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About cominguplavender

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    (Sweet) Carolina
  • Interests
    Fav Lana Song: I Talk To Jesus
  • Fan Since
    October 2020

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  1. cominguplavender

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs White Dress
  2. I'm so intrigued by the Tammy Wynette / Stand By Your Man references progression. First reference was in Breaking Up Slowly with "I don't wanna live a life of regret / I don't wanna end up like Tammy Wynette," which I think was her saying she doesn't want to have to settle for and stand by a man who isn't enough for her (in contrast to Norman Fucking Rockwell). Add in this past month of her singing Stand By Your Man, seemingly genuinely, where at one show she said "Hey sometimes you just have to," but then she switches it up last night saying "but if you love him, you won't forgive him."
  3. need the country album SO bad... the country roads cover would eat that snippet was so good that's what it sounded like to me...
  4. this is seriously one of my favorite unreleased songs
  5. i have one giant soundcloud playlist that just accumulates, and i make smaller playlists whenever i have certain ones i'm really into. it's really just organized by when i discovered each song lmfao
  6. "The break in ‘A&W’ undeniably takes from the epic ‘Off To The Races’, ‘Fingertips’ sings once more to ‘Sweet Caroline’, ‘Margaret’ steals sounds from ‘Norman Fucking Rockwell’, ‘Fishtail’ from ‘How To Disappear’" are any of those statements really that true...
  7. the gigwise review was kinda wacky tho... there were a lot of typos/it wasn't well written and she basically framed the review as "who am i to have a say on how good it is, i can't make anything like that, let's give it a 10/10 because it's not my place"
  8. speaking of engagements, do we know anything about what happened with clayton johnson? are there any songs purported to be about him?
  9. spin it till you whip it into white cream, baby print it into black and white pages, don't faze me before you talk let me stop what you're saying i know, i know, i know that you hate me
  10. i've also been thinking about how absolutely insane it is that she didn't make paradise an album with angels forever, hollywood, i talk to jesus, and obviously the title track... like
  11. spilled. i love the chemtrails lmlylaw but it really is just criminal what was done when compared to the original.
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