at the beginning of Let's Get Lost of Chet and others in the convertible where he is presented as already, "a very old man", and is laughing.
    _ "You are a junkie on your window smiling wide": his death, if I understood correctly, was from falling from the window of the hotel he was staying in, at night, and he was found in the morning, with traces of drugs in his body. He, literally, may have jumped. "Last fight, fuck them, last words".
    I don't know, it really makes sense to me. I would prefer this song to be about Chet than Mike!
  17. mesabird liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    It's like a Jungian nightmare
  18. mesabird liked a post in a topic by whitman in Honeymoon vs Ultraviolence   
    There is a fire in UV that HM can't really replicate. HM  It's a beatiful record but everytime I listen to it  I feel like something is missing, I can't really explain what. 
  19. mesabird liked a post in a topic by GLITTERGIRL in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Those were the days... The Choirgirl Hotel. Amazing. Things went to hell after Scarlet's Walk. I agree with what you said.
  20. mesabird liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I was really hoping Lana would do something with Honeymoon like Tori Amos did with From the Choirgirl Hotel. Tori made all of the songs "live" and check into the "hotel." After the hotline, I thought Lana would do something similar, and all of the HM songs would live somewhere in CA. Oh well 
  21. mesabird liked a post in a topic by wittycatchphrase in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    It's not worth it. These kids (I'm convinced they're teenagers because if they're adults God help us all) will just twist what you say because they think you're attacking their fave. The lack of education here is pathetic.
  22. mesabird liked a post in a topic by ZeroZero in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I think I listened to Nina's flawless version of DLMBM too much cause Lana's is okay but it really makes me cringe. Idk it has no soul to me (don't start)
  23. mesabird liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I like HM, it's not great but it's not bad either. It's actually her best music yet for a chill/relaxing afternoon at home. It feels kind of compilation of all she did up to this point, like a transitional record before something more ambitious
  24. mesabird liked a post in a topic by May in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    listening to the album just makes me hate the album cover even more... like, it's not representative of how the album sounds at all. i love the music but even tho it's been said 1000 times already, she really messed up the album cover on this one.
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