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wilting daisy

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  1. grandpas glass liked a post in a topic by wilting daisy in What was the first album you ever bought?   
    first cassette: spice girls - spice
    first cd: beach boys - 20 good vibrations
    first record: blondie - parallel lines
    and i've never bought digital music bc its a scam
  2. bia liked a post in a topic by wilting daisy in What was the first album you ever bought?   
    first cassette: spice girls - spice
    first cd: beach boys - 20 good vibrations
    first record: blondie - parallel lines
    and i've never bought digital music bc its a scam
  3. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Somerset, ENG @ Glastonbury Festival - June 24th, 2023   
    Disagree. She's a human. Not a robot.
    People wait for all kinds of services for 30 minutes or more - what's the big deal? You go to a doctor but they're slammed and ask you to wait. You wait. You go to have your hair done and the hairdresser wants to have a smoke because they've had the crappiest day. You let them have it. You go to a rock concert and the band shows up a bit later so you grab a fucking beer and chill.
    God, I wish everyone would just take their sticks out of their asses. The constant whining about celebrities not being PERFECT 24/7 is insane. I bet every one of those people who complains about Lana is routinely late 30 minutes or more to everything in their life, including showing up for work in the morning. Would bet my life on it.
  4. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Somerset, ENG @ Glastonbury Festival - June 24th, 2023   
    What does everyone here think about the Glastonbury controversy? Couldn't find any Glastonbury threads for this discussion.
    My opinion: that audience is lucky, period. Lana is an absolute genius and she's getting flack all the fucking time. It's a miracle she still hasn't hung up her boxing gloves, said "fuck it," and retired. If she were a man or a band would they even do this? I saw her in Abu Dhabi a few years ago, she was 30 minutes late, but no one gave a fuck. She played a full concert, it was incredible, and the delay didn't phase anyone. I think the world today is just incredibly PC, nitpicky and and angry at everyone and everything. Remember Amy Winehouse being drugged out of her mind on stage just a decade ago? I honestly miss those days. This is seriously pathetic for everyone involved, especially Glastonbury, and it's not in the spirit of rock n' roll. If you want punctuality, go see the organ player in your local church, right?
  5. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana at The Roman Baths, Bath, UK - 23rd June 2023   
    help the roman baths are the historic remains of an ancient roman bathhouse that are thousands of years old
    its just a tourist attraction 
  6. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Instagram Updates   
    I love her so much  
    posted on ben's, ed's and tapmusic's accounts

  7. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates   
    Some of the comments are so gross. People are really losing it and acting like entitled little brats. Lana decided to surprise fans in Europe and everyone always complains no matter what she does. I’d literally be so grateful and if I couldnt make it…life goes on. She has to be the most criticized artist by her own fan base. 
  8. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in [SINGLE] Say Yes To Heaven + Sped Up Remix + 7" Picture Disc - OUT NOW   
    So then was she forced to release the entirety of Chemtrails and Blue Banisters, most of Ocean Blvd, NFR, and Honeymoon? 
  9. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in [SINGLE] Say Yes To Heaven + Sped Up Remix + 7" Picture Disc - OUT NOW   
    What is it with this fetish Lana fans have to assume that things are done/released/ promoted against her will?
  10. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Raise Me Up in [SINGLE] Say Yes To Heaven + Sped Up Remix + 7" Picture Disc - OUT NOW   
    I so want her to do the same thing with Trash Magic 
  11. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    One thing is for sure though: I kinda pity if a fan always prefers demos or what was left on the cutting room floor to the released songs of an album, they’ll always be deceived  
  12. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    May I ask, if the topic doesn't interest you, why not just read and move on? I'm having trouble finding where this bitterness is originating. I do not even remember interacting with you before on the forum. 
  13. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Embach in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    This thread is a proof that Lana has an amazing discography and it helps unite fans through interesting discussions! 
  14. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    Kinda have to agree with this thread. I don’t know it it’s a syndrome, if there are any psychological reasons to it (I’m calling many unreleased songs « the one that got away »). 
    I never find a demo superior to the officially released song except for Pink Champagne (I won’t repeat myself again, I discussed it at length in its own thread).  Other demos can bring something new and unexpected but they really rarely are better, to me, than their official version (what can I say? I just love finished songs ). 
    as for unreleased songs that got tossed away… 
    UV era had many songs that were very good or excellent that didn’t make the Final Cut, but the album works best and tells the best story the way it was told, with the songs of the final track list. As for the many comments « She should have included that one on the album and it could have replaced X song », it might have to do with the excitement of something new from an era we loved so much. The excitement tends to fade away though. 
  15. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    This is essentially what I have been trying to say. It's puzzling why some fans are having a hard time resonating with this. Thanks for this post syrup armor. I am going to send you a "follow". 
  16. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    Again, this isn't a thread about how fans prefer her unreleased music or listen to it. It is about my personal theory and ideas as to how biases and impression may form this tendency. Also another user syrup armor and other users have expressed that they agree with me, and they don't dislike people who listen to unreleased music. 
    I enjoy her unreleased music. I prefer Melancholia to Ultraviolence myself.
  17. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by syrup amour in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    Oh this is sooo true. I probably can sometimes even suffer from it. I be thought about this, though I’ve never really called it anything. I’ve thought, listening to some of her low quality songs, that if this was released people wouldn’t be so obsessed.
  18. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    85 people suffering from Unreleased Syndrome as seen in the comments, who are not in their "right minds"...

  19. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by crazyforyou in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    I honestly agree with this, everyone seemed to be obsessed with Cherry Blossom and Living Legend before they were released. But now it seems everyone has turned against them, since they’re two of the least streamed songs on the album (along with Nectar Of The Gods but it wasn’t as well-liked as the other two even before its release). Some have argued that it’s because they didn’t get a proper rework like Thunder, but it looks like the popular opinion is that the demo for Thunder is better. Honestly Blue Banisters made me think about this unreleased syndrome thing for awhile, because it looks like a lot of the fandom just prefers what she didn’t release.
  20. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by slang in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    For me, it's different outcomes for each case I can think of, with regards to a syndrome, or phenom, of people liking the original unreleased over a later (changed) released, or people liking the unreleased more as unreleased than being actually released (e.g., Blue Bannisters songs). In terms of just liking unreleased better (i.e., not controlling for song), I'd term it a "forbidden-fruit" effect, such that when they're released, you don't want it as much (it's no longer forbidden). However, it's more important to consider that any unreleased compilations that will happen are going to be more impactful to newer fans anyway, because that's just the way novelty works. Also, there's at least one case of a "meta-release" being more popular than its earlier proper release: the summertime sadness remix won a grammy, while LDR's version did not (how sad is that?). While this might suggest why (some) people like NA and TIWMUG demos more than the album versions, it doesn't work for why (some) people prefer the Blackest Day, LFL, or Freak demos over the album versions. To me everything just looks like special cases of preference, and having a few anecdotes about unreleased-over-released fan preferences doesn't seem convincing.
  21. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    I would have to log on my computer later today and really expand into what I am trying to say because I think the shoes were not a digestible example. I think you are bringing up some great points that I would love to expand on but I would need to research a bit and have a computer keyboard to really type out what I want. 
    Disconnect shoe from this conversation and replace it with impression. The impression of the shoe being high quality is the same way fans get an impression of a song being unreleased. 
    Similarly, if the shoes are just presented normally, it would be Lana presenting her music normally as she would release it. There is a label attached to a song being "unreleased" the same way garments have a certain label whether figuratively or literally. 
    I am not judging anyone. Sorry if you are getting that vibe. This is just a discussion about how fans perceive her unreleased music... I respect everyone who likes her unreleased music and if they like it more than her unreleased. Some users here are offering their insight which is helping me understand. 
  22. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    I would argue the "branding" aspect is the song being released or unreleased. There is a certain label attached to the song similarly to the shoes that people are drawn to both literally and figuratively. 
    Again, a study done with non-fans who are completely unaware of which songs are unreleased or released would remove the bias fans have and paint a better picture of what I am talking about. 
  23. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    The placebo effect, the video and the Soviet nostalgia example are examples of how bias people are when it comes to quality. I gave the example of the controlled study so you can better understand me but I will expand, so maybe I get my point across better. 
    If you take 100 fans who are familiar with her unreleased music and play ten released and ten unreleased songs variants, it is likely demos will be chosen as their favorite versions versus the 100 non-fans, who will probably choose the finished songs or show no preference. These types of studies are used to determine if drugs are effective against placebo drugs (whoops, typo). You're not supposed to be aware of this bias so naturally as fans we can think 'I just like this more.' 
    Ultimately a study would need to happen to truly verify the Unreleased Syndrome. But I like to discuss it anyway. Anyone got a laboratory and a ton of money I can borrow? 
    Hi, I do not think it is a real issue. Sorry if I am coming off that way. By troubling I mean I wish to better understand it. Really I don't care if people like her unreleased more than her unreleased or whatever the case is. 
  24. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by joeboe30 in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    but yea i would say i've suffered from 'unreleased syndrome' i remember first getting into lana and literally nonstop going through her unreleased and wishing for them to be released.. cut to bb and there are the songs that i wished to be released on streaming just for me to never touch them. nectar and cherry blossom seem like exact rips that i was completely obsessed with and now i kinda just forget they exist. def a phenomena 
  25. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    I am very convinced if she released a song like Say Yes To Heaven or Your Girl, fan favorites, on Ultraviolence it would've replaced a track like Pretty When You Cry or Sad Girl. Then either those two unreleased songs would've been fan favorites. Imagine snippets of Pretty When You Cry leaking, fans would be begging for the full. The psychology is so weird, brains are fantastically incorrect so often. 
    Pink Champagne is troubling for me because I truly believe if it was the other way around fans would've been upset the Let Me Love You Like A Woman version wasn't released. Also that's a part I missed. The rawness of the songs has some appeal, but at the very same time I have seen more cooked songs that are different versions get more fan love than the raw versions. Honeymoon is what I am talking about.  
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