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  1. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by BloomForYou in Charli XCX   
    surfing youtube and came across this video:

    I think it's really interesting, especially where charli fits in with her extreme sound diversity and taking risks which resulted in many hardships between her and the label. I'd like to hear what others think!
  2. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Meco, Sesimbra, Portugal @ Super Bock Super Rock Festival - July 18, 2019   
    Lana Del Rey will be headlining Super Bock Super Rock in Portugal on July 18, 2019. She last performed here in 2012 at the same festival.


    She's the first headliner to be announced.


    And I'm so excited because I'll get to see her in my country.


  3. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I want Mark Ryden to paint Lana's album cover. Something like his previous work:


    But then again, the album is titled after Norman Rockwell so it would be a little weird to have another artist paint the cover.
  4. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Nick Del Rey in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    http://www.dazeddigital.com/beauty/head/article/42080/1/lana-del-rey-crowned-the-new-face-of-gucci-guilty I updated the post with the article

    and before everyone says its off topic, theres going to be a photo spread and video along with the campaign so maybe a song from NFR will be used for the campaign 
  5. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by SOVIOLET in What Are You Listening To?   
    I'm so glad I have found this thread, I am a new lana boardette and so far I'm so bad at using the site lol!
    I have been asking for music recommendations and have had some amazing ones but this thread is FULL of good stuff and it's amazing.
    So I will share my fave artist that I'm listening at the moment and I think they are new - has anyone heard of them? They are called SURREND.. I have been trying to find out more about them like where they are from but they are mysterious lol They only have two songs out on spotify and youtube but apparently they are releasing more. I LOVE THEM. A really hypnotic vocal and amazing lyrics and the production and aesthetic is just a dreeeeam.
    sending you all love xxx


  6. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Peachycream in Instagram Updates   
    She’s filming herself while driving again so that means we will be getting something sooner than we think
  7. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by BeautifulAnywhere in Instagram Updates   
    Marina is in the backseat. They’re hearing Venice Bitch. At least she was with her an hour ago
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by forkpt1 in Charli XCX   
    WE STAN!
  9. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    Omg GUYS I’m at a PARTY and some random bitch I don’t know grabbed the speaker and started playing 1999!!!!!!!! IM GONNA CRY SHE DID IT FOR REAL
  10. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana to play/attend Jack Antonoff’s show at Roulette in Brooklyn, NY - TONIGHT, Oct 5   
    Fans ran into Lana in nyc and she let them know she is there to perform at Jack Antonoff’s show at Roulette in Brooklyn tonight. Details to come as I receive them.
    It is unclear if she is performing or just attending. Word of mouth from fans who have met her say she relayed to them that she would be playing with him.

  11. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana hanging out with Marina, Chuck, & Rob in LA - September 23, 2018   
    Lana spent time today with Marina and introduced her to her sister & father! This is the best thing that’s ever happened ever. Larina is alive and breathing.

    Rob - “We just adopted the beautiful Marina ... to celebrate the girls bought me a gansta Golden peanut necklace”
  12. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in TROPICO: Review (by sparklrtrailrheaven)   
    For my English 111 class, we had to do a film review-- for a variety of reasons (partially because I love Lana, partially because I felt it would be a creative choice, partially because I was almost out of time), I chose to review Lana's iconic 2013 music video/short film TROPICO. Below is my review! I don't believe it's my best work, especially since it was rather last-minute, and I may have been a bit harsh on the film, but here it is, regardless! Please tell me what you think of the review, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the film as well!: 
    Film Review: Tropico        “And the spirit of John moved upon the face of the waters. And John said, Let there be light: and there was light. And John saw that it was good.” This quotation, a reconfiguration of a familiar verse from the Holy Bible, begins Lana Del Rey’s short film, Tropico. From this point on, the film is positively rife with symbolism, metaphor, and similar appropriation of visuals, quotations, and iconography, all feeding into a biblically-inspired tale of “sin and redemption,” as Del Rey called it at the film’s theatrical premiere. Scored by selections from Del Rey’s 2012 extended play Paradise, and interspersed with scenes of dialogue and spoken-word poetry, the film is a sonic and visual feast. However, in spite of Del Rey’s use of stunning visuals, music, and such high-arching allegory and philosophy, viewers are left wondering if the film means anything at all, or if the twenty-seven minute short is anything more than an extended music video.         Tropico opens with  scenes of beginnings and creation: primordial, kaleidoscopic waters rush and fold into one another, stars flash brilliantly and are born in space, a sun rises, a rose opens, and clouds roll through a glowing sky, all against the aforementioned Bible verse. A figure representing John Wayne seems to preside over the affair, and Del Rey, dressed as the Mother Mary, prays feverently that he shall forgive her of her sins. Moving to a neon-colored Garden of Eden, Wayne is joined by Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, and Jesus, along with Del Rey and her consort, Shaun Ross, garbed as Adam and Eve.  Here begins a strange meld of Del Rey’s own passions: familiar images from the bible-- creation, the holy mother, Eden, Jesus-- are mixed and assimilated with images decidedly familiar to American culture: the cowboy, the rockstar, and the bombshell, all icons and superstars in the USA’s media-heavy society. Their voices fade in and out, spouting out catchphrases (Monroe quips: “Sex is a part of nature… and I go along with nature!”) amidst heavy radio frequency, heightening the surrealistic nature of Del Rey’s land of pop culture and spirituality.         Tropico’s story continues as one would expect: Adam and Eve, entranced by a serpent in the garden, eat the forbidden fruit and are cast out-- however, this new-age Adam and Eve land in Los Angeles, and their downfall is depicted as Del Rey reads excerpts of Walt Whitman’s poem I Sing the Body Electric. Del Rey and Ross’ Eden quickly dissolves into various scenes of squalor and ennui-- a seedy strip joint, a dingy supermarket, a tacky mobile home. Before long, the low-income, low-class lovers tire of and abandon this drudgery, clashing with their more affluent neighbors as Adam and a gang of thugs break into a penthouse hosting a party of wealthy men (and their female entertainment), sealing their place in history as God’s wayward children, well-meaning man and woman who took the path most clearly presented to them, even when it was the wrong choice. Here is one of the few times it feels Tropico really hits its mark: perhaps, it makes one consider, the sensationalized gangsters and “thugs” that run rampant in modern media are nothing more than confused children, the “good kids” driven bad by desperation, or a lack of options. Del Rey’s music, described by one interviewer as “dreamy and dramatic, soaked in Americana and nostalgia, spiked with glamorous violence and loopy nonsensicality,” fits right in with this vision of the American Dream gone dark.         After Tropico’s Adam and Eve hit this point, the lowest of low,  the only choice left seems to be absolution. Del Rey croons her song “Bel Air”, with its refrain of “I don’t wanna be bad, I won’t cheat you no more,” as Adam and Eve are baptized and reborn, watched over by omnipresent John Wayne and Del Rey’s ceaselessly praying Mary. They are forgiven, they embrace, and they ascend into the clouds, ending the film-- however, questions remain long after the credits have rolled.        Del Rey’s film is visually and audibly stunning, that’s for certain. Colors are used to awe-inspiring effect throughout the film: Eden is full of vibrant pinks, greens and reds, Adam and Eve’s Earth after the fall is drab, full of muted tans and off-whites, both the penthouse party and the strip club are coated in icy blues and silvers, and the rolling paradise-esque fields at the end are sun-drenched, with Adam and Eve changing out of solid black into pure white garments. The use of color and strong visuals is complemented perfectly by Del Rey’s music, which exists as some hybrid of jazz, pop, and orchestral music-- a perfect match for Tropico’s mixing and matching of times, places, and symbols.             Despite the brilliant aesthetics, Tropico lacks substance. It presents itself as an epic, but never really delivers. While all of Tropico’s references, allusions, and appropriations seem to be used to make it legitimate art, and not just a music video in long-form, they instead make it feel plagiaristic and borrowed. Real, raw emotion is replaced with flashy visuals and heavy-handed symbolism, stripping Tropico of anything really human, which is disappointing. It’s as if Del Rey’s pretentiousness is her downfall-- if Tropico, which presents itself as a story of the human condition on a grand scale, were to be more human, perhaps it would meet its potential. Instead, it never really lifts off and feels as if it were only the trailer or preview for something much bigger.         In spite of these shortcomings, Tropico remains a stunning example of music videos as an art form. To call it a short film is misadvertisement, but to call it only a music video is selling it short. Tropico pushes boundaries, unafraid to mix the sacred and the squalid, and blurs the line between what’s art and what’s commercial. All in all, it may not meet the lofty goals it sets for itself, but entirely succeeds as a film that is entertaining, entrancing, and exciting to view.
  13. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Elle in Video Series announced for 'Mariners Apartment Complex'   
    What I do, I do best 
  14. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Video Series announced for 'Mariners Apartment Complex'   
    the journalist right now 
  15. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by TheBoss in Video Series announced for 'Mariners Apartment Complex'   
    I would love to see more footage of her on the studio, I've always wondered how much of a role she takes on the production of her songs
  16. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Video Series announced for 'Mariners Apartment Complex'   
    This entirely based on nothing but we know Chuck has been working on a documentary for YEARS now, literally since like 2012. Filming concerts, her life, etc. We also know about that witch broom film they shot last year. What if the reason Lana is releasing two new songs is to go with the FINALLY released full length documentary about Lana
  17. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Elle in Video Series announced for 'Mariners Apartment Complex'   
    In a quickly deleted Instagram post, Lana's sister Chuck posted some footage from 'Mariners Apartment Complex' captioned "Stolen footage from an upcoming series for Mariners Apartment Complex"


    It appears there will be a video series to accompany the song.


    Perhaps this video series could be surrounding her personal growth since her 2014 Complex interview?

  18. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Elle in Hey, You   
    I said hey, you
    What you doin’?
    I think you could probably be my baby, baby
    Hey, you
    What you doin’?
    I think you could probably be my baby, baby
    I know that it’s wrong, but no one can save me
    He’s a walk with the past
    Love of the fast
    Girls in the fast lane
    His knuckles are brass
    A heart like a horse
    Love of the game
    Gold in his veins
    Met him at the club
    Singing my songs
    He says, are you famous?”
    I was once
    A b-movie actress
    But never was
    He knows that it’s love
    He saw me on stage
    Pointed my way
    The look of desire all on his face
    I gave him the eye
    And took my place
    I could tell that he’d be mine by daytime
    Hey, you
    What you doin’?
    I think you could probably be my baby, baby
    I can’t stop myself ‘cause I like them crazy
    Hey, you
    What you doin’?
    I think you could probably be my baby, baby
    I know that it’s wrong, but no one can save me
    He’s a man with a cast
    A cane and a glass
    Rim full of champagne looking for class
    A mind like a steel cage
    Soul full of rage
    Tactical nature so they call him insane
    Met him at the club
    & from that night on
    He called me his princess
    Right on!
    I’m his little ex-beauty queen
    Never goin’ back to where I been
    Hey, you
    What you doin’?
    I think you could probably be my baby, baby
    I can’t stop myself ‘cause I like them crazy
    Hey, you
    What you doin’?
    I think you could probably be my baby, baby
    I know that it’s wrong, but no one can save me
    No one can save me
    When did I ever care what they said about our love, my baby
    Oh, baby boo
    Yo, our friends think it’s sad
    Living so bad
    I’m always crying
    He’s always mad
    Our life is a mess
    Oh, it’s a shame
    What did they see in each other, they say
    I met him at the club
    & from that night on
    Called me his princess
    Right on!
    I’m his little ex-beauty queen
    Never going back to where I been
    Hey, you
    What you doin’?
    I think you could probably be my baby, baby
    I can’t stop myself ‘cause I like them crazy
    Hey, you
    What you doin’?
    I think you could probably be my baby, baby
    I know that it’s wrong, but no one can save me
    (there's probably some errors in here, correct me if you hear something different!)
  19. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Elle in Hey, You   
    Ah! This has been bothering me since the first listen. 
    You know what song this reminds me of??? 'Want You Back' - Cher Lloyd
    Especially the part "Met him at the club & from that night on he called me his princess - right on!" reminds me of "and now you're taking her to every restaurant & everywhere we went - come on!" 
    The rapping styles are really similar. I love that song by Cher Lloyd. What a classic 2012 bop.
  20. heroindealer liked a post in a topic by forkpt1 in Fine China   
  21. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    I love how EVERYONE in here is so happy that she canceled a show in a country they have no connection to, it amazes me.
    My parents bought me the ticket for the festival as (my only) birthday gift & I was so excited and thrilled to watch her perform like some of you did, as Lana and her music were so close to me and helped me in all of my high school experience, in good moments & bad moments. She gives me so much inspiration in many aspects of my life & helped me so much. I'm broken right now that she canceled & even more broken about how people that I love here on Lanaboards are so passionate about Lana not performing in a certain country knowing she got lots of fans here who love her (and no we're not terrorists, honestly most Lana fans are left winged and want peace).
    I am just sad...
  22. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by 111 in My Song 57   
    [Verse 1]
    I am the trailer park queen
    Jimmy pull up in his blue Chevy Nova
    I get him strawberry ice cream
    I have been dying for him to come over
    We're gonna listen to the Beach Boys
    We're gonna ride in the rollercoaster
    When we get high, Jimmy propose
    Jimmy gon' buy me a coca cola
    Jimmy gonna buy me a coca cola
    Jimmy gonna buy me a coca cola
    [Verse 2]
    I am the New Jersey dance queen
    Jimmy's the king [?]
    When we're together, we're so mean
    When we're together, no one can take over
    It's love, it's love
    We're gonna listen to the Beach Boys
    We're gonna ride in the rollercoaster
    When we get high, Jimmy propose
    Jimmy gon' buy me a coca cola
    He gonna buy me a coca cola
    Jimmy gonna buy me a coca cola
    We're going to Coney Island
    We're going to Coney Island
    We are in love and we're flying
    We are in love and we're flying
    We're gonna listen to the Beach Boys
    We're gonna ride the cold rollercoaster
    When we get high, Jimmy propose
    Jimmy gon' buy me a coca cola
    Gon' buy me a coca cola
    Jimmy gon' buy me a coca cola
    I never loved somebody so much
    I said Jay, get into the car and if you love me stay
    And drive me far, far away from who me and you are
    And I wanna go to Coney Island
    I wanna go to Coney Island
    So we listen to the Beach Boys
    Jimmy drive me to Coney Island
    When we get there, Jimmy propose
    I said Jay you don't know how happy I am
  23. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by Lucas B. in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    I'm afraid for Lana, but it's beyond ridiculous saying that she shouldn't perform on the country bc of their shitty laws and etc.
    She's doing what every artist should do: think on the fans
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