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Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)

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What trouble? Losing some fans? No big deal.

Fans come and fans go.

Israel is not dangerous as you think.

No not fans, picking sides BC that's what it looks like. She probably has no idea there's a hugely complicated conflict ethier judging by how politically unsavvy she is :toofunny:


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I accepted that Lana's politics are very surface level american nonsense, ever since she said something about 'feeling safe under Obama' (which I did too and I assume most americans did as well). I highly doubt she has any idea what is actually happening in the middle east (like most americans). 

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I accepted that Lana's politics are very surface level american nonsense, ever since she said something about 'feeling safe under Obama' (which I did too and I assume most americans did as well). I highly doubt she has any idea what is actually happening in the middle east (like most americans). 


Of course she does... she's always been very clearly aware of world politics


Performing a show for her fans, who are ordinary people, isn't a message about her political views.


She's not there to greet Netanyahu is she???


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Both Lorde and Radiohead in the recent years got massive backlash for performing in Israel whether they went through with the concerts or pulled out. Lana will probably get criticised for it as well. 

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Tbh its kinda hypocrital considering the state of America right now, it's not like she's endorsing israel at all and I don't think people in that country shouldn't be able to see her due to some absurd political problems that don't correlate to her music.

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shes said to be preforming in some shithole festival and it wasn't even confirmed by her or her team

more than that that festival is 18+ for some reason

on the festivals site she's not even mentioned on the performers list and that festival is in less than a month 

Im from Israel and honestly hope she cancells it its just a hot mess

also i bet she knows nothing ab this and they just used her to get people to go there because it is that irrelevant

i traveled 2times to see her abroad and it didn't turn out that expensive anyway...

:smokes3:  :bye2:


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Why is she even going to this land of evil?

Is she supporting Israel in their campaign of racial cleansing and genocide?

Shame on her. :horror:

If the bridge didn't get her, maybe one of those missiles they keep firing at Palestine will. :crying5:

Praying for her. :pray2:



mod note: user was warned for this post

Edited by Elle
I understand this whole topic is very controversial, but the "palestine missile" comment was taking it a bit too far. do not wish harm on anyone.

If you care about animals, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8

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you disgust me.

she's just going to perform for her fans who love her.

Music =! Politics.

you spread racism and free hate on innocent people.



Girl its not even confirmed

(אני מעדיפה כבר שהיא תבטל את ההופעה הזו(אם היא בכלל מופיעה בפסטיבל הזה

ותארגן משהו נורמאלי בירקון

לא יודעת מה המרחק שלך מלהבות הבשן אבל למלא אנשים זה לפחות 4 שעות ולא מדברים על זה שאין לשם תחבורה ציבורית נורמאלית

עכשיו הפסטיבל עשה פרסומת באינסטגרם שהם מסיימית את מכירת הכרטיסים ב48 השעות הקרובות ואין שום מידע על זה שלנה מופיעה שם בכלל

:brows3:   :pft:


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Girl its not even confirmed

(אני מעדיפה כבר שהיא תבטל את ההופעה הזו(אם היא בכלל מופיעה בפסטיבל הזה

ותארגן משהו נורמאלי בירקון

לא יודעת מה המרחק שלך מלהבות הבשן אבל למלא אנשים זה לפחות 4 שעות ולא מדברים על זה שאין לשם תחבורה ציבורית נורמאלית

עכשיו הפסטיבל עשה פרסומת באינסטגרם שהם מסיימית את מכירת הכרטיסים ב48 השעות הקרובות ואין שום מידע על זה שלנה מופיעה שם בכלל

:brows3:   :pft:

 (יש לי חבר שאבא שלו דיבר עם המפיק של הפסטיבל, כדי להרוויח עו כסף הם מכריזים רשמית על ההופעה של לנה בראשון (שזה היום בו מתייקרים הכרטיסים

בעיקרון הלוואי שזו הייתה הופעה גדולה בפאר הירקון אבל גיליתי גם שהמפיקים של לנה ביקשו מהפסטיבל שלנה תופיע, ולא להפך


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 (יש לי חבר שאבא שלו דיבר עם המפיק של הפסטיבל, כדי להרוויח עו כסף הם מכריזים רשמית על ההופעה של לנה בראשון (שזה היום בו מתייקרים הכרטיסים

בעיקרון הלוואי שזו הייתה הופעה גדולה בפאר הירקון אבל גיליתי גם שהמפיקים של לנה ביקשו מהפסטיבל שלנה תופיע, ולא להפך


ממש חבל

גם אם הייתי רוצה לא הייתי ללכת לא הייתי יכולה כי משום מה זה +18 (17

באמת שזה אחד הפסטיבל הכי מוזרים 

כל האמנים שהם הכריזו עליהם עד עכשיו ממש לא מוכרים 

!הלוואי שהיא תבטל

.אם היא תופיע עכיו בחור הזה היא לא תעשה הופעה נורמאלית בישראל לפחות בששת השנים הקרובות


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What trouble? Losing some fans? No big deal.

Fans come and fans go.

Israel is not dangerous as you think.


Sure, unless you're Palestinian, then Israeli soldiers will blow your brains out.


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I find it sad that she had to cancel the Paradise Tour for safety reasons but she should have added a date during the European LA2TM dates tbh.



Does anyone remember what her reply was when someone asked about Middle Eastern dates during the livestream? didn't she say that they were planning something but they're not sure if it's gonna work out or smth? or was that about Asia? 


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I find it sad that she had to cancel the Paradise Tour for safety reasons but she should have added a date during the European LA2TM dates tbh.



Does anyone remember what her reply was when someone asked about Middle Eastern dates during the livestream? didn't she say that they were planning something but they're not sure if it's gonna work out or smth? or was that about Asia? 

She said something about her and her team were trying to put some middle eastern dates in but they're not sure it'll happend


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