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  1. Karolll liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Unknown Lyric Thread   
    You can kinda sing this to the prechorus of  Guns and Roses
  2. lonely lonely night liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Sky Ferreira   
    I'd be tryna get back my masters too if it ALMD was amongst them
  3. boom like that liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Sky Ferreira   
    I'd be tryna get back my masters too if it ALMD was amongst them
  4. AtomicMess liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Sky Ferreira   
    I'd be tryna get back my masters too if it ALMD was amongst them
  5. sxcx liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Sky Ferreira   
    I'd be tryna get back my masters too if it ALMD was amongst them
  6. Glitter Boy liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Sky Ferreira   
    I'd be tryna get back my masters too if it ALMD was amongst them
  7. Kristine liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Sky Ferreira   
    I'd be tryna get back my masters too if it ALMD was amongst them
  8. stwzrd liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Sky Ferreira   
    I'd be tryna get back my masters too if it ALMD was amongst them
  9. parachute liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Sky Ferreira   
    I'd be tryna get back my masters too if it ALMD was amongst them
  10. bbmbby8 liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Unknown Lyric Thread   
    You can kinda sing this to the prechorus of  Guns and Roses
  11. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Unknown Lyric Thread   
    You can kinda sing this to the prechorus of  Guns and Roses
  12. Surfing Diva liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Unknown Lyric Thread   
    You can kinda sing this to the prechorus of  Guns and Roses
  13. Cult Leader liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Unknown Lyric Thread   
    You can kinda sing this to the prechorus of  Guns and Roses
  14. Embach liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Unknown Lyric Thread   
    You can kinda sing this to the prechorus of  Guns and Roses
  15. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Unknown Lyric Thread   
    You can kinda sing this to the prechorus of  Guns and Roses
  16. giveheavenatry liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in "Some Things Last a Long Time" by Lana Del Rey for "Hi How Are You Daniel Johnston?"   
    I love how almost thin/brittle and grainy her vocals and the guitar sound in this. It really captures the nostalgia of the song.
    In other words, they understood the assignment
  17. fishtails liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in United States Book Ban   
    In the era of internet we're in now? Good luck w that
  18. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in United States Book Ban   
    In the era of internet we're in now? Good luck w that
  19. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in United States Book Ban   
    In the era of internet we're in now? Good luck w that
  20. Lana Del Dufrene liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in United States Book Ban   
    In the era of internet we're in now? Good luck w that
  21. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Bel Air   
    Such an underrated song
    One of her most ethereal sounding productions
  22. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in “Honeymoon” Album Recording/Writing Timeline and Creative Process Discussion   
    We won because this would’ve been her messiest album to date if real 
  23. lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    Note: edited for clarity.

    I haven’t heard anyone talk about this line:
    “Back home to the Tudor house that borned a thousand murder plots”
    maybe it’s obvious to the point that there wasn’t really a need to really analyze it but-
    The way ‘plots’ is used in this line reads to me as plots of land. ‘Murder plots’ and the picture is pretty clear.
    It’s possible that the house in question may just be built on top of land that has some negative historical significance unrelated to Lana.
    But the way Lana mentioned looking more into her family tree, the concept of karmic lineage and her commitment to projects acting as sort of reparations to Native American communities makes me wonder if there’s an underlying motivation based on more personal factors.
    I mean, we know Lana comes from a pretty WASP-y background so it’s not hard to imagine she might’ve discovered possible ancestry that may have been involved in something like slavery or some other unjust events that took place in the US’ distant past.
    So the idea of her having negative karmic lineage as mentioned in Black Bathing Suit for example and in this context would make a lot of sense.

    Anyways, it’s a semi controversial take and want to reiterate its purely speculative and not based on any public information we know of, at least at the moment.
  24. Lana Del Dufrene liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Times when scrapping a song was the right choice   
    I mean don't get me wrong those songs are masterpieces in their own right but I feel like they would've made the album less cohesive and dilute the rock feel that UV has
  25. Embach liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Times when scrapping a song was the right choice   
    I mean don't get me wrong those songs are masterpieces in their own right but I feel like they would've made the album less cohesive and dilute the rock feel that UV has
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