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  1. Elsemarie159 liked a post in a topic by Llamadelgay in Instagram Updates   
    Her fillers are Jocelyn Wildenstein status in that update. I don’t get why she isn’t wanting to age normally and getting so much work done so early??? She wasnt needing any of it even 3 years ago and looks like a completely different person
  2. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by sjatib in Lana at Blankenship Hair Salon in Broken Arrow, Tulsa, OK - July 24th, 2020   
    Dont know if I may be the only one, but her whole image (in this pictures, I mean) seems very weird to me. Like, she doesnt look at all as her. If I was a casual fan who hasnt seen her for (just a few) years and got to see this pictures now I'd probably wouldnt be able to recognise her.
  3. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Lana lowkey looks like Britney Spears in her story, I can't explain it
  4. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Llamadelgay in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah I’m a bit in the middle myself and idk how she does it. She was experiencing a slight cancellation but she had to do a quick PR stunt for herself. I mean she has now sold herself as a ~*leftist*~ but there’s leftist and there’s ~*leftist*~ idk how any celebrities are going to survive the constant shifting to the left. Especially if they’re questionably with a member of a PD. Questionably. QUESTIONABLY for EXTRA emphasis.
  5. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Omfg guys we're getting served! Also this camera quality is insane she definitely got the new iPhone SE. FINALYY!
  6. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Serene Queen in Instagram Updates   
    I would be so down for a Zella collab, tho I would rather it be from Zella’s upcoming release than from COTCC
  7. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    If she truly cared about BLM, then Sean being a cop AND his public support of an opposing movement - a movement that actively harms POC - would be a dealbreaker for her. He is firmly on the opposing side because if you're not with BLM, you're against it. 
    Even if they are only friends, it's still disappointing. 
  8. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by Llamadelgay in Instagram Updates   
    You made my morning with this. I let out the most inhuman sound/laugh and I work at a really quiet bank lol 
    ETA: I’m actually really confused on her life choices if she went to a ACAB rally and goes back to dating a cop....but whatever. I’m just here to enjoy all the comments. You guys are funny
  9. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by Llamadelgay in Instagram Updates   
    I could see it happening. Some cops are complete douche bags. TBH, I’m with one myself and we still clash on certain things! I could see someone like Lana clashing because she’s in a hyper liberal industry. She doesn’t want to be told she’s enabling multiple other things by being silent on issues in her industry. She wants someone just as deep in it and won’t point out the bs.
  10. tripticks liked a post in a topic by Llamadelgay in Instagram Updates   
    She could after dating him. We don’t exactly know why they broke up yunno? He could have had some views that conflicted with hers.
  11. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Llamadelgay in Instagram Updates   
    You made my morning with this. I let out the most inhuman sound/laugh and I work at a really quiet bank lol 
    ETA: I’m actually really confused on her life choices if she went to a ACAB rally and goes back to dating a cop....but whatever. I’m just here to enjoy all the comments. You guys are funny
  12. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Lemonade Tears in Instagram Updates   
    If you mean the audiobook, yes, on Monday.
  13. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Instagram Updates   
    i think you're missing the point, yes, she is allowed to date whoever she wants, she can do whatever she wants and no one can stop her from doing so.
    but people are allowed to have their opinions on what she does, this is a lana del rey fansite and discussion forum, and people are allowed to express their opinions here, and many people are upset about lana possibly dating sean because he is a police officer who works for a corrupt legal system, it makes her look careless and ignorant, especially now. if you have no issue with it, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but others are allowed to have their opinions as well.
  14. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Instagram Updates   
    lana is a rich white woman who "sends positive vibes" to racial injustice movements then goes and dates someone from the establishment that perpetuates racial injustice. 
    at the end of the day it doesn't affect me but it's a little disappointing to see.
  15. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Lemonade Tears in Instagram Updates   
    Woooow so you're an expert on cars, a Lana Del Rey-insider, your father is a Grammy nominee and you're a pro at making up excuses why Lana can't possibly have met Sean. Colour me impressed!
  16. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by jaesana in Instagram Updates   
    Stop hiding behind the "I know cars" shtick. You don't. Jack has a 68 cadillac and Sean has a 64 cadillac (both devilles). You clearly do not know cars. I made this thing on Photoshop and I'm gonna link the image here. Please disprove this.
  17. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by tripticks in Instagram Updates   
    One interesting thing, speaking as an ex-Tulsan, is that the Mayo Hotel is in downtown Tulsa, and if I remember correctly, Sean lives over on the other side of the city (in Broken Arrow, actually a suburb of the city). It's not an enormous city or anything, but if she was there specifically to see him, I can think of any number of places more convenient for her to stay.
  18. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Lemonade Tears in Instagram Updates   
    It is definitely not Jack's and if she rented a car that looks exactly like the one her ex owns, that would be a little...insane? Since when do we know Sean wasn't there, I mean doesn't he live in Tulsa? We also definitely know she was in Tulsa from the cup she is holding in the last pic.
    You seem to be hellbent on finding any excuse that they weren't together but the fact is a fan reported seeing them in a street near his house in Tulsa (with a picture to prove that at least Lana was there) before Lana even posted the video. Then there is proof of Lana in a car that looks exactly like this, which is a hell of a coincidence, then she mentions Tulsa in the caption and Sean said that they're still friends. They might still just be friends and not a couple but I think with all the evidence we have it's pretty safe to say they met.
    And I don't want to attack you but you've been pretty rude to many users here and seem like you want to play moral police. Remember that Lana is a stranger and we all shouldn't get too invested in her personal life. I mean everyone can state their opinion, but as I've said I don't want to attack you but you come across a little agressive sometimes.
  19. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    And those cars; the 1964 coupe Deville and the 1964 El Dorado are very common amongst collectors. I see them at every antique car show I go to. I see them on the streets sometimes.
    Do you know just how easy it is to find one of those? It’s real easy. I can probably go out tomorrow and find one to use for a film shoot quickly. They used one in “Mad Men”.
  20. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    I literally wrote, "I'm not saying that she's a shitty person". Don't @ me if you're not going to read what I wrote. Thanks.
  21. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Instagram Updates   
    he's an older guy with tattoos and a thing for guns....sadly that is right up her alley. 
    thats great for her, we aren't gonna apologize for not liking it either lol. my bitchiness isn't directed at you ofc.
    at the end of the day i don't really care, it just makes me cringe a little bit seeing her continually fall for such losers. 
  22. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    every time Vertimus posts it truly is like how Bunny Mozart is describing it:

    i remember one of the firsts posts i saw on the NFR pre-release thread was Vertimus spouting some bullshit. it was so ignorant it actually made me cry
  23. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    No you're assuming I don't know the history when I do. 
    Feminism is still feminism though, regardless of where you are in the world. That's my point. You're fixated on what's going on in the western world and you're trying to equate mens and women's issues when it's far from being the same thing.
    And yes, Marilyn made her own choices, but it still doesn't change the fact that she was treated less than a man. Sexualising her doesn't make it resepect/acceptance. She played along because that's what Hollywood wanted from her but anyone who is aware of who Marilyn was as a person knows that she had much more to offer than a bimbo persona in movies that men typecast her in.
    You're literally trying to equate men and women's struggles, that's my main issue with your posts btw. Women bring up their issues, then you chime in with "well men have experienced this..." when I'm not invalidating the abuse men go through, but it's pretty much in the same vein as a black person bringing attention to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and you responding with #AllLivesMatter.
    Edit: Anyways that's all I'm saying. I'm not going to risk getting my 12th warning point and a potential ban for derailing the thread. 
  24. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Dude you don't have to mansplain basic history to me, I'm well aware of it. 
    I acknowledge that not everyone in Hollywood got a job just like that, and yes, it takes talent to actually be signed to film companies, but have you considered that women in Hollywood have had to sleep with executives just to get a role? A man in the business exposed himself to Shirley Temple when she grew up out of the child star phase. Hollywood has been run by men so if you want to blame women for the reason why film companies hired younger actors after WWII, go right ahead. 
    A lot of women like Marilyn were given makeovers to appeal to men's fantasies. Wasn't it a man who told Marilyn to change her name to something more sexier? To dye her brunette curls to platinum blonde? These women had 'power' over men because they were made up to be sexualised and treated like a sex symbol, not a human being. That's the only 'power' they had - to be gawked at on screen.
    Again, a lot of your post is pertaining to feminism in the US, what about elsewhere? What about the women who get acid thrown in their faces if they don't obey their husbands? 
  25. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Instagram Updates   
    edit: this is incredibly off topic and i'm sorry lol, just needed to get this off my chest
    i'm not aware of that story in particular - but swedish feminists tend to have a general preoccupation with wokeness, which is decidedly to the detriment of the core pursuit of feminism
    like, 'cuz it's hard to lobby for gender equality when a person of color does something problematic - and then you're stuck in this catch 22 of not being able to criticize them, because you will most likely be seen by your peers as a bad faith actor who just wants to express a racist bias, if you do
    (the wokescolding is real over here, you guys, and it's painful to watch)
    we've ended up in a stalemate hence, where the comfortable answer to everything is "white man bad" (which, don't get me wrong, i wholeheartedly agree with that notion lmao) and anything that happens to involve POC is broadly glossed over
    and like, the intent of that is to avoid infighting as best we can, fair enough, but then you've got the far right type ppl who will jump at any chance to express a genuine racist bias - and they do, successfully framing it as though they care about women's rights, even though they clearly don't, because they would never address a white person being problematic
    and because people buy into all of that, swedish feminism is seen as effete (which is entirely the movement's own fault, as noted) while right wing groups are seen as actually progressive
    which is just so fucking, upside down, inside out, head up the ass
    like, you know leftist twitter? that's basically irl swedish feminism
    just to summarize it as briefly as i can
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