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  1. Escapism liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    im absolutely appalled reading this stream of thought. 
    palestine is not wrong. hamas is wrong, but you absolutely cannot fucking group palestine as a whole into hamas. with all due respect to my lgbtq friends, when you are living in an oppressed and occupied state where death is nigh at any point, gay rights is definitely not the highest thing on the agenda, and that should be a testament as to how unsafe palestine has been for palestinians for YEARS.
    i think it is a very westernised view to think “But how would i be treated there?” when in reality if you were there, you being gay would not be at the forefront of your mind, being unlawfully arrested and abused at an israeli prison, or killed for no other reason than you are in palestine, would be.
  2. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    Kyle Richards said she met Lana recently and they made plans to get together again which could mean 1 of 3 things:
    - Morgan Wade collab
    - Lana joining the cast of RHOBH as a friend

    - both
  3. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoVintageGirl in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    I have a huntch she's actually thinking about going back to her Nancy Sinatra-ish thing. 
  4. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    She's been wrong too many times so i fired her!
  5. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    THIS highway SPECIFICALLY  the epitome of queen of the gas station
  6. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Talking about the hostages - correct me if I'm wrong - I remember that around November-December 2023, Hamas offered Israel to return the hostages, not all of them, but a certain number of them. But what did the Israeli prime minister Netanyahu did? He didn't even want the hostages back and refused the offer, there was even a video in the news how some of the parents of the hostages ran to the government building and were very angry that Netanyahu refused the offer. He doesn't even give a shit about his own people, he keeps using hostage situation as an excuse to bomb Gaza. Israel could've had many others ways to react to the hostage situation but they chose the worst option possible and they made the current situation even worse and worse by bombing and killing innocent and already helpless Gaza people (which majority of them are CHILDREN, even INFANTS!!!!) intensively without of any kind of mercy for almost 8 months straight. Almost 40 000 Palestinians have been killed, they have no access to electricity, water and food. All the buildings are destroyed and the shelters are being bombed as well. Even Israel takes advantage of the humanitarian aid given to the Palestinians, for example like in March, Palestinians were given food and other supplies (like flour and something like that), they all were running for their lives to grab the supplies as fast as they could but Israel took advantage and bombed them. Media outlets described that as "an incident" but we know it was malicious and intentional. Israel even killed World Kitchen food aid staff members, who were Polish and Australians, in airstrikes. It's a definition of a modern genocide and Israel does that all for what? To defend themselves as a country that illegally occupied another country whose civilians they are killing right now. I know that "it's a war and countries have to defend themselves in a war" but this isn't even "defending", they're commiting a genocide. Palestine can't even defend themselves against a huge military backed by the United States. I don't really understand why the huge countries like the US and UK are supporting Israel by giving them bombs to kill thousands of innocent civilians. Instead of a ceasefire, they offer bombs. I don't understand what do they accomplish with that. I saw a list of countries that do not recognize Palestine and I noticed that most of these countries used to be colonizers in the past. Probably that tells the reason. Big businesses like McDonalds and Starbucks supporting or giving money to Israel doesn't make sense to me as well. What have they to do with it, they're not the government?
    I know that many people have said that already here but being pro-Palestine isn't definitely anti-semitic. Religion and origin have nothing to do with the actions of a government.
    Don't forget that before October 7th, Israel had conducted series of airstrikes on Gaza in May 2023, leaving over a hundred of Palestinians wounded and dead. There were also similar cases in 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018 and so on, all the way back to 1948.
    And talking about the LGBTQ+ rights in the Middle East, I know that there are many countries there where homosexuality is illegal and gay people there are oppressed but let's not pretend that the US is innocent, there's a whole list of acts of violence against LGBTQ+ people commited in America, so the goverment should focus on their problems first before pointing out what's wrong outside their country and what's not. That being said, it's very sad that in the 21st century there are still countries where LGBTQ+ rights doesn't exist or there are still violent acts committed against them. That goes for any country. This just doesn't sit right with me because LGBTQ+ rights are human rights!!!!!
    I don't know what else I've got to say. I feel like everything I said now is controversial but isn't it the sad truth? The situation really pains me when I think about it, because the whole time we were arguing here, dozens and dozens of Palestinians were probably killed during that time. There is nothing we can really do but raise awareness and donate money. All eyes on Rafah. Free Palestine!!!!!
  7. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Lana to collaborate with Quavo ('Tough' and 'Fly')   
    it would also be interesting overall is quavo is actually singing on this and not rapping that would def not be expected right ? the performance is ridiculous sounding but maybe he will actually sing 
  8. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    im absolutely appalled reading this stream of thought. 
    palestine is not wrong. hamas is wrong, but you absolutely cannot fucking group palestine as a whole into hamas. with all due respect to my lgbtq friends, when you are living in an oppressed and occupied state where death is nigh at any point, gay rights is definitely not the highest thing on the agenda, and that should be a testament as to how unsafe palestine has been for palestinians for YEARS.
    i think it is a very westernised view to think “But how would i be treated there?” when in reality if you were there, you being gay would not be at the forefront of your mind, being unlawfully arrested and abused at an israeli prison, or killed for no other reason than you are in palestine, would be.
  9. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    im absolutely appalled reading this stream of thought. 
    palestine is not wrong. hamas is wrong, but you absolutely cannot fucking group palestine as a whole into hamas. with all due respect to my lgbtq friends, when you are living in an oppressed and occupied state where death is nigh at any point, gay rights is definitely not the highest thing on the agenda, and that should be a testament as to how unsafe palestine has been for palestinians for YEARS.
    i think it is a very westernised view to think “But how would i be treated there?” when in reality if you were there, you being gay would not be at the forefront of your mind, being unlawfully arrested and abused at an israeli prison, or killed for no other reason than you are in palestine, would be.
  10. Disney Slut liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    im absolutely appalled reading this stream of thought. 
    palestine is not wrong. hamas is wrong, but you absolutely cannot fucking group palestine as a whole into hamas. with all due respect to my lgbtq friends, when you are living in an oppressed and occupied state where death is nigh at any point, gay rights is definitely not the highest thing on the agenda, and that should be a testament as to how unsafe palestine has been for palestinians for YEARS.
    i think it is a very westernised view to think “But how would i be treated there?” when in reality if you were there, you being gay would not be at the forefront of your mind, being unlawfully arrested and abused at an israeli prison, or killed for no other reason than you are in palestine, would be.
  11. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by fathercain in Barcelona, ES @ Primavera Sound - May 31st, 2024   
    i dmd ps and they said there woild be merch from the artists
    im waiting outside, its hot af
  12. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by LanaBalkana in Barcelona, ES @ Primavera Sound - May 31st, 2024   
    Do we think Taylor will make an appearance? She was just in Madrid and sang Snow on the Beach (we know that she loves hints)
  13. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    @American Whore This is not a “hive mind” or “group think” situation where people are blindly following an opinion that’s popular for the sake of social capital or maintaining a status quo…given the history of the state of Israel and its violent occupation of Gaza, there is a genocide going on and people are naturally going to be outspoken against that. It’s not uncritical to be critical of Israel, in fact, we’ve seen that the “hive mind” or “safer” stance in terms of maintaining the status quo is to support the oppressor - case in point, look at how many people have lost their careers simply for refusing to support a genocide. Normal people, at that. And nobody is endorsing anti-Semitism by supporting Palestine, the two are not mutually exclusive at all. To play contrarian in the face of people’s and children’s lives lost is beyond reductive, and these innocent civilians do not represent whatever “anti-LGBTQ” sentiments you’re talking about. People are not their governments - you could say the exact same thing about the US.
    There’s no point in anyone even engaging with some of the points you’ve made if your mind is made up but I hope people’s responses to you make you think twice about doubling down. 
  14. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    (Maybe this thread can be hot for better reasons)
    I just donated to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!
    Here are some other reputable donation links and resources:
    Palestine Red Crescent Society
    Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund
    Women for Women International
    Medical Aid for Palestinians
  15. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    the worst type of people are the ones that justify the deaths of nearly 40,000 people and 15,000 CHILDREN, because a country "displays violence towards gays"
    how did the children "fuck around and find out"? half of them cant even talk...
  16. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Mer in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    You lose an argument when you say “innocent people shouldn’t be killed, but…”
  17. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Mer in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    @American Whore do you know how many gay Muslims there are in this world? Do they not also deserve peace? Should that peace not extend to Palestinians as a whole? 
    Currently in Palestine, a gay person is 100% more likely to be killed by an airstrike than by homophobic civilians. 
  18. fishtails liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Porto, PT @ Primavera Sound - June 7th, 2024   
    i hope you have so much fun!
  19. DemonMic2003 liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Porto, PT @ Primavera Sound - June 7th, 2024   
    i hope you have so much fun!
  20. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    im happy with 13 tracks, i don't even mind a few collabs but i really hope there are no interludes.. i'm tired of them
  21. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoVintageGirl in Porto, PT @ Primavera Sound - June 7th, 2024   
    Well my neighbour had an extra ticket and since her brother can go to the show anymore she sold it to me.
    It will be my first time seeing her live !!! ❤❤
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