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Everything posted by Anthem

  1. I hate being that person but there is pretty much a thread on this already: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/4590-if-you-could-change-one-of-lanas-albums/?hl=tracklist
  2. Anthem

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I completely flipped my shit when Immortal came out but now I've settled and can see its imperfections. I like listening to it because its new, but it definitely won't stay as fresh as Froot did. And yes, I can see some valid complaints with the lyrics being a bit cliche and repetitive.
  3. Anthem

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Aw I'd genuinely like to hear why you think this about the lyrics though.
  4. Anthem

    Mazzy Star

    I found Mazzy Star through a thread asking if there were any singers like Lana, so similar. I really fell in love when I heard Into Dust. I cried the first time I listened to it and I think its the most beautiful song.
  5. I think the last one I bought was the Blue Jeans maxi single. I'm planning on buying The Family Jewels soon and Froot when it comes out. I've been on a Marina craze lately.
  6. Anthem

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    What I posted was pitched, but here's a DL link that is not pitched.
  7. Anthem

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    http://frootsofthemonth.tumblr.com/post/106703521850 Immortal!!! This song holy shit. I had CHILLS the entire song.
  8. Anthem

    Mazzy Star

    Mazzy Star is an alternative/indie rock band with many psychedelic and dreamy elements to them. They made most of their music in the 90s but last year also released a record that pretty much picks right back up where they left off. Lots of people believe that lead singer Hope Sandoval and Lana have similar voices when compared to songs where Lana sings higher (i.e. May Jailer). I know most people here listen only to other pop artists, but if you have a taste for beautiful low-key acoustic music, Mazzy Star is probably for you. Mazzy Star's most famous song is Fade Into You, a big hit in the 90s. I'm posting their next most famous song (Into Dust) because it is absolutely beautiful and also happens to be my favorite song, period. The title track from last year's album, Seasons of Your Day, is another exceptional song and personal favorite. And as a bonus, if you are a fan of the show Rick and Morty you might remember this song over one episode's end credits
  9. Well we saw how this ended up as far as her giving out release dates. I'm happy to hear about a new album because more Lana songs are always great but there's still so much she could have done with UV. I don't know why she acted like UV was this horrible flop and moved on so fast since she talked the album up so much before it was released. All that should have mattered was that she loved her own music, whether it sold or not. I hope we still get some more videos and physical releases because I collect stuff but I doubt it. But a new album! Yes please.
  10. Cruel World Cola Shades of Cool Million Dollar Man Money, Power, Glory Blue Jeans Born to Die Video Games Summertime Sadness West Coast Fucked My Way Up to the Top Ride Old Money Flipside/National Anthem Whichever wasn't played from 14 Tried to be realistic, except that I think there's a chance Flipside might never be performed live. She's got so much new/good music now that her setlist is really going to have to lengthen to get it all. Is it too ambitious to hope that she might have one or two songs from her new album on the setlist towards the end of the tour?
  11. I don't know what I've said before but here they are now (it kind of changes from time to time) Lana Del Ray: Queen of the Gas Station - it's just weird imo, I can't get into the lyrics at all Born to Die: Diet Mountain Dew - after hearing the demo and thinking that was the album version for nearly a year, there was just no going back Dark Paradise - cliche to hate on it but it is what it is All three bonus tracks - they are just eh Paradise: American - bane of my existence on my otherwise favorite Lana album (tied with AKA) wth is the bridge even Yayo - it's too whiny and overdone compared to the AKA version, but this is no news to the typical Lana fan Ultraviolence: Cruel World - tbh I'm just bitter the "let the light in" snippet wasn't in this and I still feel resentment every time I listen to it The Other Woman/Sad Girl - nothing inherently wrong with these songs but I never get the urge to listen to them Soundtrack Songs: I Can Fly - it just sounds too weird and insincere but I've heard its much better in higher quality Unreleased/Etc: None stick out as me exceptionally not liking them but there are plenty I don't listen to
  12. Anthem

    Jackson Novem

    Yeah, just @ me when you do.
  13. Anthem

    Jackson Novem

    Im just curious, are the lyrics to your songs posted anywhere online? I'm genuinely interested in seeing them
  14. The beauty is in the simplicity. AFFA sounds like heaven, as does Hollywood and the other songs from that group. Though, tbh, even if it was a choice West Coast is clearly an even better option. Those transitions
  15. 1.) That was probably Lana on the first bit. They could have been worse but yeah there are some songs near the end I'd have swapped out and damn it why did she not use the DMD demo. 2.) I agree. Sometimes I genuinely wonder if she gets embarrassed about her fans. I'm sure being Ms Tween Idol was not part of her fame fantasy (my boyfriend told me that the screaming at her concert reminded him of what he thought a Beiber concert might sound like and I agreed). I think she expected/wanted a more mature crowd. I personally don't care who likes her because I think she deserves fans, but I wonder what its like knowing your fanbase is mostly highschool Tumblr queens or if she even cares at all. Kind of a tangent. Your post was quite entertaining but Y&B a lyrical masterpiece?
  16. The one in pink looks just like this:
  17. Wow that is so sad. Feeling that way, its no wonder she hasn't done much with the album.
  18. @@lanaaddict http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/earshot/big-eyes-lana-del-rey-749904?mobile_redirect=false For future reference though, a question like this probably belongs more in this thread http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/3625-thread-for-minor-general-questions-that-dont-deserve-their-own-thread/ than having an entire new thread made for it.
  19. If your life was a TV show, this would be the theme song: Angels Forever, Forever Angels Will you ever get to heaven?: Fucked My Way Up to the Top ( ) Song you dance to at your wedding: Kinda Outta Luck (well this is going well so far) This song contains the name of your first-born: Flipside Song played at your funeral: Smarty What do you want right now?: JFK Song that describes your sex life: Young & Beautiful ( ) How will you die?: Bel Air Your life motto: Diet Mountain Dew (Demo 2) What do you look for in a girl/guy?: Blue Jeans Song that plays in your head when you see someone attractive: Radio What people think of you: Black Beauty Where will you live?: Hollywood (swear I didn't cheat) What is your vice?: Dark Paradise What is the most important thing in your life? Million Dollar Man Who do you look up to?: Yayo
  20. I've heard the complete Big Eyes song is in the movie once, the instrumental pops up once on its own, and I Can Fly is exclusively in the credits - sorry.
  21. My tickets to Atlanta came in the mail this weekend. Here we come June 14th.
  22. Anthem

    Lyrical Talk

    Don't you know who you're dealing with?
  23. Is there any way I could get this from you? I, like a few others, have edited versions that are not gapless and I need the gapless version to make CDs.
  24. Girl live it up, you are still so young You'll look back when you are 24 and say "why didn't I do do things when I was 20 - I'm too old now", rinse and repeat with 26, 30, etc.
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