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juiced froot

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  1. juiced froot liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
    I have the vid, i can upload it asap!
  2. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    you know DAMN well everything is romantic is for rosalía..c’mon now
  3. clementines liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    you know DAMN well everything is romantic is for rosalía..c’mon now
  4. brandon liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    you know DAMN well everything is romantic is for rosalía..c’mon now
  5. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    it just goes to show you how far she’s come. people just weren’t ready for Vroom Vroom when it came out, and I don’t think she’d be where she is now if it weren’t for the mixtapes. it’s a shame that Bounce was received so poorly and that XCX World got shelved, but Brat being as successful as it is means she doesn’t have to compromise herself or her artistry ever again..she made her own way and she made it 
  6. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    it just goes to show you how far she’s come. people just weren’t ready for Vroom Vroom when it came out, and I don’t think she’d be where she is now if it weren’t for the mixtapes. it’s a shame that Bounce was received so poorly and that XCX World got shelved, but Brat being as successful as it is means she doesn’t have to compromise herself or her artistry ever again..she made her own way and she made it 
  7. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    it just goes to show you how far she’s come. people just weren’t ready for Vroom Vroom when it came out, and I don’t think she’d be where she is now if it weren’t for the mixtapes. it’s a shame that Bounce was received so poorly and that XCX World got shelved, but Brat being as successful as it is means she doesn’t have to compromise herself or her artistry ever again..she made her own way and she made it 
  8. Cherry Blossom liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    it just goes to show you how far she’s come. people just weren’t ready for Vroom Vroom when it came out, and I don’t think she’d be where she is now if it weren’t for the mixtapes. it’s a shame that Bounce was received so poorly and that XCX World got shelved, but Brat being as successful as it is means she doesn’t have to compromise herself or her artistry ever again..she made her own way and she made it 
  9. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    it just goes to show you how far she’s come. people just weren’t ready for Vroom Vroom when it came out, and I don’t think she’d be where she is now if it weren’t for the mixtapes. it’s a shame that Bounce was received so poorly and that XCX World got shelved, but Brat being as successful as it is means she doesn’t have to compromise herself or her artistry ever again..she made her own way and she made it 
  10. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    it just goes to show you how far she’s come. people just weren’t ready for Vroom Vroom when it came out, and I don’t think she’d be where she is now if it weren’t for the mixtapes. it’s a shame that Bounce was received so poorly and that XCX World got shelved, but Brat being as successful as it is means she doesn’t have to compromise herself or her artistry ever again..she made her own way and she made it 
  11. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    it just goes to show you how far she’s come. people just weren’t ready for Vroom Vroom when it came out, and I don’t think she’d be where she is now if it weren’t for the mixtapes. it’s a shame that Bounce was received so poorly and that XCX World got shelved, but Brat being as successful as it is means she doesn’t have to compromise herself or her artistry ever again..she made her own way and she made it 
  12. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    it just goes to show you how far she’s come. people just weren’t ready for Vroom Vroom when it came out, and I don’t think she’d be where she is now if it weren’t for the mixtapes. it’s a shame that Bounce was received so poorly and that XCX World got shelved, but Brat being as successful as it is means she doesn’t have to compromise herself or her artistry ever again..she made her own way and she made it 
  13. juiced froot liked a post in a topic by brandon in Charli XCX   
    if they don’t send this damn song to radio omfg 😭 
  14. juiced froot liked a post in a topic by LunaeManifestum in Charli XCX   
    Thomas Pentz boo thats Diplo one of the producers of Bounce
  15. juiced froot liked a post in a topic by MrsButtersWERK in Charli XCX   
    Rewatching Charli's Jimmy Kimmel performance of Bounce now and it hits even better in the brat era. I feel like it would get way more appreciation than it did at the time of it's initial release. 
  16. juiced froot liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Charli XCX   
    Ending the deluxe album with a song about the grammies snubbing her is so meta and kinda perfect considering the mass critical acclaim this album has gotten. I was hoping she would keep 365 as the closer but having the party girl cycle continue after it with it going into a sad track that starts with “I don’t know what’s going on most of the time I’m out my mind”, and then going right into a song about getting ate out, and also ending that song with a fourth wall break directly addressing the listeners about wanting to guess the password to her google drive, and it then going into a previously teased song people have been wanting to get their hands on,,, and that song ending the album by basically being commentary about what might happen with the album while also being a part of the album but also outside of the standard album,, It all feels very intentional Brat and it’s the same but there’s three more songs so it’s not AOTY
  17. X8vinylScratchX liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
  18. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
  20. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
  21. Furor Poeticus liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
  22. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
  23. audreysdance liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
  24. rightofjupiter liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
  25. Let the Light In liked a post in a topic by juiced froot in Charli XCX   
    taylor is LITERALLY competing with her, but whatever. at least charli doesn’t have to release 40 deluxe versions of the same AWFUL album to stay at number 1. she has actual artistic integrity unlike the greedy chart obsessed blondie who runs her music career like a soulless fortune 500 company 
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