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  1. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by beowoof in Nestea to be discontinued in Canada.   
    Okay so this actually really upset me lol. But I did some googling and it's a weird situation. Apparently Coca Cola owns the recipe for Nestea while Nestle owns the brand, they used to work together to make it but now the two companies are separating. Coca Cola could use the original Nestea formula with the different Fuze branding, but it isn't clear if that is what is happening because some comments swear they taste identical and others say that they taste completely different. I haven't tried Fuze so I don't know. But Nestle has licensed the Nestea branding to Keurig Dr. Pepper, who are going to continue to produce Nestea but they can't use the original formula. The new formula could taste different, but they are probably going to try to make it taste as close as possible to the original. You aren't allowed to trademark a taste, so as long as they do their own research and development and create their own, new formula it could potentially end up being pretty much identical to the Coca Cola version. I have my fingers crossed!
  2. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Nestea to be discontinued in Canada.   
    when i used to work at a popular UK coffee shop chain they got bought out by the coca cola company just before i left and they changed all the own branded teas to fuze teas. they tasted gross and i stopped drinking peach iced tea...
    everything coke touches turns to dust #pepsisupremacy
  3. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in Lana Del Rey and Quavo “Tough” - OUT NOW!   
    Exactly, Tough was never meant to be the new VB, it’s a bop!
  4. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Lana Del Rey and Quavo “Tough” - OUT NOW!   
    only 20 or so more spots to go babe. Once it's it in the top 25 spots, we can stop bumping this up.
  5. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Lana Del Rey and Quavo “Tough” - OUT NOW!   
    Careful there. Loving Tough legit got me a Lipster Worst Taste nod this year 😂 This board is not bop-friendly. I suggest you edit your post to say you love Fingertips... "I love Fingertips." Then you get street cred
  6. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Lana Del Rey and Quavo “Tough” - OUT NOW!   
    Of course a boppy light song is going to out stream songs that are over 10 minutes long 
    i really don’t get the hate for Tough, it’s not my all time favorite Lana song but it was a nice fun summer moment (something we haven’t had in years!) and Quavo is a pretty popular artist 
  7. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in Henry, Come On   
    Henry come back
  8. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by Rock Candy in Henry, Come On   
    I mean.... H.. Henry....
    come on
  9. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by CocaColaCrystalMeth in Henry, Come On   
    we need to reference everything as though it would be like the way she release life is beautiful. Life is beautiful first came in to existence about eight years before it was actually leaked and then appeared on an album 10 years later give or take a few years. I’m not sure about the exact dates, but let’s just say that this along with any of her snippets  should encompass the same idea. 
  10. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by The last one dying in Henry, Come On   
    I don't think so sadly😭
  11. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by oldandugly in Henry, Come On   
    Watch her not even put this on lasso 
  12. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    such a shame she is such an awful person because she is so musically talented. always has time to dish it out but cant take it when someone shows just 1% of her hostility towards her 
  13. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    She’s gonna be bankrupt if she tries to sue, he will counter sue because she’s said a ton of defamatory stuff..he has deeper pockets. So would probably steam roll her in court.
  14. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    I like some of her music, and find some of her rage’s and clap backs funny..but this woman has a serious Antisocial personalty disorder, she lashes out at everyone.…always in attack mode.  I dunno what trauma, rejection or abuse she’s had in her life but she absolutely has serious psychological issues.  The biggest mistake for Matt is not understanding to ignore her and that once you light a match near this disturbed individual you’ll go up in flames with her. 
  15. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    she could easily be back if she put all her x/twitter energy into music
  16. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    She’s so embarrassing and needs to be in a conservatorship atp
  17. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    Healy is a racist and I really don't wanna support him. But I want Azealia to disappear off the face of the Earth. She had potential and wasted it on pathetic twitter beefs and queerphobia.
  18. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    Me agreeing with every comment in this thread because I hate/love both of them  
  19. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by Pink Champagne in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    Can we get a C&D going for this post
  20. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by Embach in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    People in the 1950s: In 2024 we will have flying cars
  21. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Azealia Banks Sends C&D to lead singer of the 1975, Matty Healy   
    i would love to know what she would have to say about me i have to be honest
  22. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by Jack donoghue in Trump vows to ban trans people   
    Who he disowned
  23. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by southbeachswing in Trump vows to ban trans people   
    This whole trans hysteria is really tiring.  Why do people think that they could possibly know better than the psychologists and specialized doctors that spend years getting degrees in this field of research?  Transgender people have always existed.  And children aren't getting gender-affirming medical procedures done, if anyone bothered to look into the process they would understand that isn't how it works.  It's a lengthy process that involves parental consent (if under 18), required meetings with therapists and more.  
    Yes it's a real video but it's from over a year ago https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-vows-stop-gender-affirming-care-minors-re-elected-president-rcna68461
  24. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in Terrorist attacks in downtown New Orleans and at Trump Tower in Las Vegas   
    My thoughts and prayers for everyone.
  25. lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by lakeemmahottie in Terrorist attacks in downtown New Orleans and at Trump Tower in Las Vegas   
    condolences to the victim's families. what a fucked up way to start the year. this world is fucked
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