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jealous girl

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  1. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in UK and Ireland Tour 2025   
    this sounds like a bunch of made up fanfiction and the way I'm seeing it spread online... yikes
  2. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by jaesana in UK and Ireland Tour 2025   
    I do not believe this for many reasons
    1. That would be an insane thing to do, marry someone who is an A-list celebrity when you know touring is part of her life
    2. He was definitely there with her at Reading (we have video) and other shows from 2024
    3. The "sources" for these stories are hardly ever true and are intended to stir the pot
  3. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in UK and Ireland Tour 2025   
    i mean as much as ben & ed let her do what she wants because she is their moneymaker, if she came to them and said she was cancelling the tour because she wanted to be with her man... security 
    that being said blind items are just gossip so i don’t think this is true lmao
  4. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by Crys10 in UK and Ireland Tour 2025   
    Excuse me wtf please be joking I’m flying from another country for this 🥲
  5. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I’m a psychic her next album will have more than 3 songs and sold online from different retailers with different color vinyl variants. She will be singing in at least one song and there will be a song about her love life. She will make an Instagram post when it is released and you will be able to stream it from Spotify and Apple music
  6. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Chappell Roan   
    The Giver Chappell Roan poster, fresh off of a city bench for sale LMAO-
  7. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    The devil is in the details, though
    Everyone wants the fighting to stop, but saying "okay, everyone stop and keep what land you have" sets a very dangerous precedent.
    The problem with having a ceasefire under these terms is that:
    1. The currently land borders may well become the status quo (remember that North and South Korea are technically still in a ceasefire that has held since the end of the Korean War)
    2. It emboldens Putin and by extension, other world leaders who may seek to invade other countries. As I type, China is circumventing Australia with 3 heavily armed warships. There is fuck all reason for them to be in the Tasman Sea (between Australia and New Zealand) but they are there because they can be. And I don't think the timing is coincidental, either. I'm not suggesting that China is invading Australia or New Zealand any time soon, but the point is, the way Donald is behaving is emboldening others to test boundaries.
    You have to look at everyone's motives here. Naturally Putin agrees to this; he is getting exactly what he wants. Donald and James also get exactly what they want, which is the ability to boast about ending the war in a timely manner. They don't give a fuck about Ukraine, or any other country including the US - they care only about themselves and their interests. Half the shit Donald is doing is not in his country's best interests. It's in the US' best interests for Donald to play nicely with the other children, but he cannot and will not.
    ETA: Lastly, it's Donald's right to assert that the US isn't obligated to protect any other country, but at the same time, this is the world order and expectation that the US has promoted and shaped since the end of WW2. So, suddenly pulling the plug and saying "OK, we're not doing that" is dangerous af for world stability. No one can make him do or not do anything (that much is clear), but it creates a very dangerous situation, and one I daresay the US would do well to avoid for its own sake. The message seems to be that unless you are Israel then you will get no help.
  8. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by Embach in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    It was really jarring and sad to watch the Zelensky-Trump meeting. Trump and Vance were attacking him and the journalists asked stupid questions as well, like "why don't you wear suits" 
  9. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in American Politics Thread   
    I can’t believe he’s been president for exactly 1 MONTH so far  it feels like a year
  10. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in Instagram Updates   
    I get her point but what the f does this have to do with Instagram deleting fan pages
  11. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by blueskiesforever in Instagram Updates   
    Some fan pages are reporting each other to get their accounts closed. 
  12. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Instagram Updates   
    The Right Person Will Stay out this Friday
  13. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by Elle in [POSSIBLE SCAM?] Previously Owned Dress by Lana Up For Auction - Feb. 19th   
    Off the top of my head, here are some of the other clothes she sold there (images in spoiler)
    Mostly performance outfits, but some from photoshoots and seen in street candids too -
    I actually have all of these dresses (not the coats though) in my collection too except for the Red Rocks & Corona Capital ones (I’ve been trying to track down those for yearsssss but those are actually vintage dresses, so they’ve been harder to find) but again, not the ones actually worn by Lana, just other makes of it. I can’t believe I wasn’t at that pop-up to actually buy one of the originals… only in my dreams. She also sold a bunch of other pieces from her wardrobe that she was never photographed in, but they were other gorgeous dresses and such.
    She also sold the dress she wore in Montreal in 2014 for a charity auction a few months after the performance  - 
    This dress is actually the very first Lana clothing item I added to my collection in 2015. Once again, not the exact one worn by her, but another one. It’s vintage Gunne Sax and I bought it for a reeeeally great deal back then, I believe around $150. That dress now sells for $500+ as vintage Gunne Sax dresses have continued to rise in popularity.
    Lana’s also given some of her dresses to her friends and sister too -
  14. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by Elle in [POSSIBLE SCAM?] Previously Owned Dress by Lana Up For Auction - Feb. 19th   
    Already is

    (funny fact about this picture, I literally wore this dress that night to a girl’s night out at Chili’s LMAOOO I simply love being overdressed everywhere I go! I also remember my friend asking the waiter if they had espresso martinis only for the waiter to give her a blank stare and be like “ma’am this is a Chili’s” skfnsk the gag is they actually recently added espresso martinis to their menu. Her voice was heard! This pic was also taken in January 2020, two months before the world shut down and forever changed as we knew it. What a surreal time xx)
    Truly though, I would absolutely love to own a piece actually worn by Lana one day, to add to my collection of ~150 as seen on outfits that I own. However, I just can’t justify spending $1000 on it, especially on a H&M dress I already own that I’m sure I spent less than $100 on  One day hopefully though!! I’ll forever regret not flying out to that LFL popup and snagging a dress.. she needs to do that again xx
  15. missfuckingdaytona liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    “Dreaming away your life”
  16. inanna liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in "Liking" comments disabled   
    Okay so this just started happening to me now while this morning everything was fine. What's changed is that I updated Chrome.
    I tried removing cookies and clearing local storage for lanaboards, then I had to log in and got a warning that the website isn't secure.
    I also noticed that when I click to see who has liked a post, it opens it as if it's a link to a new page. Images also don't auto embed when pasting the link.
    I looked at the console to see what's happening and it is the same issue as with the login, I suspect that the HTTPS is not correctly configured.
    I was however able to like a comment when I opened the URL shown in the Console as if it was a page, then it liked the comment for me.
    Console error:
    Notice that the request is being sent with an url starting with HTTPS but the endpoint is HTTP with no S so Chrome is blocking the request.
    Site security warning:
  17. FredRed liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in Instagram Updates   
    Taylornation posted a reel of last year’s glambot of Taylor and Lana to acknowledge tonight’s Grammy awards

  18. misselectrarockwell liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    “Dreaming away your life”
  19. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    “Dreaming away your life”
  20. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by Americen Whore in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    Her writing “you know it, and I know it, I’m gonna be a star” when she was only 17, now she’s 39 and one of the most successful female artists of the decade 
  21. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Instagram Updates   
    Taylor nation posting Lana right now was very much needed 
  22. Embach liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in Instagram Updates   
    Taylornation posted a reel of last year’s glambot of Taylor and Lana to acknowledge tonight’s Grammy awards

  23. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in Instagram Updates   
    Taylornation posted a reel of last year’s glambot of Taylor and Lana to acknowledge tonight’s Grammy awards

  24. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by jealous girl in Instagram Updates   
    Taylornation posted a reel of last year’s glambot of Taylor and Lana to acknowledge tonight’s Grammy awards

  25. jealous girl liked a post in a topic by Sunbather Moonchaser in Instagram Updates   
    This will remain as the greatest glam bot ever
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