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  1. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Nessa Barrett   
    i just know her from tiktok
  2. Bjorks taco truck liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Music (& stuff) people like that you tried to get into, but can’t   
    why do people act like she’s some pop goddess or something
  3. Karolll liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    i’d love if she sampled the 1 minute of silence during the judah interlude!
  4. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    i was so pissed off when she asked her ‘do you say bore or whore in fmwuttt’ like you coulda checked genius and asked her ANY QUESTION IN THE WORLD! asking about the unreleased album is a no brainer for any lana stan
    no hate though she seems like a great fan
  5. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in List of unleaked songs and albums' outtakes   
    If we know which studio she was at in that photo, we can find the nearest landfill and go on a lanaboards excursion to try to find the paper. I assume she threw it out so we can go dumpster diving for it.
  6. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    i think honeymoon should’ve been called melancholia it’s fitting
  7. bogdan liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    i’m suffering from unreleased withdrawal
    someone leak paradise pls
  8. Glitter Boy liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in FKA twigs   
    i asked her on discord if striptease was making the tracklist hoping she’d say no but she was like “do you guys want it?” and the whole server said yes
    i fear it’ll be my fault if it makes it
  9. EstelsDream liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    can’t wait for the new gate’s we’ll unlock during this thread
  10. EstelsDream liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
  11. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in “Rock Candy Sweet” (Scrapped) Album Recording/Writing Timeline and Creative Process Discussion   
    she just went on youtube2mp3.com and added the file to the blue banisters folder
  12. Embach liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in “Honeymoon” Album Recording/Writing Timeline and Creative Process Discussion   
    someone make a thread like this but for norman
    include LFL deluxe, LA who am i, get dark and the interesting post lfl song
  13. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in LANA SLEUTHING   
    become best friends with her so we get hundreds of lizzy photos
  14. fishtails liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    this is giving me ocean blvd era vibes from when she told that random news reporter she was announcing something on the 7th 
    we were so gagged when the cover leaked
  15. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    this is giving me ocean blvd era vibes from when she told that random news reporter she was announcing something on the 7th 
    we were so gagged when the cover leaked
  16. Francesco Carrozzini liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    this is giving me ocean blvd era vibes from when she told that random news reporter she was announcing something on the 7th 
    we were so gagged when the cover leaked
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