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  1. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by EmptyPromises in Sky Ferreira   
    Cherry Bomb is kind of a perfect fit for Sky.
    She's such a rawk chick
  2. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by childofneptune in Sky Ferreira   
    the description on the new swamperella video is kinda weird and worrying? i imagine it's a silly play on words using song titles but damn are they okay lol
  3. the ocean liked a post in a topic by childofneptune in Sky Ferreira   
    the description on the new swamperella video is kinda weird and worrying? i imagine it's a silly play on words using song titles but damn are they okay lol
  4. anohana liked a post in a topic by childofneptune in Sky Ferreira   
    the description on the new swamperella video is kinda weird and worrying? i imagine it's a silly play on words using song titles but damn are they okay lol
  5. Glitter Boy liked a post in a topic by childofneptune in Sky Ferreira   
    the description on the new swamperella video is kinda weird and worrying? i imagine it's a silly play on words using song titles but damn are they okay lol
  6. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by childofneptune in Sky Ferreira   
    the description on the new swamperella video is kinda weird and worrying? i imagine it's a silly play on words using song titles but damn are they okay lol
  7. finalgirl liked a post in a topic by childofneptune in Sky Ferreira   
    the description on the new swamperella video is kinda weird and worrying? i imagine it's a silly play on words using song titles but damn are they okay lol
  8. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
    They're posting it to make her ashamed of what she did
  9. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Sky Ferreira   
    Delete this thread from the internet 
  10. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by Mountain in Sky Ferreira   
    You'd have to make a petition on change.org.
    (No joke, they literally added Ghost EP because of SkyFUpdates who sent Capitol a message on Twitter)
  11. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
    LMAOOOO Where tf she keeps her cameras?? Like, next to the oven or microwave??????
  12. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Sky Ferreira   


    I'm trying to understand her situation. 

  13. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by Deleted Member in Sky Ferreira   
  14. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Sky Ferreira   
    sharing the fake photos i been feeding myself with just for a taste of the album 

  15. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by Rose McGowan in Sky Ferreira   
    Ain’t that what your bestie @111does on nearly every post here? ijbol 
  16. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in Sky Ferreira   
    I’m sry but you can’t even say that if you own a LanaBoards account 😭
  17. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Sky Ferreira   
    I think we’re all fans and I don’t see the point in unnecessary  hate but she kinda doesn’t help herself at times-atleast none of us are doing the horrible drug talks anymore which was vile I’ll admit.
  18. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by feelingxcx in Sky Ferreira   
    As someone who's actually seen her perform live this year and reviewed (probably hours worth of) footage from London I can say she sounded great in all songs. The only thing she struggled with were the very high notes in Descending.
    As a side note for all the people coming here just to criticize her - it won't change anything, move on if you're done with/waiting for her, and get a life. Finally, @111, as the de facto leader of the Sky hate train - I hope one day you find the happiness your life so clearly lacks so that you can solve your superiority-complex-as-coping-mechanism act and stop begging for hole on Twitter. We don't care what you think, L-word something or shut up.
  19. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by stillrun in Sky Ferreira   
    it’s really sad looking back what she could have been. she wasted her time being angry instead of just putting shit out and getting out of whatever contract she was in. i refuse to believe Capitol cared that much about her doing a POP sound. she just couldn’t keep up with the deadlines, it’s her fault. sorry girlie, should’ve looked at the contract closer!!!
  20. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Sky Ferreira   
    i mean look at her original contemporaries charli and grimes; both are extremely successful now and sky arguably had the leg up due to her industry connections. if she had released 2 or 3 albums by this point she would have cemented herself as a gen z fiona apple/hope sandoval/courtney love and could have occupied a niche similar to what halsey currently fills. 2010s tumblr culture has been hugely influential in art/music/fashion in the 2020s, and if sky had grown her career over the years i feel like she could have 100% been a main indie pop gerl
  21. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Sky Ferreira   
    Ngl I've thought sometimes that Sky would've had the trendy and popularity that Melanie or Halsey got if she'd been putting out more stuff lmaoo
  22. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by eyelovelefteye in Sky Ferreira   
    Also, it’s disgusting seeing people talk shit about her vocals. She had a blow out right when NTMT dropped & her voice has never been the same since. Once you have an injury like that you’re literally traumatized & even if you’re fully healed your brain tricks you into thinking you’re gonna hurt yourself again or you can’t & that’s more than likely contributed to her being so anal because perfecting everything & possibly recording alot of takes to the point where it’s excessive.
  23. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by eyelovelefteye in Sky Ferreira   
    Labels don't usually let their artists go until they make sure they ruin any other opportunities to lose money, especially if they don't like them. I feel like what's happening is either A. The executive hates her & wants to steal her youth & career B. They won't release another single until they have the completed record in their hands  C. The recent posts were to rile up a fan demand situation for hype a'la the photosynthesis person Halsey. but they were too stupid to realize they've officially killed most of the hype for record. I don't see her being dropped ever, that contract was 100% signed in blood & they won't let that poor girl go or even release music, because she's constantly been defiant & the opposite of the puppet these control freaks have forced so many others to be. The fact that NTMT was ever even released is a miracle honestly.
  24. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
    Just found out Sky's boyfriend is british, so when she spend a whole month there and we thought she was finally working on something she was actually just getting d...
    Good for her tho
  25. childofneptune liked a post in a topic by HandsTied in Sky Ferreira   
    someone leak the demo of Cobra with better vocals 
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