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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. helppp I completely forgot about the L+F acoustics because I barely listen to that album.. embarrassing and I thought the froot myspace sessions were different from the YT ones??? I might be getting confused with a radio show or something cause I know she did froot (the song) on them. and then there’s the happy and im a ruin that were officially released on her YT channel regardless l+f getting the officially acoustic released drop while TFJ and EHs (froot too for not getting an official release on streaming) gather dust is criminal behavior from her once again… just like buy the stars never getting pressed on vinyl…. SICK!!
  2. been rearranging my marina stuff lately and I STILL don’t understand why she never released acoustic albums or EPs given shed go out of the way to have multiple songs professionally recorded for each era
  3. say what you want about girls and it being “misogynistic” but that song is a bop!! especially the fast car version (which is superior to the album version)
  4. cruel world - 41 shades of cool - 65 (+) west coast - 84 pretty when you cry - 48 (-)
  5. to this day im still absolutely convinced marlene king was just petty about people being able to figure that out and changed everything around in a desperate attempt for a “shocking” reveal that no one would have guessed and by that I mean it’s because it didn’t make ANY fucking sense and on the topic of PLL alison should have stayed a villian… actually if aria wasn’t A it should have been her. but them barely giving her anything when she came back other than being a meek housewife archetype in frumpy sweaters was absolutely vile to both the character and sasha. she should have stayed the near manipulative (nearly sociopathic) but glamorous mysterious bitch with iconic one liners that we all knew and loved!
  6. there’s something about this photo that actually gets under my skin. like where was this attitude to all the kids who were victims of a shooting while they were in school? or all the civilians who were victims of a shooting who were just out and about in public minding their own business?
  7. yes! I was there when it all went down. he wanted to celebrate lust for lifes anniversary. it was when he got to “god bless america - and all the beautiful women in it” where I saw the gears turn in his head and he said, “lana del rey, you are right. ‘god bless america and all the beautiful women in it, may you stand strong and proud like lady liberty and shine all night long’ and kamala…it’s your time to shine!”
  8. one thing i will say is that national anthem should have kept the “yes, of course i will my darling” from the demos. i instinctively hear it in my head when i listen to the studio version but i should be hearing it out loud and into my ear drums
  9. I’ve been really obsessed with sinful again lately (which has always been one of her best unreleased).. it really would have been the perfect b side to shampain
  10. I believe they’re referring to the general belief that lana and marinas friendship broke off when lana posted QFTC and marina unfollowed her around that time due to it seemingly going against marinas politics/activism/feminism beliefs and what not. even though there really was no actual “beef” from what we’ve seen. just what seemed to be a disagreement between the two that ended their friendship. we don’t know if there was anything behind the scenes that could have happened. and it’s not like they’ve been shady towards each other as in a, “that froot looks familiar” or “imagery is artistic property please respect your fellow artists” that marina pulled on charli I think the “shadiest” thing we’ve had aside from the unfollowing is like lana taking down a post she made that had lanas image on a tattoo with marinas lyrics and people kept commenting about marina.. edit it was this:
  11. I get this is unpopular lana opinions… but this is just a sick, sick take
  12. im sick of the excessive amount of vinyl variants being released when someone drops a new album
  13. she’s had me feeling like a dog that’s been abandoned on some desolate country road and forced to dig thru scraps for so god damn long…but still missing her as always anyway id still take a ghost EP vinyl and/or NTMT vinyl repressing any day
  14. Escapism


  15. I mean I wouldn’t say she’s pretending it’s not from UV entirely given the picture disc is from a UV photoshoot: what’s confusing is why they didn’t keep it consistent and make that the coverart for all platforms instead of the selfie with the “please lord, make me the biggest star the world has ever known” inspired pose theyre using.. but that’s just lana & her team i guess
  16. white trash from liverpool?? (I took the lizzy grant pic into consideration and was listening to true love on the side the other day)
  17. you were the first person that came to mind when i saw the news she was following melanie.. that collab you’ve been manifesting for years is getting closer and closer to coming to fruition perhaps
  18. i wanna know what that one parasocial taylor fan ( and the ones who agreed) who was having a meltdown about her skims collab and thinks taylor is constantly being slighted if taylor isnt given all the praise in the world or having someone around her know all her business and follow her views and say “well yes, master taylor! i won’t speak to kim ever again!!” would think when those pics get spread regardless kim and lana have had some kind of relationship for over a decade given she sung at her wedding for free and lana and taylor still were on good terms publicly after the skims collab anyway.. so like?? but it all comes down to people who dont even know these women and are still going “CHOOSE LANA!! CHOOSE!” as like theyre the ones getting hurt in this situation and on one hand it’s hilarious but on the other it’s incredibly weird
  20. you gave me a raven simone kind of flash in time except it was a flashback to 2014 and this dress i wore from delias… w black heels i still have it too
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