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Taco Truck x VB

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About Taco Truck x VB

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  1. omg after fighting for my life i got tickets lol
  2. what was the actual original price of wembley front standing and seats ??
  3. idk what to do !! they gave me a code and i didn't even see it until now lmao i saw her last year and i wanna see her again but i don't like massive venues and idk if i even have anyone to go with
  4. i just don't know if im acting greedy as im moving away so it wont be super easy to see her.. but since i saw her at hyde park idk if its just the same thing + a couple of new songs. ahhh
  5. does anyone think she's actually gonna change the set .. is it even worth going to if i went to hyde park? idk what to do
  6. wait wait i just realized this is out before the uk / ireland tour ... but will she play any songs live?
  7. bring on the insiders in the next few months. you'll never be rosemead exclusive baby
  8. exciting news coming soon 🚀
  9. what about the single after the presidential debate?
  10. okay but i'd die if lana released a perfume
  11. sigh. lana give us something please .. i'm tired of this. we're being exploited
  12. mute it /s fr though i quite liked her collabs on lfl and it takes me back to listening to it on repeat, i think it could fit. maybe it'll grow on you ?
  13. everyone's hating on tough but i wanted a carefree bop that's more light hearted because if im being honest it feels like i need to be in a certain mindstate to listen to lana sometimes. tough is just not sad and extremely personal and tunnel hasn't been super replayed because i don't always want to be super introspective. sometimes i just wanna vibe. and this is a single but look at watercolor eyes are we not getting somewhere? everyone complained about piano and we didn't have that. if it's a single it'll get neglected , i'm personally an advocate for it being on the album so i have more chances listening to it. candy necklace and a&w are my favs off tunnel and yet i still don't listen that frequently these days, sometimes we can enjoy lighter stuff.
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